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KOTOR 3 Through 10


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Tbh I wish bioware would just make KOTOR 3 into a single player game just like how Skyrim was made.


I wished that for several years. In a way, the rushed product of KOTOR II really got us where we are today. If II had a real endgame methinks there would have been more of a desire for III.


Color me less than thrilled that this is where the KOTOR story went.

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I really enjoyed Kotor 1-2. ToR is also great fun.


One of the biggest bonuses to the atmosphere of those games was the ability to at almost any time get some kind of interesting back story out of one of your companions.


Canderous Ordo wasn't cool because he could kick *** in a fight. He was cool because you could go to him for war stories from a "Mandalorian" perspective.


Jolee Bindo was cool because you could talk to him and get some kind of characteristic grumpy old mans view on the force or whatever.


HK was just fun cuz he calls you meat-bag and master interchangeably.


When I'm on my ship.. I just don't feel the "Character" of my companions like I did in Kotor. Sure they spout some drivel when you click on them.. Yet thats not enough.


The character quests to get them are excellent from what I've played. To the point I really hated one guy and really wanted to kill him.. The Story quests for them have even been really interesting for me.


Not being able to talk to them or ask them questions about their pasts.. It creates a feeling of shallowness to the characters once you do not have active missions for them.

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it does suck how shallow the quests in this game are, but you have to expect it if you realize that BW was steering towards traditional mmo quest standards.


the game, for me, was only playable twice. one with an empire character and one on republic. that way i can experience both sides of the swtor spectrum.


the only bad part is is that both sides have the exact same quests just in a different order of planets.


also, the npc's on empire are always like do this because im evil!! go kill 20 terrorists! or go deliver this evil letter!!!


while the npc's on republic side are like do this because im a weakling! go kill 20 terrorists! or go deliver my letter because im scared!!


i would actually play every single class in the game all the way through if the main story line scaled with your level so i could just do that and skip all the rest of the ******** that fills this game.


but i cant because if you only do the story you end up being severely under leveled.

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Go play any KOTOR game then come back and play this again. You will see what we are talking about.


Not sure why people reply assuming the person hasn't but anyways. I've played Kotor 1 and 2, huge fan of the first one, liked the 2nd one but not as much.


I disagree with not feeling compelled with the characters and being motivated by their stories. I haven't found that to be the case at all.


I suppose this is where i should put something like if you don't like the story then XXX like you did, but i'll just go with people have different opinions.

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i would actually play every single class in the game all the way through if the main story line scaled with your level so i could just do that and skip all the rest of the ******** that fills this game.


but i cant because if you only do the story you end up being severely under leveled.


And this is part of being an MMO. Grinding is tradition. Why? I don't know. But it's there, and will always be there. In KOTOR the side quests were precisely that...quests that you could do on the side while pushing the main story. In TOR you can spend HOURS doing side missions without even touching the main story. I like the freedom, but not at the expense of story telling.

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SWTOR has definitely taken a hit writing wise. The characters are just so damn shallow. Kira Carsen, omg, she's just a sarcastic shell. WE TOTALLY HAVEN"T SEEN THAT CHARACTER BEFORE BW!


Anyway, what really keeps me from playing this game properly is the grinding and side-quests. They're a game killer. If you don't pdo sidequests in a normal RPG (WHich are always interesting and vary a lot anyway), you can still play the main story and get by, albeit with a bit of a challenge.


If you play SWTOR and don't do every *********** fetch quests in the game (WHich is all the Side-quests are, and even some of the class stories) you will not have a CHANCE against any of the bosses. It's a damn waste of time.


This should have been an SP RPG. It should've been KOTOR 3. But, it will never be.

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Anyway, what really keeps me from playing this game properly is the grinding and side-quests. They're a game killer. If you don't pdo sidequests in a normal RPG (WHich are always interesting and vary a lot anyway), you can still play the main story and get by, albeit with a bit of a challenge.


I don't think they're a game killer, but I agree with your sentiments that it would be nice if you could level properly just by doing the class quests, FPs, and space combat.

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Exactly what elements are missing from swtor that do not make swtor a mmo?


If you are referring to my post, you did respond and I would really like to know what elements are missing that do not make swtor an mmo?


The overall population is missing from swtor.

* Its just way too low, they need to merge the servers to make the game feel a little more massive.


Personally when I thought of a star wars game, I would imagine epic battles from the movies.


What is missing for me.

* Massive oriented pvp battles


Battles that would have at the very least 100 vs 100 players.


I am just personally used to massive scale battles, and I love the chaos.

-Games that had these massive battles

* Ragnarok

* Lineage 2


As the pvper, the largest battle I participated in, was on the last day in beta.

Where both sides had some massive pvp outside the lv35 imp base on tatooine.

* Its was about 40 vs 40.

* Not even going to mention the lag.





Atm swtor has everything to satisfy the pve player/audience.

* But as a pvp player, I'd really appreciate if the worked on both sides.

* I'll just have to wait and see.

Edited by Valperion
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I... I just agree. I don't know what else to add.


I guess that TOR to me feels like, among other things, a watered down KotOR 3 to make it viable as an MMO. Hell, often times it doesn't even feel like the latter - At least not like a good one. And so, in my opinion the game lacks both as an MMO, as an RPG and even as an interactive movie. Where are all the intruiging stories within stories? Character attachment? Emotions? Interesting cinematography?

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The overall population is missing from swtor.

* Its just way too low, they need to merge the servers to make the game feel a little more massive.


Personally when I thought of a star wars game, I would imagine epic battles from the movies.


What is missing for me.

* Massive oriented pvp battles


Battles that would have at the very least 100 vs 100 players.


I am just personally used to massive scale battles, and I love the chaos.

-Games that had these massive battles

* Ragnarok

* Lineage 2


As the pvper, the largest battle I participated in, was on the last day in beta.

Where both sides had some massive pvp outside the lv35 imp base on tatooine.

* Its was about 40 vs 40.

* Not even going to mention the lag.





Atm swtor has everything to satisfy the pve player/audience.

* But as a pvp player, I'd really appreciate if the worked on both sides.

* I'll just have to wait and see.



Low population? It is average for an MMO. Every planet has people. Currently I think a lot of people experiment with alts. I look on Dramon Kass on Jekk'Jekk Parr and there are always 150+ players there. High level planets are usually 30-50. If you go on every planet and count how many people are and add it up, there are probably 1k+ people in the game on 1 side. That is not little.


Very few games have huge pvp battles. The difference between movies and this game, movies had a ton of weak troops and few key combatants.


Also 100 vs 100 battle cannot get supported. It is just not realistic. Heck BF3 is designed to be a large space pvp game and at most it is 32v32. You can't expect 200 player to fit in a single map. Where are you even going to get 200 players that want to play a game at exactly same time.


Also improvement can always be made to a MMO and they will be made... since this is a MMO.

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