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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

16hour Fleet Pass


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Why would I need "fleet passes" for this?


Free Quick travel that is re-usabel in 30 min.

* Farm and do alot of quests and finish some planet, for example hoth


Then just hit quick travel, run/walk/fly to the fleet shuttle and boom "imp/rep fleet"

Switch levels at elevator, done...


By the time you start grinding the next planet your 30 min quick travel will be ready.


Meh... That is the fastest way beta testers to get off a planet.


Still its effective, but you still can walk a lot less, and be instantly in the middle of the imp fleet standing on a dune sea in tatooine.


The time you would actually use it would be mostly for crew skills, if your ready to get some upgrades or just really want to check the GTN quickly.

* Or if your farming pvp quests in the Ilum war-zone.

* Or doing the boring repetitive belsavis daily quests.

Edited by Valperion
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If you buy the 5$ security key you get access to the ingame vendor that sells fleet passes for 1k credits and they are on a 1 hour cooldown.


Could be an option for you.


I'm fine with spending the $5. I'm not fine with the annoyance of having to use the authenticator. :/ (Yes, I know the reasons why I should, but I can't stand the damn things.)

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You answered your own question. It removes the: "run/walk/fly to the fleet shuttle and boom "imp/rep fleet" Switch levels at elevator, done..."
That's like 45 seconds saved... Still easier and faster than running corridors of space stations, entering your ship, travel to fleet etc.... and it's completly free (not even fuel charge)!



EDIT: After reading some more replies... It looks like I'm missing something or I simply haven't your need to go there as fast as possible that often (which is more often than once per day)...

Edited by Aiwan
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That's like 45 seconds saved... Still easier and faster than running corridors of space stations, entering your ship, travel to fleet etc.... and it's completly free (not even fuel charge)!


Yeah some players are just too bored doing the same things over and Over and OVER again.:cool:


<- Btw I've been doing this ship / running / free teleport thing for 6 months.

* So yeah it gets very repetitive.

* Yes, I was a general beta tester.

Edited by Valperion
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I find it funny that everyone complains about the security key thing because it costs money. My beef is that it's annoying to have to add an extra step when logging in!


I think it's lame that they're requiring you to use a stupid security key garbage to get fleet passes (i.e., useful items in-game.) I've been playing MMOs for hours a day since 1999 and have never used a security key thing and have never been hacked.


I think games should drop this security key nonsense and simply add a secondary password (like Aion) or else a coinlock similar to what Rift does. Adding extra steps to the login process is just lame ......I don't even have to go through that much BS to log into my bank account ..and it's a hell of a lot more important than this silly game.

So adding more security systems that are hackable is better than using something that is 99% hack-proof?


Yeah. Smart idea there.


You probably think you should be able to reset your security questions over the Internet too...

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It doesn't need a shortened cool down, it isn't meant to be a free pass to the fleet. It's called "EMERGENCY Fleet Pass" for a reason. My God, why must everything be subject to

"please make this easier because I"m lazy"??


its not make this easier, its make this games travel less terrible the number of loading screens to get anywhere is awful

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its not make this easier, its make this games travel less terrible the number of loading screens to get anywhere is awful

One loading screen is too much? You get a loading screen going to a planet, which you get using the EFP anyways. Christ, you people whine just for the sake of whining don't you?

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Then why do you want to use the emergency fleet pass over and over and over again and that even faster and faster :rolleyes::D (j/k)


Meh.. I still got like 78 fleet pass out of like 95.


I really only use it to leave the.


*Lv50 Belsavis Quests.

*Lv50 Ilum warzone trading base area.... whoops my bad the Ilum warzone area..ahem

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One loading screen is too much? You get a loading screen going to a planet, which you get using the EFP anyways. Christ, you people whine just for the sake of whining don't you?


Meh, I don't mind honestly, personally I've finished my story, thus I've finished my game.

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Wow! I can't believe this. Here I thought I'd paid 15 dollars to play this game for the month, had no idea the developers were looking to nickle and dime us further by making parts of this game annoyingly bad to force us to give them another $5. Unbelievable.




Exactly my point. It's just wasted time that pisses people off.


thats why they offer it free, to android and iphones. where the authenticator is paying Vasco, the company that makes the Digipass GO the production and shipping costs. how this is over your head is beyond me.


also not to say authenticators are 100% account protection, BW is doing this for themselves, as it costs the company itself a lot of money to investigate hacked accounts and restore stolen items. this reduces that. i can understand a lot of ppl who do take super secure measures to prevent these things, or the "inconvience" of typing numbers but its silly.


also i replyed to this same thread yesterday i hope you are not the same person

Edited by Mrshush
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Ive heard you can join a warzone and afk it for 3 mins. you will get ported out to the fleet

no matter where you join from.

I never tried it myself personally. except once by accident when someone was at the door.

But i came back to see myself in the fleet.

I guess you could call this cheating so i wouldn't make a habbit of doing it often :D

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Ive heard you can join a warzone and afk it for 3 mins. you will get ported out to the fleet

no matter where you join from.

I never tried it myself personally. except once by accident when someone was at the door.

But i came back to see myself in the fleet.

I guess you could call this cheating so i wouldn't make a habbit of doing it often :D

Especially considering they will most likely fix this and give you a harsh penalty for being kicked from a WZ for inactivity. I myself am in favor of them dropping all your abilities by 90% for 15 minutes and also not allow you to queue for another WZ for an hour whenever you afk from a WZ.

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Ive heard you can join a warzone and afk it for 3 mins. you will get ported out to the fleet

no matter where you join from.

I never tried it myself personally. except once by accident when someone was at the door.

But i came back to see myself in the fleet.

I guess you could call this cheating so i wouldn't make a habbit of doing it often :D


Thus they should give you a penalty in in both credits and xp.

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Especially considering they will most likely fix this and give you a harsh penalty for being kicked from a WZ for inactivity. I myself am in favor of them dropping all your abilities by 90% for 15 minutes and also not allow you to queue for another WZ for an hour whenever you afk from a WZ.


Errmm no... Just change it so it spawns you back where you were before you joined the WZ. That way doesn't prevent players from being unable to carry on questing due to squishyness... Same goes for people that enter a WZ and leave before the end. Just transfer them back to where they were. That's a more productive solution. No point in stupid debuffs that reduce your playability for no reason. Not all people that go inactive are cheaters... Some people have genuine reasons for it. "Ohh noes! My mother just fell down the stairs!! AFK" lol.

Edited by MasterZionosis
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I find it funny that everyone complains about the security key thing because it costs money. My beef is that it's annoying to have to add an extra step when logging in!


I think its funny that you complain about the extra step when logging in, the step you actually paid for to protect your account.

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