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Companions are a part of you , you should roll for gears for them.


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An inaccurate assessment.


I use my companion when grouped. My friends and I like to two-man flashpoints (although with our companions in tow, so really we're four-manning it, but minus two additional players to mess our experience (fun) up). It, of course, requires our companions to be adequately geared to perform their roles.


Yours is a different story. You and your friend fully assume to share the loot for the companions helping you complete the FP or quest runs.


When grouping with 3 other main characters you should discuss this first so no one is confused.


I just find it ironic how some posters vehemently defend rolling NEED for companions in PUG's but seem to shy away from stating they have no problems letting the group know their intentions before starting off.


THAT says a lot about the person's true opinion about the right or wrong of this practice.

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Having played two characters to lvl 50 without doing any grouping I can state there is no need to gear companions via loot rolls.


Further, with the gear/drops that you get in the game there is no need for any crafting profession whilst leveling.


This is how easy the game is.

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I understand what you are saying but if I don't roll on any gear I should be able to use my 1 need, 1 greed and one offroll however I want. Well i use my 1 need for my companion. Where is the problem with that?


You don't get a guaranteed 1 need per instance, Where on earth do you get this idea from? You can need on gear that has stats and armour proficiencies for your class/role that's a given but if no loot drops for your specific class then you don't get to need on a piece of loot because no gear dropped for you.


Most people can agree that a fair system for rolling in this game would be Player-Companion-greed on trash loot and Need on boss drops if it's for your class if not pass. Anything outside of that unless it's agreed upon prior to the run is just selfish.

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Companions hardly need gear, they dont do much anyway.


Unless my companion has up-to-date gear, he takes damage much quicker than I can heal. Then he dies. Then I die.


And do you use companions in PVP while levelling? NO!

Actually, yes, I do use my companion in PVP while levelling.

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Make all the "loot" in groups those boxes you have to open, so we wont know what it is during the pickup phase... there is no way to make anyone agree on the current system, so instead of some crying they lost out on an item, make it so all items are a mystery until you open it...


I don't run around in life crying its not fair, I am a conservative politically and never understood the "its not fair they have it and I do not" mentality.... If I lose a roll, so what, life goes on and so does the game.

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This thread comes up over and over and over and over and over and over again.


Solution: Talk to your group prior to instance. Agree on how to handle the issue. If you cannot agree, do not go into instance with group.


Every other discussion point on this is moot since the community is split on the issue.


Pointless thread that we will see again in 10 minutes.

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Unless my companion has up-to-date gear, he takes damage much quicker than I can heal. Then he dies. Then I die.



Actually, yes, I do use my companion in PVP while levelling.


No you don't because you cant take your companion into warzones.

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If your companion is used by the group than it has equal right to the gear. If it is not then it isn't helping the group, and therefore is not for the group to improve.


It's similar to rolling for dual-specs in other games. If you're not using that spec to help the group the group shouldn't be responsible to gear you for it.



I posted this in another topic and several people told me how that comparison makes no sense and I'm stupid for thinking it. I'm glad somebody gets it.

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Sure you can, so long as you state it to your group beforehand.


For those that just do it regardless, well i don't group with them, because if i can use an item and you roll need on it for your companion, that would probably not make me happy, and cause me to not group with you any longer.


Which brings me back to why i really enjoy no cross server anythings in my MMOs :D

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Actually, yes, I do use my companion in PVP while levelling.

No you don't because you cant take your companion into warzones.

I do most of my leveling through quests and have been doing most of my PVPing against enemy players that I meet doing quests and exploring the map.


I have my companion with me while PVPing, as do most of the other players I meet.

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^^^ This.


really, all the people getting in a tizzy about how it's ninjalooting... they need to get over themselves. If you don't discuss loot rules before the loot drops, it's not ninjalooting. period.


No, there really are norms that the majority of people (as evidenced in this and the other thread) adhere to. There are a minority of players that feel that it's a free for all. That said, it's SAFEST to be clear up front to avoid unnecessary potential conflict later.


