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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So my subscription expires in 6 days...


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...And I'm not actually sure whether or not to refresh it. I've cancelled my subscription just so that it won't auto-refresh, and I was wondering how many of you were planning on paying for yet another month?


I like this game on the whole. It's just a whole bunch of minor things that add up together.


I guess the short version would be: The game feels unfinished, and I feel silly for paying a company in order to send them feedback about how to improve the game. It's like you're... Paying a company money, in order to beta-test the game for them. If that makes sense.


I enjoy PvE and PvP in this game. The community is very friendly (so far, at the very least). The game has gotten me interested in a franchise which held no appeal to me before (I really should watch the movies... Is KOTOR worth playing as well? ).


So tell me, SWTOR community. One month into the game, and our first free month is about to end.


Will you be paying for another one?




Why not?


There are quite a few annoying little bugs everywhere that need fixing. But rest assured they will be patched eventually. And the UI will get some customization we hope. And an actual LFG tool may be added.


Take a break but keep tabs on the progress of these fixes. I Predict this game will be here stronger then ever when and if you return.

Edited by Gilbara
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To me, the game feels unfinished in a sense that it was shipped with "Here's what we got. Tell us what you think before we actually start selling it."


That is how it feels. To me, at the very least, and I'm not going to be as arrogant as to speak for everyone.


Like I said in the opening post, there are many, many small things which annoy me which - when added together - makes for a less than pleasant gaming experience. I don't see what I stand to lose by not paying for an extra month, and then returning in a few months when the game has stabilized a bit.


Do you?


Problem is if more players thought like you and no one subed, Who would pay for all the things you want fixed? If there is no income then nothing gets fixed and the game dies. I'm all for people doing what they want with their own money(duh). However it kinda erks me a bit to know so many people wanna unsub till things get better. So those of us willing to work through the problems will be here helping pay for said fixes, while you and others will prob come back and complain that certin things didint get fixed yet/fast enough.


Anyhow I'm gonna stay subed, I like the game even with the bad and feel as though it is worth the 15$ a month to see how things go.

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Yes, because:


1) I like the story.

2) I enjoy traditional MMO mechanics.


3) I like the Star Wars IP.


4) The bugs I've encountered are annoying, but not game breaking.


5) I play with a social gaming guild of about 100 members, who almost all are thoroughly enjoying the game.


What traditional MMO mechanics are you referring to?

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Unfinished? Yes. That's almost painfully obvious. A gamebreaker? Absolutely not. I'm thoroughly enjoying the game even as is. I will stick around because I am confident they are working on the bugs and it will just take time to wring them all out.


What I do not understand are all the whiny complainers either threatening to quit or making outright statements that they are leaving...as if THAT'S going to somehow force the company to make overnight changes. "OMG! Freddy Snipe in Skunk Gulch, Idaho will quit the game because it is story-driven instead of it being (his idea of) a pure MMO! We've gotta change this game NOW!".


So i say to them: So GO already. Your threats of leaving doesn't change anything, does it? It boils down to you either liking the game or you don't.You either pay the subscription or you don't. Isn't having the power of choice grand? Easy schmeasy.


Better yet, why don't you gather some capital and start your own game development company and get to see firsthand how much work, time, money and headache it takes to produce your idea of what a pure MMO should be. Let us know when it is released so we can all get together and count up all the bugs and "wrong" things it has, jump up and down slathering at the mouth and threaten to un-sub, hoping that will change the game into what WE think it should be.


Making posts that discuss bugs is one thing...it's a new game and bugs are to be expected. Ranting and raving and threatening to quit over them, expecting that will change things overnight, is just plain immature and quite unrealistic.

Edited by Dechomai
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5) I play with a social gaming guild of about 100 members, who almost all are thoroughly enjoying the game.
Same here. My guild has only approx. 20 members, most from my two old WoW guilds (we recruit cautiously, as a guild leader I don't want a guild full of kiddies and idiots, only mature adults). Not a single member is canceling his sub so far. Edited by Korrigan
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bugs/glitches =/= crap gameplay/lazy programming




It's really not that difficult to understand.


That means every MMO had crap gameplay and lazy programming. Which means MMO's are not your cup of tea. Because NO MMO has launced without bugs/glitches


Its really not that difficult to understand. ;)

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Same here. My guild has only approx. 20 members, most from my old WoW guilds (we recruit cautiously, we don't want a guild full of kiddies and idiots, only mature adults). Not a single member is canceling his sub so far.


No they will just start to disappear. Way to early to say anything about subscription sustainability, another eight days and we will see.

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i will because im busy finding every questgiver and hearing their story, also pvp is loads of fun. The present bugs dont anoy me im pretty patient when it comes to problems and i always find some way to ignore them. So yes i will subscripe i think i alr payed for 3 months anyway im not planning on canceling any time soon.
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No they will just start to disappear. Way to early to say anything about subscription sustainability, another eight days and we will see.
Cute assumption, but we play those games for over 7 years together for some members. There's even a couple of members who are now RL friends and with whom I was playing Asheron's Call 10+ years ago. I doubt they will leave without telling us first. That's the reward for not recruiting any kiddie by spamming general chat just to make numbers. Edited by Korrigan
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Cute assumption, but we play those games for over 7 years together for some members. There's even a couple of members who are now RL friends and with whom I was playing Asheron's Call 10+ years ago. I doubt they will leave without telling us first. That's the reward for not recruiting any kiddie by spamming general chat just to make numbers.


