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So my subscription expires in 6 days...


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I think I honestly would continue my subscription if SWTOR used WoW's engine and UI etc. I would then have the incentive to keep playing and to get to max level. It is just too frustrating to play in its current form.


I have 2 ultra powerful Alienwares and play every game on maximum settings. I appreciate all the work that has gone into SWTOR, but FOR ME, the engine and performance of this game makes it unplayable. Choppy, stuttery, with poor frame rates and low rez graphics.


If people want to slag off WoW, that is fine, but again FOR ME, WoW runs like silk - it is absolutley stunning and runs perfectly at all max settings at a resolution of 2560x1440.


I have given SWTOR a big try and have kind of enjoyed it so far, even though I have really found it a single player game with other people in it. Again I am sure this will change in time.....


I hope things will improve with the game and this is really constructive criticism.


If this game in its current state is good enough for you then that is fantastic. It isn't good enough for me yet.


Hopefully, I will be back playing it when a lot of issues have been sorted out.


Other issues will be ironed out I am sure. They will need to be.


Very unresponsive targeting and UI operation. Apparently being fixed.


Lack of customisation of UI - at the moment. Badly configured. Even moving an icon from one UI slot to another often loses it. What is going on? Fiddly to just drag an icon?


Lack of mouse button customisation - yes I know it is there but doesn't work with any of my logitech mice. So I can't autorun using my mouse thumb buttons Arrrgghhhh! A known issue that again I guess will be fixed.


Inventory is also messy. A minor niggle.


On a more personal note, I don't actually like all the cutscenes and conversations - I skip them all to the choices, but that is just me.



But did I enjoy playing a Sith Inquisitor? YES.


Of course the game is unfinished but I am amazed it was launched in the state it is in. I was in the Beta and it is now worse. Surely this cannot be a late 2011 engine?


I will definitely be back to check it out at some point I guess. But for now - cancelling my sub.


LOL!!! Used WOW's engine? And people ***** enough about this game's engine. Here's an idea, go play wow if you want it so much.

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I think I honestly would continue my subscription if SWTOR used WoW's engine and UI etc. I would then have the incentive to keep playing and to get to max level. It is just too frustrating to play in its current form.


I have 2 ultra powerful Alienwares and play every game on maximum settings. I appreciate all the work that has gone into SWTOR, but FOR ME, the engine and performance of this game makes it unplayable. Choppy, stuttery, with poor frame rates and low rez graphics.


I'm actually rather grateful that Bioware chose the Hero Engine. The differentiation between the SW:ToR Engine and the World of Warcraft one is actually rather... Refreshing, in my opinion. It makes the two game feel less alike, which I personally think is a good thing.


And yes, I do agree that WoW has a much more enjoyable User Interface, especially as its moddable (I do love to write macros and re-arrange things to get the best possible view of what is going on on-screen). But I am confident that with time, we'll be able to customize the SWTOR one to the same degree.


The lack of customization and macros is a whole other gripe for me... Healing without mouse-over macros is painful. Doable, but painful.

Edited by Averran
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Not only is 15$ a month chump change and i pay for xboxlive, playstation network as well.


Im not worried about a game in its first months development. This is the time you level alts, get your main one geared so when the patch hits that has more content, your ready to take it on.


Think of playing wow at the end of a raid content prior to a patch, all your doing is getting geared before the next one so you can be above the curve.


Alot of people cry about errors and stuff like that, yeah yeah i have none so im not worried about that either.


I also played one of the most pain in the *** classes to level, sith maruader. Pain in the *** from start to finish.


To me this game is no different from Aion, AoC, Warhammer or any of thoes games launch. They all had problems and sucked. However Bioware has made some INSANELY good games over the years. I think they just need time.

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Wait for ftp, read threads in other game forums. Most say "This game is horrible" and have returned to their cozy mmo's after being exposed to this turd. The Fanbois from wow will help this bomb linger because they have no idea what a good game is, they have played wow all their teeny life.



wow ruined the genre by attracting mouthy spoilt kids to an area of gaming that used to require brains, as soon as they have to think or use their imagination, their heads start to explode and they cannot hack it ! !

