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Stephen Reid/@Rockjaw: Your EGA tears are not real issues


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Get off your tall horse. This is not about entitlement. This is about a company that fails to see it is a customer service operation.


He's not on a tall horse, he's absolutely right.

Real issues: I can't log in but i've been invited, graphical problems, my pre order was canceled, ect.


Not real issues: I want to play but have not been invited yet because i ordered the game in late november.



Stop feeling so entitled.

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Ok so answer this all you Bioware defenders...why are we going into 3rd wave of only 4 waves today and all USA shards are LIGHT?? so you think it is going well? While literally millions of people want to go on a ride they(paid for) see only 3 people on the ride that can fit 200....does this mean those waiting in line to get on have no real complaint?



2. No you have not paid for it, yet.

3. I do not like it anymore than you do that they are light

4. Whining isnt helping (more likely to hurt than help)

5. I think most of us "Bioware defenders" arent so much defending bioware as shooting down whiny posts about how you arent getting everything you want handed to you on a silver freaking platter. Lifes not fair get over it.

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sure on the same level of calling the fire department to come take a look at your smoke detectors.


They have a system to let people in. It's a system that people have known about for a long time.


They are not changing their system. So asking him to change it is useless and wastes time and resources that could be use to help people who say are actually having account issues.


Is this system anything like the grace period? which Mr. Reid invented himself, only to find out he didn't have the authority to authorize it....

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no....no he is really speaking the truth. if alot of ppl would just read and then ...her is the kicker actually try to comprehend what they just read then id be willing to say 90% of this useless whining would not even be around these forums.


This and this.


Guys read the Developer Tracker. It states that they let in few people yesterday because they are keeping an eye on the server stability etc. (There are still some bugs for quest and some pvp issues that are minor but I am sure they are fixing.) But, they will be adding more people today and the same amount of people invited today will be invited tomorrow.

Edited by fboricua
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Stephen Reid

In case you were wondering - 'real issues' are from people who cannot redeem codes and similar. Thanks for understanding.



They are issues of course but they are not the only 'real' issues and to say that people wanting to get into EGA with pre-order codes from say July24th...is a non issue is really wrong.

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Ok so answer this all you Bioware defenders...why are we going into 3rd wave of only 4 waves today and all USA shards are LIGHT?? so you think it is going well? While literally millions of people want to go on a ride they(paid for) see only 3 people on the ride that can fit 200....does this mean those waiting in line to get on have no real complaint?


1. Citation needed.


2. Up to them how much stress they want on the servers, not you.


3. You have not actually paid for the game yet, have you? I don't get charged until release day (20th) if you have paid, this money has not yet reached bioware's hands.


4. Might i remind you that this is December 14th. EGA was announced as "as early as December 15th." this is a bonus day and a christmas present to those who get it. Do not feel entitled. you are *not* entitled to play the game until the 20th.


5. Go outside or something, really. obsessing over a video game is unhealthy.

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A little communication would go a long way.


The beta stress test weekend communication was handled right. They knew in advance how many people they would let in, just as they should by now for the EAG, and everyone knew when they could get in before the first person got in. So either they have no plan, or they like pissing customers off, either way by this point it is a problem for Bioware. Seriously tell people when they will get in in advance and watch your twitter pings go way down.


Over half the complaints would disappear if they would only set expectations, which is something they have done NONE of. Seriously do they think it helps their customer relations to keep their customers in the dark. The 5 dollars we paid for EAG, should result in a little better treatment than we are getting.


I don't care if I don't get in until the 19th, I should by now know that I get in the 19th. It's piss poor CR that I do not.

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Ok so answer this all you Bioware attackers...why are we getting so angry about getting more FREE play time then we were PROMISED?? so you think it is going bad? While literally millions of people aren't acting like *****(who wants to be a ****, really) and who see all these EGA crybabies as just that, screaming babies....does this mean those waiting in line to get on have no real complaint?


Pretty much.

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No, not it's not a real issue. It's a perceived issue based on feelings of entitlement that are rampant in Western society.


