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Stephen Reid/@Rockjaw: Your EGA tears are not real issues


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Okay, whether you believe he's in the right or not, this is poor community relations. As someone who has worked support, this would have gotten me fired.


Even if you ignore a customer's issues, you never verbally marginalize it. Never.

No this guy is real, hes not Ghostcralwer telling people bullcrap, the man tells it how it is and I respect him for it.

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I love how so many people can be outspoken jerks, rude and nasty.. but as soon as someone puts them in their place, even politely, they becomes sissy boys, who almost start crying as if they've been mortally offended.


Get over yourselves, seriously.


Release is fine.. they are doing a great job. And he is dead on with his tweet.

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I'm with SR on this.


The no grace period was a real issue because they stealth changed their policy.


The EGA is a non issue.


They clearly explained how EGA would work in a FAQ and it is not their fault all the QQers are incapable of reading.


Rule number 1 if it is in a FAQ you didn't read you have no grounds to QQ

If it was clearly written wrong in a FAQ then you have grounds to complain

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people still seem to miss the point that most of us dont care about not getting in on day 1 or even 5 days eirly , but are just unhappy about how comunications are gooing out about this ...


and we dont know squad ... just waiting every day to hope that we may or may not get in that day ... waiting for a mail to drop that may or not be in your inbox ..

people accualy taken of free days of work and planned things to be able to play ..

and now were just left in teh dark ...


poor customer service and answered by a epic tweet ... well done


Aside from the terrible job your spell checker did, I'm really curious about all these people that took time off and planned to be able to play before EGA was even supposed to start. How does that work in a person's head? Up until a few weeks ago, EGA was going to start based on your redemption date on Thursday - tomorrow. Why would a person who preordered in late October take time off to play the game before they would be able to play? If they took the time off after it was announced that EGA would start on Tuesday then there's evidently enough flexibility in their job to let them take that time off later.


For example, I preordered in late October. When I preordered, I knew I wasn't getting in on day 1. I figured if I was lucky it'd probably be day 3 or 4. When the extended EGA was announced, I figured I'd probably be in on Wednesday if I was really lucky, Thursday probably and almost definitely by Friday. I didn't get in today but from what I understand they got to early October so I'll probably get in tomorrow. However, I'm not taking time off because I know it's not a sure thing. I did take time off near the end of the month to give the queues time to settle a bit. I've experienced quite a few launches - most have had queues and/or frequent server crashes on launch day. Why take time off to play when I'm going to be experiencing that kind of frustration? I'd rather take time off a day or two after, when things have settled but that's me.


As far as a CM publicly asking people to stop asking about things he can't answer or control, that seems completely appropriate to me. Yes, I've worked in community relations at various levels of the totem pole. Yes, at some of those levels I would never personally tell people their issue isn't a "real" issue. On the other hand, I've never had a mob of people asking me to make a personal exception to business rules for them to the point where I can't actually get my job done.

Edited by elsimer
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The EGA issue is real, and the communications on this issue have been subpar across the board. I think a lot of this grief could've been reduced by competent communications, something that is a bit of a worry for the future of this game.


No, it is not. It was very clearly stated game starts on the 20th, early access is up to 5 days. They've been sending invites and that is it. They do not promise a date for each person, because this can change. You never offer a date on something that may, or may not happen. So they are doing well, and even started 2 days prior to the (up to) 5 days they offered.

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None of this changes the misleading statement on the main page of swtor.com. "Fans who have pre-ordered STAR WARS: The Old Republic can NOW begin playing the game!"


If Bioware doesn't want people to complain about not being in, don't post things so easily misunderstood.

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I'm with SR on this.


The no grace period was a real issue because they stealth changed their policy.


The EGA is a non issue.


They clearly explained how EGA would work in a FAQ and it is not their fault all the QQers are incapable of reading.


Rule number 1 if it is in a FAQ you didn't read you have no grounds to QQ

If it was clearly written wrong in a FAQ then you have grounds to complain


xept if you preordered on origin were only half arshed info is given and you basicly get promised eirly acces and pay 5 bucks for it ... and also you REALY? have to go dig up a faq to get all the facts? .... but on the main page it states in big letters .. preorder now and you may get to 5 days acces nothing about anything other then that ... so yeah ... blame us for not go and troll right away .. and thinking instandly yeah thats a nice deal i'm in! .. and preorder ... (keep being ignorant and not see this is just a scam .. more or less ... to sell as much as they can .. SERIOUSLY GUYS!!!)


(and on origin paying the extra 5 ....well yes that made me think i was sure to get the EGA for full yes ... sorry for myself being ignorant i gues then yeh .. )


but hey thatl teach me heh? ... next time i wont use their silly origin they trying so hard to implement , you pay more .. for a digital order.. lol ... wont get any info about how staggered release is handled or anything else for that matter and you not even sure you get more then 1 day ... and if you would cancel your order if you ultimatly not happy, you can even kiss your extra 5 bucks good bye .. not refundable ...



keep being ignorant ... (realy .. thumbs up guys)

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Okay, whether you believe he's in the right or not, this is poor community relations. As someone who has worked support, this would have gotten me fired.


Even if you ignore a customer's issues, you never verbally marginalize it. Never.


Reid is BAD at his job, always has been.