Few of my friends came over from WOW as well 'not kiddies either' I told them I am sorry but I can not play this so I gave them my facebook info and told them when they are ready I'll be playing AoC.

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Problem is if more players thought like you and no one subed, Who would pay for all the things you want fixed? If there is no income then nothing gets fixed and the game dies. I'm all for people doing what they want with their own money(duh). However it kinda erks me a bit to know so many people wanna unsub till things get better. So those of us willing to work through the problems will be here helping pay for said fixes, while you and others will prob come back and complain that certin things didint get fixed yet/fast enough.


While I get what you're trying to say, I have two opinions I would put up as a counter.


1) Customer-loyalty. I am a big fan of Bioware. I adore their Dragon Age Series. But this game is ultimately owned by EA. EA does not inspire customer-loyalty, at least not to me (again, I won't be as arrogant as to attempt to speak for everyone). I do not feel guilty for temporarily walking away from paying EA money it hasn't, in my opinion, yet earned.


2) If people are actually leaving en-masse (and I am not saying that they are, nor am I attempting to encourage such an event) and they are very vocal about why they are leaving, then at the very least Bioware and EA knows why there are so many people leaving. Not all people who leave the game do so because of bugs. Some don't like the style, some prefers other games, some can't afford the subscription and some people just had too darn high expectations.


People quit games for different reasons. If a certain reason is cited more often than others, Bioware would logically be putting the most effort in fixing that particular issue first.


Personally, I didn't decide to to just leave. It just so happens that I bought a game and played it for a month. Now it's time for me to pay again - and I am faced with the dilema:


Is it worth it?


All moral obligations aside (if, indeed, you believe I should have some form of customer-inspired loyalty towards Bioware) it comes down to whether or not I wish to use those 13 € on this game this month, or if I want to use them on something else. And I know that many others are standing before the same dilema, and I want to hear your opinions.



What I do not understand is the blatant ignorance and hostility coming from a lot of the posters here. Do try your best to calm down, please.

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No, because:


1) I don't like the story.


2) This game has no traditional MMO mechanics.


3) I don't really like the Star Wars IP.


4) The bugs I've encountered are annoying and mostly game breaking.


5) I play with nobody, I have no in game friends.


You sound like a pretty boring person IMO. Quite the pessimist too.

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I agree all this "moral loyalty" stuff is nonsense. I personally owe nothing neither to Bioware nor to EA, just like I owe nothing to any brand in the world for any type of product.


The only way to keep me buying the same brand is to make me get the bang for my bucks. In the case of a video GAME, the bang is FUN. I'm having fun playing SW:TOR, the positives by very far outweigh the negatives, therefore I will subscribe past the 20.


Start to smell like Rancor in this thread anyway. The OP's intolerance for anyone disagreeing with his opinion starts to appear now, and barely disguised insults are appearing in the various posts. Looks like my first impression was right, after all.

Edited by Korrigan
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I think I honestly would continue my subscription if SWTOR used WoW's engine and UI etc. I would then have the incentive to keep playing and to get to max level. It is just too frustrating to play in its current form.


I have 2 ultra powerful Alienwares and play every game on maximum settings. I appreciate all the work that has gone into SWTOR, but FOR ME, the engine and performance of this game makes it unplayable. Choppy, stuttery, with poor frame rates and low rez graphics.


If people want to slag off WoW, that is fine, but again FOR ME, WoW runs like silk - it is absolutley stunning and runs perfectly at all max settings at a resolution of 2560x1440.


I have given SWTOR a big try and have kind of enjoyed it so far, even though I have really found it a single player game with other people in it. Again I am sure this will change in time.....


I hope things will improve with the game and this is really constructive criticism.


If this game in its current state is good enough for you then that is fantastic. It isn't good enough for me yet.


Hopefully, I will be back playing it when a lot of issues have been sorted out.


Other issues will be ironed out I am sure. They will need to be.


Very unresponsive targeting and UI operation. Apparently being fixed.


Lack of customisation of UI - at the moment. Badly configured. Even moving an icon from one UI slot to another often loses it. What is going on? Fiddly to just drag an icon?


Lack of mouse button customisation - yes I know it is there but doesn't work with any of my logitech mice. So I can't autorun using my mouse thumb buttons Arrrgghhhh! A known issue that again I guess will be fixed.


Inventory is also messy. A minor niggle.


On a more personal note, I don't actually like all the cutscenes and conversations - I skip them all to the choices, but that is just me.



But did I enjoy playing a Sith Inquisitor? YES.


Of course the game is unfinished but I am amazed it was launched in the state it is in. I was in the Beta and it is now worse. Surely this cannot be a late 2011 engine?


I will definitely be back to check it out at some point I guess. But for now - cancelling my sub.

