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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

16hour Fleet Pass


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16 hour cool down on Fleet Pass. Why? Just why? What is so game breaking about lowering the cool down on this? When ever i travel to a planet, and then want to get back to the Imperial Fleet, I go through about 15min worth of load screens. My computer isn't the best around obviously, but come on. Why are you forcing me to go through so many load screens. Just let me fleet pass that ****
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1k for re-usable Fleet Passes from the Security Key-vendor (they still got a CD but can't remember how long, 1 hour?).


But I tend to agree, the one on the ability is a bit harsh.

4-6 would do it just fine.

Edited by WakeXT
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free for mobiles if don want to pay like me.


Quick question:


Can you:

1. download the app to your android/phone.

2. activate it for the account, thus obtaining access to this vendor (where is he/she/it btw?)

3. deactivate the key app, and still keep access to the vendor?


At the moment I don't want the fuzz with entering the number each time I log on, and let's face it, don't have that much to lose yet :)

Working with IT security I would say I feel pretty much confident I will know if my gaming computer is compromised. At the moment I'm using only one computer for the game and only 2 computers + ipad for the forums.

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If you buy the 5$ security key you get access to the ingame vendor that sells fleet passes for 1k credits and they are on a 1 hour cooldown.


Could be an option for you.


Wow! I can't believe this. Here I thought I'd paid 15 dollars to play this game for the month, had no idea the developers were looking to nickle and dime us further by making parts of this game annoyingly bad to force us to give them another $5. Unbelievable.


fleet recall should be on 3 hour we also should have a 1 hour cd recall to our ships.


making things annoyingly timeconsuming like running through 3 hangars and zoning 5 times is not fun, immersive or anything


Exactly my point. It's just wasted time that pisses people off.

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I met someone on another MMO who got hacked 7 times (thats not exaggerating) before he thought about getting a authenticator. Some people would just rather spend hours talking to customer service trying to restore their accounts instead of paying the extra few bucks.
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It's like a JG Wentworth commercial in here all the time "It's MY MMO and I NEED (insert feature) NOW!"



I think it is free unless you want to buy a physical key but why bother?


Because when something happens to the app on your phone, your borked. You need the security key app to log into your account, but you need to log into your account to re-register the app. You could always call customer service, but I've heard some horror stories there.


I paid ~$7 shipped for a key; hardly a bank breaking cost there. Sits on top of my case when I'm not using it, and works very well.


TBH, players should just not be acting like ADHD impatient tweens.


The only thing the op didn't cry about was unsub'ing if he didn't get it NAO!

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I think that here in the year 2012, a vast majority of the people who would play SWTOR also have smartphones. I do not think very many people actually have to pay money for the authenticator.


Its purpose is more for your convenience and Bioware's convenience alike. Your chances of being hacked are dropped drastically, and the amount of time their customer service has to spend helping hacked accounts when they could be helping other people is also dropped drastically.


Despite all of this, it really cannot cost that much for someone who is able to afford SWTOR in the first place.


I think the 16 hour CD is just a mechanism to get you to secure your account.

Edited by Acri
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TBH, players should just not be acting like ADHD impatient tweens.

The only thing the op didn't cry about was unsub'ing if he didn't get it NAO!


He only asked why there is 16 hours cooldown on the fleet pass, which is a valid question.

That he formed his question in the way he did is another matter, but the content of the post is clear to those who bother to see the content through the words.

Your post, on the other hand, is what I would classify as complaining without adding any constructive value to it.


I happen to agree with the OP that that long cooldown is a bit (if not a lot) exaggerated.

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I think that here in the year 2012, a vast majority of the people who would play SWTOR also have smartphones. I do not think very many people actually have to pay money for the authenticator.

Its purpose is more for your convenience and Bioware's convenience alike. Your chances of being hacked are dropped drastically, and the amount of time their customer service has to spend helping hacked accounts when they could be helping other people is also dropped drastically.


