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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Since so many players on my server traded and refused to fight. Do I have to fight?


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So many players on my server are standing in Ilum "trading". They are going out of their way to not fight.


I am not going to fight in warzones.


This is allowed correct? If you punish me, you have to punish 50% of the lvl 50's on my server.


Just letting you know bioware. You can not punish me for not fighting in warzones if you don't punish people for not fighting in Ilum.

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So many players on my server are standing in Ilum "trading". They are going out of their way to not fight.


I am not going to fight in warzones.


This is allowed correct? If you punish me, you have to punish 50% of the lvl 50's on my server.


Just letting you know bioware. You can not punish me for not fighting in warzones if you don't punish people for not fighting in Ilum.


I think the problem of win-trading is simply harder to deal with in practice until they have some mechanisms in place that record that sort of activity in an automated fashion. Since the game has so many other issues, and they're busy fighting all the myriad ways in which we, the players, are abusing the loopholes in their games, it may be a few weeks before they get to this one.

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So many players on my server are standing in Ilum "trading". They are going out of their way to not fight.


I am not going to fight in warzones.


This is allowed correct? If you punish me, you have to punish 50% of the lvl 50's on my server.


Just letting you know bioware. You can not punish me for not fighting in warzones if you don't punish people for not fighting in Ilum.


They don't have to punish you, they can just add a debuff that doesn't reward you for your behaviour.

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Luckily in the 3 warzones right now you can "not fight" to achieve the goals.


In huttball you can just pass and receive passes.

In the other one, you can just try to plant bombs/disarm them

The the other one you can just try to steal the turrets etc! ;)

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They don't have to punish you, they can just add a debuff that doesn't reward you for your behaviour.


For my behavior? The entire *********** server is doing this on Ilum.


Ilum = pvp zone;

Hutta ball = pvp zone;


They don't have to fight on ilum. Why do I have to fight in huttaball?


I don't want a reward for not fighting. I want those who exploited so much gear from Ilum PUNISHED.

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For my behavior? The entire *********** server is doing this on Ilum.


Ilum = pvp zone;

Hutta ball = pvp zone;


They don't have to fight on ilum. Why do I have to fight in huttaball?


I don't want a reward for not fighting. I want those who exploited so much gear from Ilum PUNISHED.


You should have said that then, rather than posting some passive aggressive crap. :confused:

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Sadly Bioware is at fault here. It's a design flaw in the system. But hey it'll be fixed next patch.


A week after 50% of the lvl 50's on this server have full champ gear, and I have to try and fight them having just got to lvl 50.



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Maybe wrong forum? But blame Bioware. There is no reason to fight unless you just want to brag. If you want to Progress PvP wise, its smarter to trade. You get your weekly / daily done and you get your bags.


If you do not agree please tell me the rewards for Opvp? And if those rewards are worth the effort?

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I don't want a reward for not fighting. I want those who exploited so much gear from Ilum PUNISHED.


That's a very childish mentality. I think you should do one of two things.


1) Let it go. If you can't beat them, join them

2) Get together some like minded people and patrol Ilum, killing whoever you can. It might even be fun.

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So many players on my server are standing in Ilum "trading". They are going out of their way to not fight.


I am not going to fight in warzones.


This is allowed correct? If you punish me, you have to punish 50% of the lvl 50's on my server.


Just letting you know bioware. You can not punish me for not fighting in warzones if you don't punish people for not fighting in Ilum.



not 50 yet don't understand what the open pvp is all about but can't you just jump in on fights and beat the tar out of people you see trading? Seems like an easy kill for you and will also tick off the parties involved. The same faction can't report you because it is a PvP zone and you are doing what it was intended for, and you get points for killing the enemy?


Don't fight in warzones if you don't want to but don't join to just not fight that is hurting your team and the people who do want to fight.

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That's a very childish mentality. I think you should do one of two things.


1) Let it go. If you can't beat them, join them

2) Get together some like minded people and patrol Ilum, killing whoever you can. It might even be fun.


It's so bad on this server. As an imperial, if you fight rebels, the imperials ask rebels to kill the imperial who is stopping the exploit (the imperial who is attacking rebels).


This server is filled with players who think it's fine to do that. So why is it not fine to do it in a warzone?


This server needs a complete reset to lvl 1. Every player on this server needs to be reset to lvl 1.

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It's so bad on this server. As an imperial, if you fight rebels, the imperials ask rebels to kill the imperial who is stopping the exploit (the imperial who is attacking rebels).


This server is filled with players who think it's fine to do that. So why is it not fine to do it in a warzone?


This server needs a complete reset to lvl 1. Every player on this server needs to be reset to lvl 1.


That is a bit extreme, don't you think?

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Let's face it. As long as there is any shape, way, or form for some players to exploit a game - they'll do it.


In this case, it's not so much "exploiting" as cheating the system. An exploit implies they're doing something illegal. In this case, they aren't. They just aren't playing the system the way it's meant to be played.