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People have become so spoiled that they have forgotten what an actual launch to an MMO looks like.


There are bugs here and there, I experience one very rarely. Very rarely is an understatement. Is the game perfect? No. But I play these games with an open mind and don't demand anything other than entertainment. As long as I am entertained, I will continue to play the game.


When I sit at a movie theater and see a small blip on the screen every so often, I sure as hell am not going to storm out of the place yelling at the manager to fix his buggy projector, and most certainly will not go to the theater forums and bash their establishment because of it. I have better things to do with my life ... like enjoying it for what it is.

Edited by Alkiii
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Theres a difference between 'New MMO' and 'Unfinished'.


This is pretty unfinished. Just about every feature you can look at and say 'If they gave it just a FEW more months...'. I mean, right down to the Legacy system stamped with a big 'Coming Soon' sign...come on.


Do you have any idea how far first impressions and reviews go into making a long lasting MMO? A few more months and this game would have blown the roof of the industry, it makes no sense to me why it was released...UNLESS its because they know it would have taken longer than a 'few months' to hash out all the issues people are having, in which case this game is doomed due to another year of 'paid beta testing' and subscriptions will vanish...

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Which promotes standing around doing nothing until the group is ready and teleports you to the "dungeon" correct? No thank you. You can already see who is looking for a group in the player list for that particular zone.


No. it promotes being out in the games world having fun, not ironically standing around in the fleet spamming 1.


I never understood this logic. LFG tool does the opposite. it allows us to carry on with the rest of the content. Teleporting there is a MINOR issue at best. we teleport to warzones, why is that treated differently?

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Theres a difference between 'New MMO' and 'Unfinished'.


This is pretty unfinished. Just about every feature you can look at and say 'If they gave it just a FEW more months...'. I mean, right down to the Legacy system stamped with a big 'Coming Soon' sign...come on.


Do you have any idea how far first impressions and reviews go into making a long lasting MMO? A few more months and this game would have blown the roof of the industry, it makes no sense to me why it was released...UNLESS its because they know it would have taken longer than a 'few months' to hash out all the issues people are having, in which case this game is doomed due to another year of 'paid beta testing' and subscriptions will vanish...


just do one

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It drives a player away, you. You'll be back so it's not really even doing that. If you couldn't find a group typing it in chat what makes you think the tool would have found you one? If people aren't looking to do it they're just not...


A LFG tool would search the whole server not just the fleet where your stuck spamming

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Theres a difference between 'New MMO' and 'Unfinished'.


This is pretty unfinished. Just about every feature you can look at and say 'If they gave it just a FEW more months...'. I mean, right down to the Legacy system stamped with a big 'Coming Soon' sign...come on.


Do you have any idea how far first impressions and reviews go into making a long lasting MMO? A few more months and this game would have blown the roof of the industry, it makes no sense to me why it was released...UNLESS its because they know it would have taken longer than a 'few months' to hash out all the issues people are having, in which case this game is doomed due to another year of 'paid beta testing' and subscriptions will vanish...


Well regardless of your opinion or anyone elses, all the reviews have been glowing for the game so far with a 90+ on almost all the major review sites. WoW was in the same boat with reviews back in it's heyday, both are pretty much on par with each other on the overall scores so far. Even WAR had a 8.9 metacritic review rating, so honestly reviews mean squat as they are so biased. That said however, first impressions are a very big factor. As most players will play the free month, and if they don't like it quit and never again return even if the game has a huge overhaul as seen with other MMO's like WAR/AoC/etc.

Edited by MaGicBush
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The game feels unfinished



You have just defined for us why you are "unhappy" with the game. You should have read up on what an MMO is before you played. MMO's are never finished. They never, ever, ship with more then a shell. The grown and continue to improve over time.


If you came here expecting a completed game, like a single player game, then you set yourself up for your own disappointment.


If you quit, you will miss the ride. If you stay, expect a ride.


Its really that simple.

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This is an MMO.... therefor it will never be finished.

If this is not your thing maybe you should look at other gaming options. Something with a begining and an end. Something that is single player, and released not needing any patching.