Despite all of this, it really cannot cost that much for someone who is able to afford SWTOR in the first place.


I think the 16 hour CD is just a mechanism to get you to secure your account.


It costs 4 USD + shipping.


O boy, it might cost 6 USD... Its too much!!!! :eek:

Edited by Valperion
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I find it funny that everyone complains about the security key thing because it costs money. My beef is that it's annoying to have to add an extra step when logging in!


I think it's lame that they're requiring you to use a stupid security key garbage to get fleet passes (i.e., useful items in-game.) I've been playing MMOs for hours a day since 1999 and have never used a security key thing and have never been hacked.


I think games should drop this security key nonsense and simply add a secondary password (like Aion) or else a coinlock similar to what Rift does. Adding extra steps to the login process is just lame ......I don't even have to go through that much BS to log into my bank account ..and it's a hell of a lot more important than this silly game.

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I find it funny that everyone complains about the security key thing because it costs money. My beef is that it's annoying to have to add an extra step when logging in!


I think it's lame that they're requiring you to use a stupid security key garbage to get fleet passes (i.e., useful items in-game.) I've been playing MMOs for hours a day since 1999 and have never used a security key thing and have never been hacked.


I think games should drop this security key nonsense and simply add a secondary password (like Aion) or else a coinlock similar to what Rift does. Adding extra steps to the login process is just lame ......I don't even have to go through that much BS to log into my bank account ..and it's a hell of a lot more important than this silly game.


Who cares dude, you get the most op item in the game.


1k credit fleet passes that is re-usable in 1hour.

* Farm and do alot of quests and finish some planet, for example hoth.


Then just hit the fleet pass and boom "imp fleet"


By the time you start grinding the next planet, your next fleet pass will be ready.

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yah, except the security key isn't $5 for Europeans... more like 15 Euro! Go to warzone and timeout = fleetpass!


How long until you timeout?


I didnt pay for my security key (live in the UK), I just download the app on my Iphone and followed the instructions on the webpage. I think it is free unless you want to buy a physical key but why bother?

Hope this works. I'll test it on my iPhone.

Edited by karcyon
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I would rather they streamline the starport and fleets than reduce the CD on the fleet pass......I rarely use it unless I am in the middle of no where and cba to drive back!


If only you had to run through the stupid spaceports as much as the general beta testers.


We would call this item hacks.


It basically cuts the time sink in half to reach lv50.



Beta tester way

* Load screen "Planet" - > "Lots of Running" -> Load Screen "Ship" - > Load Screen "Imp fleet or Planet"


The official way

* Load screen "Planet" - > Fleet pass takes 10 sec -> In the middle of the Imp fleet.

* For only 1,000 credits ! <-- Hacks!

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1k credit fleet passes that is re-usable in 1hour.

* Farm and do alot of quests and finish some planet, for example hoth.


Then just hit the fleet pass and boom "imp fleet"


By the time you start grinding the next planet, your next fleet pass will be ready.

Why would I need "fleet passes" for this?


Free Quick travel that is re-usabel in 30 min.

* Farm and do alot of quests and finish some planet, for example hoth


Then just hit quick travel, run/walk/fly to the fleet shuttle and boom "imp/rep fleet"

Switch levels at elevator, done...


By the time you start grinding the next planet your 30 min quick travel will be ready.

Edited by Aiwan
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Why would I need "fleet passes" for this?


Free Quick travel that is re-usabel in 30 min.

* Farm and do alot of quests and finish some planet, for example hoth


Then just hit quick travel, run/walk/fly to the fleet shuttle and boom "imp/rep fleet"

Switch levels at elevator, done...


By the time you start grinding the next planet your 30 min quick travel will be ready.

You answered your own question. It removes the: "run/walk/fly to the fleet shuttle and boom "imp/rep fleet" Switch levels at elevator, done..."

Edited by karcyon
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