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people still seem to miss the point that most of us dont care about not getting in on day 1 or even 5 days eirly , but are just unhappy about how comunications are gooing out about this ...


and we dont know squad ... just waiting every day to hope that we may or may not get in that day ... waiting for a mail to drop that may or not be in your inbox ..

people accualy taken of free days of work and planned things to be able to play ..

and now were just left in teh dark ...


poor customer service and answered by a epic tweet ... well done


keep being ignorant


but again these are all gross and inaccurate assumptions. They don't have to tell you when, they said up to a set amount of days, if you and other CHOSE to take off/call in sick/etc, that's your own personal choice and this is where people are citing "entitlement". You, I and everyone else are not entitled to play 7 days early let alone 2 and your choice to take the day off was your choice, its a game, wait until the 20th to take off. For those citing ditching school...comon... (and most colleges are in finals or already out for the semester anyway).


Plus most people are missing the basic concept of how those magical server thingys on the back end work. They have been upfront that they are adding server capacity on the backend as people login. They are not herding cattle onto one server or another but rather allowing server populations to be dictated by the users for the most part and they are also trying to encourage people to use other servers to spread the load a bit.


Server "pools" are going to look like this


Shiftsure "server" = 40 servers backend

Darthwhatever "server" = 2 servers

Unallocated servers = 100


This scaled approach allows them to push players a bit towards my darthwhatever server so I add another 8 servers there instead of to Shiftsure. There are also components like regardless of how many servers you have overall int he "pool" some servers might be servicing "korriban" and you can't just pool the servers so they're working as one single server, so regardless of how many servers you actually have unallocated, you still can't have more than 300 people on korriban. You also don't know how people are going to spread out and balance the environment and its not good to have 5 "servers" with 100 servers in the pool and the rest with 10.


Now with this in hand, if I tell you that today you will have early access last week and becasue everyone is loading up on the server you want to play on too and we can't add the capacity we want etc etc, then you're going to be pissed because I told you to prep for today but becasue all the other early starts for today also want to be on your server...now we have a whole lotta people upset that wouldn't be in the current path.



So even with the data above which tech guys that work with larger environments and servers and such will understand the general poplulation mostly wont, heck, you already see all the upset children over "up to 5 days" crying, you think they're going to take 5mins to understand this?



/people will complain regardless.

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I'm with SR on this.


The no grace period was a real issue because they stealth changed their policy.


The EGA is a non issue.


They clearly explained how EGA would work in a FAQ and it is not their fault all the QQers are incapable of reading.


Rule number 1 if it is in a FAQ you didn't read you have no grounds to QQ

If it was clearly written wrong in a FAQ then you have grounds to complain


that policy change is set by EA..... EA did the same to Mark Jacobs with Warhammer Online.... EA is a game killer


No Reid is right. Sometimes the customer is wrong and it doesn't help anyone to pretend like he isn't. Peaple beating their breast about this EGA thing don't deserve to be treated seriously, imho.


customer is wrong ... yes that can happen, but here he is trying his besst under the poilicies EA set on him.... EA changed the rules and he has to take blame

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people still seem to miss the point that most of us dont care about not getting in on day 1 or even 5 days eirly , but are just unhappy about how comunications are gooing out about this ...


and we dont know squad ... just waiting every day to hope that we may or may not get in that day ... waiting for a mail to drop that may or not be in your inbox ..

people accualy taken of free days of work and planned things to be able to play ..

and now were just left in teh dark ...


poor customer service and answered by a epic tweet ... well done


keep being ignorant


Anyone who took time off work to participate in the tiered roll-out of an early access period, without having pre-ordered on day 1 or being guaranteed an invite date, needs to have their head examined.

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Anyone who took time off work to participate in the tiered roll-out of an early access period, without having pre-ordered on day 1 or being guaranteed an invite date, needs to have their head examined.


day 1 was july.... the announcement of ega and how wasnt mentioned until august

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No, not it's not a real issue. It's a perceived issue based on feelings of entitlement that are rampant in Western society.

'Entitlement' borne out of the fact that when people PAID for the pre-order part of the deal was EARLY ACCESS.


Yes, UP TO isn't a 'promise' of 5 days buy nothing in that deal said SOME would get more time than others. There is NOTHING on the pre-order page saying some players would get preferential treatment, NOTHING!

Edited by KerinKor
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Real issues? Maybe it's not an issue he can help with, but it's not a REAL issue?


Nope, it is clearly NOT an issue. People wasting the time of employees with tweets, phone contact with customer service, or countless meaningless threads are indeed wasting time that could be spent helping those who do have real problems. Unless you are bizzarely categorizing your emotional problems as TOR related problems. Only puerility would lead you to the thought you expressed.

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day 1 was july.... the announcement of ega and how wasnt mentioned until august


Right but if you ordered on day 1, you'd know that you ordered on day 1 and then, after the announcement of how the roll out would work, you'd know that you would probably get in on day 1. In that case, days off would be logical.


Not knowing and taking days off in the blind hope you get in is just...well, foolish is a good word. We'll go with foolish.

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Right but if you ordered on day 1, you'd know that you ordered on day 1 and then, after the announcement of how the roll out would work, you'd know that you would probably get in on day 1. In that case, days off would be logical.


Not knowing and taking days off in the blind hope you get in is just...well, foolish is a good word. We'll go with foolish.


But what if you go by the sentence on the first page of swtor.com without any knowledge of the staggered release?

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'Entitlement' borne out of the fact that when people PAID for the pre-order part of the deal was EARLY ACCESS.


Yes, UP TO isn't a 'promise' of 5 days buy nothing in that deal said SOME would get more time than others. There is NOTHING on the pre-order page saying some players would get preferential treatment, NOTHING!


There's nothing on there saying you'll get a free turkey sandwich and cheese-nips either but I bet you wouldn't complain to SR if you got them, would you?


Lol, entitlement issues.

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