The only thing I can think that might fit that bill is good old fashioned monopoly, or other games of that nature.


Computer games, and more so MMOs will always need patches, and mmo will never be finished till they turn off the servers for good.

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It drives a player away, you. You'll be back so it's not really even doing that. If you couldn't find a group typing it in chat what makes you think the tool would have found you one? If people aren't looking to do it they're just not...


A LFG tool would search the whole server not just the fleet where your stuck spamming

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I am thinking of cancelling my sub because I really don't feel like playing for a game that is missing ******** of features. People putting story as their cause for playing the game are %50 right about it. Once you get all your chars to 50 there is no more story, so don't rely on story exclusively.
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i like story

i like sw

i like kotor


i dont like graphics to much, it is annoying, no "highres" tex, no sliders for more gras,

all in all plain outdated

and they clearly lied in advertisement about the capabilities of this engine

(showing only highres that only works in cinematic mode even on modern machines)

this is bad

and even tho it worked in beta, they still take the option away aka choosing for us on a pc game.....


i dont like that there are very little actual unique meshes for gear and it being all ps colour palette swaps , even imeprial and republic gear has the same meshes


and i cannot rly look how i want to look altho i realise this is because it is very new, still im abit shocked , character detail houston earth hello and not a single barber shop?

what about if i want to be pretty fae?


yeah im a dude.


also twileks dont get a single hood, thats just lazy, what a bummer, you wanna let us play this and rate it good?


i dont like pvp, altho i like it, basicly it needs to be fixed (ability delay, warzhones, open pvp)

what a bummer bioware *tears*

but im sure you will make it


i dont like gtn altho actually it is quite bearable

but it kinda seems casual

dunno if i like


i dont like having mailbox on my ship

also where is the bathroom

you exspect me to take a dump in space

or does it go into the antimatter reactor

oh dear


spacecombat is to small


all in all game has potential, there are things that are new and good we all can agree on, but ultimately i did an to early purchase


and i wont come back until all this is fixed so i can enjoy the game how it was ment to be (<3), no early release syndrome pls



now you are not better then ea anymore, oh wait you are ea, yeah sometimes im abit slow to realise things


oh, i like that there is no origin required

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You have just defined for us why you are "unhappy" with the game. You should have read up on what an MMO is before you played. MMO's are never finished. They never, ever, ship with more then a shell. The grown and continue to improve over time.


If you came here expecting a completed game, like a single player game, then you set yourself up for your own disappointment.


If you quit, you will miss the ride. If you stay, expect a ride.


Its really that simple.


Ah another Bioware fanboy defending the game. How cute. This is 2012 and you have to keep that in mind that there are polished games like Rift and WoW to compete with. No one cares about how old WoW or Rift is, what matters is how they are currently and right now the offer better bang for your sub than this game. Disagree all you want, but it's true.

Edited by Volksworgen
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If you are not having fun with the game and feel like you are left waiting for upcoming fixes. Sitting out a spell and waiting for progress sounds like a strong play for you.


From my perspective I want lots of people to play and for the game to be successful but, unhappy players hanging around does nobody any good.

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I just now cancelled because of yet another frustrating night trying to find a Foundry group. Fifth night in a row that I've wasted hours sitting in fleet, spamming for a group to run Foundry. That makes it about 10 hours of wasted time just trying to run 1 damned flashpoint! And still no group!


Tonight was just the last straw for me; until they implement a working dungeon finder system, they wont get any more of my money. And NO, a working dungeon finder system doesn't ruin the game, NOT having one does, it drives players away. <---Case in point.


So, it is their fault that you chose to spend five nights singularly focuses, staring at your screen spamming for a dungeon, and not doing anything else?


How many people on your friends list? Are you in a guild? Have you been a good group-mate when running dungeons? have you been LFG in the who tab?


I just find it hard to believe, that unless there is something that you are doing wrong (like being a jerk in groups), that one should not have such issues finding a group.


This is exactly why I don't want a random LFD tool in here, especially a cross server one. It supports bad behavior and lack or responsibility on behalf of the player. That was the attitude that ended up rampant in wow, and I don't want to see it here.

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