OH your part of blame America crowd are you, sounds like it. Good customer support is not easy. And any issue a customer has is a real issue. Customers do not care about other customers. They are only concerned about their issue. Do not tell me the game industry customer support is different. Where I work I must give top notch customer support face to face. People are frustrated because they cannot get real answers. Just vague ones, some time in the near future does not work as a good answer. Approximate dates and times posted on the forums and in accounts is what people are asking for. Not everyone gets these emails, I know I don't. It happened to me both beta weekends I was involved in. NO EMAIL. I had to figure it out on my own. That is not top notch customer service.

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I respect him now, i didn't before. Does that tell you something?

Spoiled brats needs to learn how the world works before it's too late.


boy you sure are full of yourself.


first of all the customer is always right.since its they that eventually pay your wage.



for a product of this magnitute ,to stagger a prelaunch is not very smart.

first of all they teated thier servers last beta.it was proven they can handle 900k people at one time.

to stagger=being cheap with its servers.all the talk about spreading us out for the good of the game is just a lie.a beancounter lie.someone that moves money around came up with this one.its just cheaper to do it this way.


if someone took the time to tweet and got a response like that.it doesnt bode well for the 96% of people that wanted to tweet and didnt.


as well if you respect him now,because he has bad customer service skills.your not aware of how the world works.


if hes not canned for dealing with customers in this way.its because someone higher up than him decided the tone and words he uses.

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Yeah, OP, I don't know what you were trying to accomplish with this post there. I'm insulted by the fact you used the word "tears" - he didn't. You just blatantly and completely translated what he said into an actual insulting way.


So please, give it up until you have real issues. Thanks.

Edited by Mackuss
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Stephen Reid

In case you were wondering - 'real issues' are from people who cannot redeem codes and similar. Thanks for understanding.



They are issues of course but they are not the only 'real' issues and to say that people wanting to get into EGA with pre-order codes from say July24th...is a non issue is really wrong.


If you entered your pre-order code on July 24th, you would already be playing. You obviously didn't.


Too bad.

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Ok so answer this all you Bioware defenders...why are we going into 3rd wave of only 4 waves today and all USA shards are LIGHT?? so you think it is going well? While literally millions of people want to go on a ride they(paid for) see only 3 people on the ride that can fit 200....does this mean those waiting in line to get on have no real complaint?


Why have you posted this 3 freaking times?? lol

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I congratulate him on that tweet. It is the truth. Anything he says or doesn't say will cause someone to complain.


He could just ignore them and then everyone would say he is ignoring them and they do not care.


This is a good sign, imo.

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Okay, whether you believe he's in the right or not, this is poor community relations. As someone who has worked support, this would have gotten me fired.


Even if you ignore a customer's issues, you never verbally marginalize it. Never.




I agree. Stephen Reid's job is to make me feel better about being me. He said my concern isn't his concern on a Twatter thing and now my feelings are hurt. Plz fire him.


Grow the **** up.

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OH your part of blame America crowd are you, sounds like it. (...) And any issue a customer has is a real issue. (...)


No, any issue a customer has is not necissarily a real issue. this type of thinking is known as a "sense of entitlement" which the guy you say is "part of the blame america crowd" (ad homenim attack) has brought up.


Wanting to play the game extra days for free and seeing this as a major problem, when compared to what are likely much more major problems going on as the game begins to launch, is indeed, not a real issue, and if you feel it is, you have to fix your entitlement-o-meter.


note: he said "western society" not "America" Western society includes most of the industrialized northern hemisphere. Geography ftw.

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No, not it's not a real issue. It's a perceived issue based on feelings of entitlement that are rampant in Western society.




I think "Real" issues are issues concerning gameplay, not personal problems with well known and highly published facts.


^And this...

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you guys are so very delusional and the very reason customer service is being outsourced to India...you have become used to substandard treatment by companies and do not mind getting the royal shaft...as a matter of fact your posts defending less that courteous treatment by the head CSR if you will is a prime example of how your standards are not only substandard but warrant such abuses.


and yes my CC has been charged the full amount and how they set up their accounts with retailers Is not my problem as a customer....thank you kind sir.