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Let's face it. As long as there is any shape, way, or form for some players to exploit a game - they'll do it.


In this case, it's not so much "exploiting" as cheating the system. An exploit implies they're doing something illegal. In this case, they aren't. They just aren't playing the system the way it's meant to be played.


The way the "pvp zone ilum" is meant to be played is by pvping.


If Bioware planned this and put this system in the game to remove them for the 50's to get a bunch of gear over a 2 week period. Bioware needs to be sued. Not fix the game, bioware needs to be punished.

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Let's face it. As long as there is any shape, way, or form for some players to exploit a game - they'll do it.


In this case, it's not so much "exploiting" as cheating the system. An exploit implies they're doing something illegal. In this case, they aren't. They just aren't playing the system the way it's meant to be played.


I disagree with this. In order to achieve the quest objective you must retake a point from the rebels. If you defend by fighting the rebels, you'll never get the quest done. Furthermore, there is no reward for killing people. If people want to complete the quest, the only way to do that on my sever is to allow rebels to cap without resistance.


Not a player problem, but a design problem that is hopefully fixed next patch.

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They don't get scrap by trading in illum. Should I also give back those couple of champion bags because I could take illum easily because there was no other player there?


Just a little kid allowed to play here or what? Then don't fight in warzones chances are that you aren't good anyway or you would take out 3-4 rebs that basetrade singlehandedly.

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The way the "pvp zone ilum" is meant to be played is by pvping.


If Bioware planned this and put this system in the game to remove them for the 50's to get a bunch of gear over a 2 week period. Bioware needs to be sued. Not fix the game, bioware needs to be punished.


Not entirely true. Unless the planet has nothing but PvP quests anyway.


And even then, still not true. A lot of players engage in PKing - griefing. That's not really PvP, so much as PKing - player killing. You are fighting people who have no chance to stop you, but you do it anyway. That doesn't really count as PvP, but it generally is assumed to be in this day and age.


You have nothing to sue BioWare over. You're just blowing this entirely out of proportion. What they're doing is rather underhanded, but by no means any kind of legal breach. BioWare is fixing the game - but fixing something like this, is a very low compared to trying to fix the numerous problems that crop up in an MMO launch.

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Not entirely true. Unless the planet has nothing but PvP quests anyway.


And even then, still not true. A lot of players engage in PKing - griefing. That's not really PvP, so much as PKing - player killing. You are fighting people who have no chance to stop you, but you do it anyway. That doesn't really count as PvP, but it generally is assumed to be in this day and age.


You have nothing to sue BioWare over. You're just blowing this entirely out of proportion. What they're doing is rather underhanded, but by no means any kind of legal breach. BioWare is fixing the game - but fixing something like this, is a very low compared to trying to fix the numerous problems that crop up in an MMO launch.


Not yet.


But if they punish me for not fighting in warzones, but don't punish this servers population who don't fight in other pvp zones. they will be mistreating their customer and will be liable to repay me.

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So many players on my server are standing in Ilum "trading". They are going out of their way to not fight.


I am not going to fight in warzones.


This is allowed correct? If you punish me, you have to punish 50% of the lvl 50's on my server.


Just letting you know bioware. You can not punish me for not fighting in warzones if you don't punish people for not fighting in Ilum.


It's absolutely mind-boggling to me that Mythic would implement this type of "earn PvP rewards without PvP'ing" system in TOR after it was so widely flamed in Warhammer. In fact, it was one of about 5 main reasons why Warhammer failed-- because PvP'ers don't want to be forced into PvE and be forced to play with players who are trying to avoid PvP. This might possibly be the single stupidest thing I've seen in TOR's design.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised, though. Mythic never listened to their community. They probably are blissfully unaware of how this sort of system contributed to WAR's failure.

Edited by Mannic
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It's absolutely mind-boggling to me that Mythic would implement this type of "earn PvP rewards without PvP'ing" system in TOR after it was so widely flamed in Warhammer. In fact, it was one of about 5 main reasons why Warhammer failed-- because PvP'ers don't want to be forced into PvE and be forced to play with players who are trying to avoid PvP. This might possibly be the single stupidest thing I've seen in TOR's design.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised, though. Mythic never listened to their community, and TOR is showing signs they don't listen either.


They are removing it tonight. That doesn't change the fact that thousands of people got entire sets of champion pvp gear through this system and the only people who suffer are those who did not exploit.

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Not yet.


But if they punish me for not fighting in warzones, but don't punish this servers population who don't fight in other pvp zones. they will be mistreating their customer and will be liable to repay me.


They aren't punishing you. You're punishing yourself. There's nothing stopping you from doing something about it in-game.


You don't have to "trade", but you can still warzone anyway. So what if you lose? You still earn stuff and can eventually compete.


And seriously, no. An MMO is never going to liable to pay you for any reason you can think of. Those terms of service and stuff you agree to, to play the game? They pretty much cover everything.

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