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Nerf Sentinel/Marauder RIGHT NOW


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Haha, got your attention AND a forum first. Nobody EVER writes those words. Why? Cause we suck. Medium armor is squishy, plus we got no stealth. Well what about knockbacks for Void Star and Hutt ball? None. A pull towards since we're melee dps? None. How about some hard CC? Oh we have a 3 second channel and...that's it. Surely you have some AOE cc right? Sure! It doesn't knockback and slow/root and it's only 6 seconds and its a MEZ not a stun, but yeah we have ONE. Well you guys must do sick DPS right? I mean you don't have operatives that are hitting for 5 times your max crit or anything right? Oh wait yes we do, our DPS blows! Ops, Sniper, Merc, powertech, commando, scoundrel, gunslinger all FACEROLL their way to far more damage either from stealth (time on target...) or from range...time on target.


So what exactly is the point of these classes? I hit 50 a couple of days ago and am not geared up, but let me say when I posted this same thing back at 25 I was ASSURED that once I hit 50 all would be well.


Well it ain't well, not even close. I have ONE ability that can crit over 2k AND it is NOT instant. My stupid toon starts to pull her sabers back and if they move behind me or too far forward or I move or do anything else it stops the action. ***? Seriously? Are you kidding me in a game with all these instant casts and AOE's that do as much or MORE damage on multiple targets out of heavy armor I can't even swing my two gosh darned sabers to do my best hit?


If you are going to say get geared up first well GT FO!!! People who aren't even 50 do EPIC damage and you're saying I have to be geared to the 9's to be competitive with sub-50's of some of the OP classes wth?


Gunslingers and Commando's can easily top damage charts at level 15 and I had to wait until 40 - 50 to BEGIN to break into the top 3? OFC, level 50 gunslingers routinely hit 300k+ (most I've ever hit was 185k). Seriously, people will say oh you need to pick and choose situations. Well ***? I see all these other classes just faceroll their way to victory. So if you are going to write a L2P post you need to get out UNLESS you yourself show that you have a sent/marauder with screenshots proving you REGULARLY dominate. If not you are just a troll and need to go back to playing your operative, sorceror, mercenary or whatever faceroll class.


Also I'm COMPLETELY backloaded. You know how everyone complains about how sick it is that ops/scoundrels OPEN with a monster crit (10k? ***?!!!!) and knockdown (more cc **** I'm lol my class sucks so bad). Yeah, well my class has to be beating on people for a bit before the big damage comes up. I've learned my sole way to play, is to hit a ton with my instant little hits that build focus and wait until some kindly teamate uses a stun so I can unload. I generally save my aoe mez to get out of nasty situations and I have to think about it as I only have that and force camoflauge to save my squishy as hell behind.


Meanwhile I'm getting focused down from range by massive DPS slow COMBO's, massive AOE's that out damage me coming from a HEAVY ARMOR at RANGE, guys popping from STEALTH and knocking me on my face and juicing me for easily 8k before I get up because of course my ONE CC breaker is on cooldown from the approximately 5,000,000,000 CC's in this game.


I'm seriously considering re-rolling a scoundrel at this point because this is just ridiculous. I fight guys in warzones who are a good 7 levels below me and can kill me by kiting and CC use and there's nothing I can do because I have ONE, count it ONE way to change my or my enemies position. LOL, meanwhile the face roll commando and every other class has pull towards or knockbacks etc. I can't believe how incredibly bad my class sucks. Yes, I can beat people but only if I catch them alone and they are a channel class and/or they don't understand proper use of CC or have it on CD.


Give us a boost FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. We either need more CC, more cc breakers, or way WAY more DPS. We are most definitely not the best single target DPS in the game unless you know everyone ignores us and lets us just go to town. In those RARE instances where I'm not focused or AOE'd to death I do well. Same if I have a pocket healer, then again don't ALL classes do well if other classes ignore them or they have pocket heals? Seriously Sents/Marauders need a boost asap.

Edited by Renlotho
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Honestly it sounds to me like you're struggling to play your class properly. Sentinels are glass cannons that can do LOTS of damage if played correctly. You have 1 ability that hits for 2k? I've been hit with back to back 4k's by a sentinel.


Honestly not trying to sound mean but you really need to learn to play your class better before you come QQing on the forums.

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When I pop Stims / Trinket and pick up Expertise Buff, like all the Operatives do in their fancy videos, I crit for ~7k with smash (AoE), followed by a ~5.5k Scream and a ~6.5k finisher.


Edit : But I totally agree with you, we really need more CC (like a Force Push / Force Pull) then the class would be perfect.

Edited by Mazzrad
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When I pop Stims / Trinket and pick up Expertise Buff, like all the Operatives do in their fancy videos, I crit for ~7k with smash (AoE), followed by a ~5.5k Scream and a ~6.5k finisher.


Maybe that's the problem. Not using consumables and trinkets. Thanks for your reply. Is smash an aoe frontal attack? Not sure what our analog to scream is. My finisher is nice but it sure as heck isn't hitting for 6.5k.


Sigh, maybe it is a gear issue.

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Honestly it sounds to me like you're struggling to play your class properly. Sentinels are glass cannons that can do LOTS of damage if played correctly. You have 1 ability that hits for 2k? I've been hit with back to back 4k's by a sentinel.


Honestly not trying to sound mean but you really need to learn to play your class better before you come QQing on the forums.