Edited by Bluetarragon
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Go play your Panda's . I have a freeking lightsaber ! so Isigned up for 6 months . love the bugs , love the patch releases , gives me stuff to look forward to. i even didnt mind it with WOW, Pandas killed me .blizz is out of ideas , and SWTOR is just starting.
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I guess us really old school mmo players have an advantage over this then needing a dungeon finder.. level up make friends, don't be a douche.. help out players when you have nothing else to do etc..etc.. you'd be surprised how setting up a network for yourself can change your entire gaming experience.


I"ll use this for example on my particular server there is a character named "amnesty" who does nothing but afk in warzones every single day all day.. everyone on the server knows who she is, and without a dungeon finder this player will never be able to find a group because of the reputation she built for herself.


add a dungeon finder to the game and community goes out the window and now lil ole amnesty who costs everyone a win in pvp on a regular basis because she's taking up a slot can now get a group with people who do not know she's a douchebag.


That's what vote to kick is for, oh yeah swtor doesn't even have that....

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ofcourse i will resub. I'm even waiting on a lifetime subscription to pay that. Until then , i pay per month.


I have never feeled that the game is not done & shipped too early tbh. I've encountered some bugs / glitches. So what? They never hurted my gameplay, just a minor inconvenience.

I never had to open a ticket to tell a GM that i couldnt progress anymore due to this or that.


Most people that complain dont know how to play this game. so they ruin their own gaming experience. Its like drinking. You got people that drink 30 beers in a night, then complain about them being sick the day after, while i can drink every night 5-10 beers and enjoy the beer with friends , etc... .

Im not talking about rushing the game alone. people that complain about endgame will complain in any mmo about endgame. Plz give me a carrot on a stick so i dont feel dull when logging in. They think that is the real game : getting pixels by doing instances over & over again. that is not my cup of people, and therefor im glad bioware putted a lot fun between lvl 1-50 instead of focussing on 50+ .


Yes there is endgame, yes there can be more endgame, but enjoy the game, roll another character, enjoy your companions, manipulate them, do storys with them, there are so many quests in the game i havent done so far. I think its 80% story - 20% additional quests (to keep in levelrange) , i leave planets with many npc's showing they got still stuff for me to do.


Even though , the loot & Xp doesnt count anymore if you do low level quests, its still interesting to deploy your own story with your companion or to see what opens up later by doing those quests ...



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I'll possibly come back if they get their act together and fix the things that SHOULD be in game. Fooled me once with this high res texture bait/switch, twice for not giving me the my digital deluxe items I paid $20 to upgrade to, there will be no 3rd time.


they've got until Guild Wars 2/Diablo 3/Pandas are released. otherwise it's permanent.

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Spoken like someone who's never ACTUALLY beta tested an MMORPG and doesn't have a clue what an "unfinished" one ACTUALLY looks like.


Buh bye. Can I have your stuff?


Reported for trolling. Have a nice vacation.


My patience wears thin. If you've nothing constructive to say, do us all a favour and troll another thread.


ofcourse i will resub. I'm even waiting on a lifetime subscription to pay that. Until then , i pay per month.


I have never feeled that the game is not done & shipped too early tbh. I've encountered some bugs / glitches. So what? They never hurted my gameplay, just a minor inconvenience.

I never had to open a ticket to tell a GM that i couldnt progress anymore due to this or that.


Most people that complain dont know how to play this game. so they ruin their own gaming experience. Its like drinking. You got people that drink 30 beers in a night, then complain about them being sick the day after, while i can drink every night 5-10 beers and enjoy the beer with friends , etc... .

Im not talking about rushing the game alone. people that complain about endgame will complain in any mmo about endgame. Plz give me a carrot on a stick so i dont feel dull when logging in. They think that is the real game : getting pixels by doing instances over & over again. that is not my cup of people, and therefor im glad bioware putted a lot fun between lvl 1-50 instead of focussing on 50+ .


Yes there is endgame, yes there can be more endgame, but enjoy the game, roll another character, enjoy your companions, manipulate them, do storys with them, there are so many quests in the game i havent done so far. I think its 80% story - 20% additional quests (to keep in levelrange) , i leave planets with many npc's showing they got still stuff for me to do.


Even though , the loot & Xp doesnt count anymore if you do low level quests, its still interesting to deploy your own story with your companion or to see what opens up later by doing those quests ...




I agree, actually. I personally took my time leveling my toon (just hit 50 a few days ago, actually) - enjoying the story a lot.


I was tempted to roll a few alts, but the Legacy system supposedly promises character creation options which I'd like to see before making any decisions.

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I'll possibly come back if they get their act together and fix the things that SHOULD be in game. Fooled me once with this high res texture bait/switch, twice for not giving me the my digital deluxe items I paid $20 to upgrade to, there will be no 3rd time.


they've got until Guild Wars 2/Diablo 3/Pandas are released. otherwise it's permanent.



I'm not up to date with the high res textures thing. To my understanding, they are not implemented into the game, but are on their way?


Anti-Aliasing, for an example, is coming with patch 1.1, is it not?

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