Here's the thing, MMOs are intended to have players cooperate with each other. What's the best way to do that? By the players understanding that in some cases, the needs of the complete strangers they are grouped with can and should exceed their own. If I'm playing a light armor class and a heavy armor item drops that is an upgrade for a groupmate, I have no business rolling need on it. If they don't need it, then I'm comfortable saying "Hey, anyone mind if I need on that for my companion?" 99% of the time people won't give a crap at that point.


I don't disagree that companions are an important part of your overall character. But, they are also a separate and distinct part that is geared independently of the main player controlled character. If I'm out solo questing and a gear item drops that is an upgrade for both myself and my companion, you can bet that the vast majority of the time I'm going to put that gear on my main toon. Why would I not extend that same courtesy to someone helping me complete a flashpoint? I wouldn't be in the position to even have a chance at that gear if that person wasn't there with me.

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Moot original thread topic is moot about being moot while maintaining moot mootness...




Talk to your group. Agree on how to handle issue. Issues come up even after? Boot or quit --> /ignore




Also, I am glad I am playing on my server.


What seems to be a big issue elsewhere has been nonexistent for me...

Edited by pjskull
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I do most of my leveling through quests and have been doing most of my PVPing against enemy players that I meet doing quests and exploring the map.


I have my companion with me while PVPing, as do most of the other players I meet.


How wonderful for you!


Then you approve of yourself giving your loot to your companion....BUT when grouping with other people in a FP or doing quests just let them know you plan on rolling need for your companion before any confusion ensues.


The unwritten rule in MMO's is NEED is for you, the main you control, not a pet, not a companion, not an alt, and not for some alternate spec. Your main as your main spec.


All this nonsense about changing paradigms and such is drivel. If you honestly feel the paradigm is changing then be altruistic and assist the ignorant masses about this changing rule set and let them know ahead of time.

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I can't wait until I run into the guy that decides he's going to roll need on items for himself and ALL of his companions (because hey, some companions are better in certain situations and one of his might need that gear).


I would much rather prefer if companions could only use "companion only" gear. They actually have some gear rewarded through quests that are exclusive to companions already. Why not make all companion gear in this way and make the player spend commendations or credits to buy it.

Edited by IceManLoneWolf
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This has NOTHING to do with being greedy or wrong. If I a Sith Inquistor need gears for my companion to help me level easier on the way up. Then so be it, if they DIDN't want me to do that they would have made companion gear drops only. The fact that they gave you companions AND let them wear regular people gears means they want you to roll for your companion gears.


It is what it on the way up via grouping and what not, now once at 50 I can see how rolling for companion would be wrong. After all you would no longer need to use them since you would be doing operation only. But on the way up, I believe it is Bioware intention for you to arm your companion to the best of your abilities via, items dropps, buying or even using commendation tokens.


There is nothing wrong with it, unless those other three players I am with plan on being with me every moment I log in, I need a better healer or tank depending on the situation. Nuff said.


enjoy spamming lfg while everyone has you on ignore. /cheers

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This thread comes up over and over and over and over and over and over again.


Solution: Talk to your group prior to instance. Agree on how to handle the issue. If you cannot agree, do not go into instance with group.


Every other discussion point on this is moot since the community is split on the issue.


Pointless thread that we will see again in 10 minutes.


Its not split, the vast majority agree you should not roll for pets over a player. Thats the standard rule of thumb. Therefore if the a player intends to roll for pet should say so before starting or even answering a call for LFG.


Ive luckily hadnt had the displeasure of being teamed with those people and those that do, ask. The WORST I have come across is the guy that waits for everyone to greed before and thats really not bad as its my own fault for not thinking of it myself and can simply be attributed to him comparing, and typing out the question.


Point is, you dont expect the people to make sure that someone else in the group will go against what is the generally accepted rule. Nor can you justify it. Im sure every single "pet ninja" here knows most people will not like that ... the fact they HIDE it until they have already rolled shows their intent.

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