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Stephen Reid/@Rockjaw: Your EGA tears are not real issues


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But what if you go by the sentence on the first page of swtor.com without any knowledge of the staggered release?


If you don't bother to find out the details before taking time away from your career, sucks to be you.


Due diligence trumps entitlement any day of the week.

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Right but if you ordered on day 1, you'd know that you ordered on day 1 and then, after the announcement of how the roll out would work, you'd know that you would probably get in on day 1. In that case, days off would be logical.


Not knowing and taking days off in the blind hope you get in is just...well, foolish is a good word. We'll go with foolish.


except there was nothing stating that preorder code had to be put in in a specific time frame or that people would be ordered like that until august.... doshonest business practices and changing a deal made or advertisement after the fact...there are laws abuot it when you think about what i am really saying....


people have a right to be pissed. Fact

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If you don't bother to find out the details before taking time away from your career, sucks to be you.


Due diligence trumps entitlement any day of the week.


Doesn't change the fact that the statement is clearly false. I already admit that it's partially my fault for not looking for more info, but the statement is pretty self explanatory. It clearly says people who pre-ordered the game can play now. Also, I have made them painfully aware of this since yesterday morning, yet they still refuse to change it. My fault for not looking into it, but Bioware's fault for flat out lying about it.

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Game. Set. Match.


lol....preorder a bag of nacho doritos....3 weeks later they change the offer to be cool ranch...you still ordered nacho so you get nacho or the deal is off....thats kind of what people are thinking

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Right but if you ordered on day 1, you'd know that you ordered on day 1 and then, after the announcement of how the roll out would work, you'd know that you would probably get in on day 1. In that case, days off would be logical.


Not knowing and taking days off in the blind hope you get in is just...well, foolish is a good word. We'll go with foolish.


Hey now, this is no place for logic to be just tossed around and potentially causing some to have a brain injury ;)

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lol....preorder a bag of nacho doritos....3 weeks later they change the offer to be cool ranch...you still ordered nacho so you get nacho or the deal is off....thats kind of what people are thinking


well another way to look at it.... you preorder CE and they send you regular edition

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The REAL issue is the staggered release. People knew about it, they were warned, educated, etc. Nobody cried. Until you see people playing when you are locked out, you don't get furious.


I hope never to see a staggered launch in any other game. I would gladly sit at my computer and click connect with a 1/1000 chance until i got through for 3 days than have no hope at all.

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lolz... if a tweet is holding him back from helping people he needs to find a new job.. Maybe holding a STOP sign at a x-road so kiddies can walk to school


"a tweet"? Are you really that naive?


SR is receiving 1,000s and 1,000s of tweets. And the majority of them are asking the same questions over and over and have been answered ad nauseum by BioWare themselves and other people in these forums.

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except there was nothing stating that preorder code had to be put in in a specific time frame or that people would be ordered like that until august.... doshonest business practices and changing a deal made or advertisement after the fact...there are laws abuot it when you think about what i am really saying....


people have a right to be pissed. Fact


Yes, people have the basic right to be mad about anything they want...that doesn't change the fact that not a single one of us has the inalienable right to play this, or any other game, before its stated release date of Dec. 20.


Anyone who feels differently is suffering from a sense of entitlement, possibly due to being 12 or having been spoiled as a child.

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Anyone who took time off work to participate in the tiered roll-out of an early access period, without having pre-ordered on day 1 or being guaranteed an invite date, needs to have their head examined.


Unless you had no idea how it worked. No other MMO I have ever played has done this so why would one think it would be any different. I for one did not know at all. I just bought the game on a whim out of the blue without reading the lauching plan. I did not know it would be discriminatory or I would have saved the extra 20 dollars I spent and bought the 60 dollar version and started playing on the 20th, which I am very likely to have to do anyway. If that happens I am going to very irately talk to Origin about that extra 20 dollars as I will have been gipped.

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Well lets be serious, he's totally right..... wanting to play a game is not a real issue, its just people wanting to get in already that are a tad bit too antsy. Everyone is excited to play but freaking out because you haven't gotten the chance to yet isn't exactly an issue... expecting instant gratification for everything however is an issue :p
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