I agree that I can learn more, but come on. 4k back to back as opposed to 10k from stealth WITH a knockdown? or how about 4k back to back aoe from Mercenaries out of heavy armor at range? Not to mention BH/Commando's can heal and they have FAR FAR more CC.


My point is as glass cannons we are lacking in the cannon department.

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When I pop Stims / Trinket and pick up Expertise Buff, like all the Operatives do in their fancy videos, I crit for ~7k with smash (AoE), followed by a ~5.5k Scream and a ~6.5k finisher.


Edit : But I totally agree with you, we really need more CC (like a Force Push / Force Pull) then the class would be perfect.


A force pull would be huge. I'd like both. I will work on the consumables. Part of my issue for sure is my machine is far from top notch.


Still though, no question sent/marauders have far less tools/options than any other class.

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Maybe that's the problem. Not using consumables and trinkets. Thanks for your reply. Is smash an aoe frontal attack? Not sure what our analog to scream is. My finisher is nice but it sure as heck isn't hitting for 6.5k.


Sigh, maybe it is a gear issue.


"Smash" is the thing where you jump and then land on the ground, doing damage around you. You can buff it up, by using the Tree called "Rage" (I think it's focus for Jedi) You get a 25% dmg buff on Smash which can stack 4x and you have a 100% crit chance after your 2 charge skills .Marauder is totally depending on gear. Iam fully dressed in Champion gear and soon get the Battlemaster stuff. In 9/10 Battlegrounds I got the most damage, while doing objects. Marauder / Sentinel is still hard to play but can be totally devastating.


Be sure to check out this vid :


It's done with buff stacking and the Rage tree (Focus tree).

Edited by Mazzrad
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"Smash" is the thing where you jump and then land on the ground, doing damage around you. You can buff it up, by using the Tree called "Rage" (I think it's focus for Jedi) You get a 25% dmg buff on Smash which can stack 4x and you have a 100% crit chance after your 2 charge skills .Marauder is totally depending on gear. Iam fully dressed in Champion gear and soon get the Battlemaster stuff. In 9/10 Battlegrounds I got the most damage, while doing objects. Marauder / Sentinel is still hard to play but can be totally devastating.


Be sure to check out this vid :


It's done with buff stacking and the Rage tree (Focus tree).


Thanks man. Greatly appreciate the insight. I was looking at focus tree and wondering. I might give that a try!

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When you face good ones, and operative will not hurt them. I've got the jump on a few and it went, 2200, 1600, 1200, 1200. When you see those numbers as an operative, you say oh ****! He then proceeded to bash me down to 1/4 health and my only thing to do is vanish and try again.


I have to blow every cd to beat good ones. Fresh 50's of course die fast.

Edited by Bizwolf
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A force pull would be huge. I'd like both. I will work on the consumables. Part of my issue for sure is my machine is far from top notch.


Still though, no question sent/marauders have far less tools/options than any other class.


I could agree that you guys could use a boost in the CC department, but you do at least have some really nice defensive cooldowns which can make you extremely hard to bring down all while dealing massive crit damage once you have some gear and the utilise the proper buffs.


As a merc, good Maras/Sents are the bane of my existence. It's very difficult to maintain distance, and you can interrupt frequently and apply a lot of pressure. Your class is also incredibly fun! I've been levelling one recently as part of my mission to have one of each base class levelled to 50 for the sake of story, and just the way the combat on a Mara feels is a blast imo.

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I agree that I can learn more, but come on. 4k back to back as opposed to 10k from stealth WITH a knockdown? or how about 4k back to back aoe from Mercenaries out of heavy armor at range? Not to mention BH/Commando's can heal and they have FAR FAR more CC.


My point is as glass cannons we are lacking in the cannon department.


You do realise all operatives do is 10k crits, all the time, to everyone. ALL. THE. TIME.


Oh wait they don't.


Try well geared (champion, even battlemaster?) with trinket, expertise consumable, WZ expertise buff and surge biochem consumable. Also, squishies.

Edited by Airouz
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I could agree that you guys could use a boost in the CC department, but you do at least have some really nice defensive cooldowns which can make you extremely hard to bring down all while dealing massive crit damage once you have some gear and the utilise the proper buffs.


As a merc, good Maras/Sents are the bane of my existence. It's very difficult to maintain distance, and you can interrupt frequently and apply a lot of pressure. Your class is also incredibly fun! I've been levelling one recently as part of my mission to have one of each base class levelled to 50 for the sake of story, and just the way the combat on a Mara feels is a blast imo.


That's just it, I love the IDEA of a sentinel. That's why I chose it the acrobatic combat its glorious to see. Visually the most fun to watch of any class imo. The interrupts are our best feature hands down. That said, to get those interrupts you have to spec watchman tree to get the best out of it. Channel classes by themselves are my favorites to fight for that reason.


I mostly needed to vent a bit as I was horrified by the lack of difference pre-50 and post-50. I'm pretty sure its the gear, but its annoying to fight less than 50's who have BUILT IN abilities that pwn, especially all the CC and target movers.

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You do realise all operatives do is 10k crits, all the time, to everyone. ALL. THE. TIME.


Oh wait they don't.


Try well geared (champion, even battlemaster?) with trinket, expertise consumable, WZ expertise buff and surge biochem consumable. Also, squishies.


Ok, but I can't do 10k even WITH all those things. Heck I don't do 4k back to back. I'm assuming that is from those exact same things. Extreme gear (which I don't have and is clearly the problem) + consumables. I hit a lowbie light armor for 3500 or something as max ever hit thus far. Just sayin.

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