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I'd never get such job myself and don't even think I understand what it takes to do it. Still, I also think it would not hurt to write down that I appreciate the fluid information flow, especially in such limited frame as Mr.Reid has at the moment.
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Dear Mr. Reid,


You've been (more than) diligent in your twitter responses and provided appropriate and sufficient information to us plebes. Although the technology itself deserves some credit, the stream of information from you has been better than most launches I've seen. I don't want to insert myself into your workflow, so I just thought I'd make a post rather than shout @you on "the twitter".


I can't imagine what kind of a crunch this week must be, but your public attitude is upbeat, rational, even friendly! Well-done, sir. I suspect there are plenty of others here that agree, and I hope they will chime in. Although it should go without saying, please ignore the rage-filled minority. People with a wider world view understand a slow, steady pre-launch is better than a cluster**** all-in-one, and will reflect better on BW and TOR.


Finally, I'm very sorry to hear you have a sick cat at home. I hope the little furface is feeling better soon. We love our furry little people, and seeing them in discomfort is made exponentially worse by the kind of schedule you are on now. My good wishes are with you both.




PS - What day will I get access?!?! ( I kid, I kid :D )



Great Job Reid! That game is great and most people do appreciate the hard work. Try to ignore the small few who will complain about everything!

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It's unfortunate he has to deal with all the mindblowingly entitled users around here. People around here need to chill out. It blows my mind that people think they know any better than the team who made the game.


Wasting time sitting around waiting for an email and trolling on the forum is... well... a waste of time. Grow up people. You'll get in when you get in.


Well said!!!

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Great Job Reid! That game is great and most people do appreciate the hard work. Try to ignore the small few who will complain about everything!


Might I add, I do think some of the complaints are valid. The rest is just random entitlement issue #351

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Yes, /signed, a million times /signed. Just reading the forums over the past few days has got me grinding my teeth; I cannot imagine how I would react if even an ounce of that vitriol was directed towards me personally. As others have said, Mr. Reid, you must have the patience of a saint.
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Thank you SR and BW. You are taking a lot of undue punishment and responding to legitimate complaints reasonably (example: amazon shipping). Not everyone is going to be happy so please try to ignore the ragers. You are taking a different approach to launch than other companies and some people do not like change. In the end it will be judged on its merits, not on rage because some people did not read how early access was going to run.
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What boggles my mind is that people seem to be arguing that if you arent in the game on day one, then you might as well not even play. It's like people think that everyone on a PvP server all started at the same time and power leveled so they could just grief all the lowbies.
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Yup I have to say, they he is on the ball with answering our questions as best he can give. Best I have seen in any MMO to date. And speaking as someone that is not in EGA yet, I like how they are handling the launch.


It so easy to forget how out current loved mmo once was on launch day. Took me a mouth to get SWG right for me, a week for wow and so on. So this is a welcome change of pace. Will it work in the end? Well history will tell that tale. But for now, I am happy to be a part of it.




I just got in on the 3rd wave. Aug/31 redeem date in case anyone wanted to know.

Edited by DreadSire
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What boggles my mind is that people seem to be arguing that if you arent in the game on day one, then you might as well not even play. It's like people think that everyone on a PvP server all started at the same time and power leveled so they could just grief all the lowbies.



I don't think you quite understand the mentality of some types of MMOplayers. For the achiver type, the game has already been ruined, they or their guild can never be the first on X server to kill Y boss or raid target, they can't because some people were given first pop at it yesterday.


The PVP problem is that on some servers, people did get an unfair rapid advancement of EXP due to a poorly designed mechanic, ganking will happen, and they won't be able to fight back because the ganker will have a 20+ level lead, because the exploit no longer works.

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Though, you have to admit BioWare could've prepared for this if they had just given a rough estimate of when we would be able to play. I mean, for how long has this been planned? Precisely. Oh well, you can't have everything, I guess. Back to skyrim for me.


I agree, that is something that could have been handled better. Even with a rough idea (and a clearly stated non-guarantee) the only people who would have felt misled would be pretty unreasonable.


Overall I'm happy with the process, I just think communication could be improved. One of my biggest complaints with Blizzard is that they often intentionally hide information from the customers and I won't tolerate much of that from anyone. I hope Bioware treats us better than Blizzard does in that regard.

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I don't think you quite understand the mentality of some types of MMOplayers. For the achiver type, the game has already been ruined, they or their guild can never be the first on X server to kill Y boss or raid target, they can't because some people were given first pop at it yesterday.

I fall into this category and I'm not upset at all. Disappointed, sure. Upset, no. How could their game be ruined when any such server first affected by EGA is meaningless? That's completely irrational.


The PVP problem is that on some servers, people did get an unfair rapid advancement of EXP due to a poorly designed mechanic, ganking will happen, and they won't be able to fight back because the ganker will have a 20+ level lead, because the exploit no longer works.

The exploits will be handled, give them a chance to launch the game first. As far as getting ganked by higher levels, anyone who's ever had an alt (virtually everyone) has dealt with it.

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