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No, any issue a customer has is not necissarily a real issue. this type of thinking is known as a "sense of entitlement" which the guy you say is "part of the blame america crowd" (ad homenim attack) has brought up.


Wanting to play the game extra days for free and seeing this as a major problem, when compared to what are likely much more major problems going on as the game begins to launch, is indeed, not a real issue, and if you feel it is, you have to fix your entitlement-o-meter.


note: he said "western society" not "America" Western society includes most of the industrialized northern hemisphere. Geography ftw.


LOL Your damn right, when I worked as a CSR you no how many times I heard "I dont have money to pay my bill so you should just let me have access to my account anyway!" THIS IS NOT A REAL ISSUE this is I am a whiny POS who believes that someone else should do it for me because I am entitled. I am an American and I see this as an issue IN AMERICA. No one owes you **** until you pay them for it get over it. The customer is NOT always right, sometimes trivial seeming issues should be solved but **** like this is not one of those times.

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He is absolutely justified. EGA does not have infinite resources to respond to and stroke the hair of every spoiled child craving access to a game that's not set to release officially for another 6 days. For all we know, the insufferable whining is actually setting them back, making it take longer time to roll out the waves.


At times like these I am so glad I do not work at a game company releasing an anticipated MMO.

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you guys are so very delusional and the very reason customer service is being outsourced to India...you have become used to substandard treatment by companies and do not mind getting the royal shaft...as a matter of fact your posts defending less that courteous treatment by the head CSR if you will is a prime example of how your standards are not only substandard but warrant such abuses.


and yes my CC has been charged the full amount and how they set up their accounts with retailers Is not my problem as a customer....thank you kind sir.


Your CC has been charged and therefore you are guaranteed to play on December 20th and not a second before. People complaining about not being able to play before that is not a real issue that is just wasting his time.

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you guys are so very delusional and the very reason customer service is being outsourced to India...you have become used to substandard treatment by companies and do not mind getting the royal shaft...as a matter of fact your posts defending less that courteous treatment by the head CSR if you will is a prime example of how your standards are not only substandard but warrant such abuses.


and yes my CC has been charged the full amount and how they set up their accounts with retailers Is not my problem as a customer....thank you kind sir.


If the money is not in bioware's hands, the transaction has not completed, and you are entitled to nothing.


Sorry, that's how the real world works, pal.


also, you paid for a product which was said to be available on December 20th, which is 6 days from now. stop whining.

Edited by artilleryshell
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you guys are so very delusional and the very reason customer service is being outsourced to India...you have become used to substandard treatment by companies and do not mind getting the royal shaft...as a matter of fact your posts defending less that courteous treatment by the head CSR if you will is a prime example of how your standards are not only substandard but warrant such abuses.


and yes my CC has been charged the full amount and how they set up their accounts with retailers Is not my problem as a customer....thank you kind sir.


First, not we arent accepting substandard we are accepting that some people cant get everything they want, welcome to REAL life. If your parents want to just hand you everything thats there problem the REAL world doesnt work that way lol.


Secondly retailers charging you the full amount isnt their problem either its the retailers. Let me break it down for you since you obviously dont see how this works.


If you order from origin then EA is DIRECTLY responsible for your order and any charging of accounts.


If you order from a RETAILER the retailer paid the wholesale price or agreed to pay a set price at a set date. They then turn around and charge a HIGHER price to you to make a profit. If they chose to charge you before they pay EA then THEY chose to do so and will pay EA on the agreed date or use the money to refill their bottom line. So this is NOT EA's fault. If you have an issue with this take it up with walmart/gamestop/ best buy or who ever your retailer is.


This is like buying a new car, getting mad about how much you paid and calling the manufacturer about it rather than the dealership. The manufacturer didnt charge you the dealership did.

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I'm not a part of Twitter so I can't QQ to get in personally and clutter up the site.


Up to 5 days, upped to 7. QQ because you were not picked to get in the 1st day over the earlier pre orders and just recently got on the bandwagon.




BTW, I have already pre paid in full for my CE, not "lay away".


[again Priceless]

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