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Non-Force classes: Do you find...


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I disagree. For one, note that a Jedi can only EVER gain prestige in his/her own order. Jedi will never be Senators or Generals--only in times of war do they command forces, and it's still rare for them even to have high positions.


A Trooper would be the most likely to obtain actual powerful in the Republic.


On the other hand, Jedi are very constrained. They give their lives to the Order, and give up personal entitlements. So Smugglers can obtain a future blocked to Jedi--they get to have complete freedom, they get riches, and they get luxury. The life of a Jedi will be roughly the same at age 19 as at age 83 (ignoring outside events).


Plus, remember that "movie" Jedi are the absolute best of the best. You see them easily deflecting blaster bolts because they are well above average for Jedi. But remember the Battle of Geonosis? The Jedi death toll was massive, and the enemies were only using blasters. Remember when Qui Gonn and Obi Wan were aboard the Federation's vessel? It took both of them just to hold off the attack of two destroyer droids.


The unpredictable fighting style of a Smuggler, using trick shots and technology, can definitely still be effective against a Jedi. Yeah, the best Smuggler is probably no match for the best Jedi. But that doesn't mean much, really. Because even though the Jedi stories show off the player as being super strong in the force, you are still knights/consulars that JUST became Jedi. You are well above average for a new Jedi, but you still aren't Satele Shan or Mace Windu.


And the Trooper is able to overpower a Jedi with sheer force of their attacks. To deflect a blaster bolt still takes strength. So deflecting a lot of strong bolts is going to be seriously taxing. Add in avoiding bombs and such? Yeah, that's a tough opponent.


For the Sith, it's different of course. The fighting comments remain, but the political ones are different.


Sith are always going to be the elite, yes. But through their work, BHs end up with some autonomy more akin to Smugglers, which must be extremely gratifying in an Imperial world. Plus, people are more accepting of a BH that isn't so formal than of a soldier that isn't.


Imperial Agents also have a decent amount of pros, when you think about it. Yes, they will never be emperor. But they can still become Grand Moffs, and that's pretty awesome. Plus, the Sith ALWAYS have to worry about things like assassination or competition. IAs have a much easier path towards the top than others do. They are more like Troopers--you are able to reasonably imagine a character that could achieve a very high military/political office through their work.

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I think one of the important things to remember is that while the setting does have Jedi and Sith running around and that they are powerful, the galaxy at large still operates on the backs of "ordinary" people. That is, folks who don't use the Force to put their pants on in the mornings.


There's plenty of room for people who are skilled/talented/extremely competent and deadly in other ways, and just because certain folks who have the fancy ability to throw rocks with their mind think they're better than everyone doesn't mean it's TRUE.


The Sith may think they don't need anyone else, but without all those people crewing their ships and all of that, they'd be just as screwed.


There's a place for every character type in this game, part of the trick is in realizing it.

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I think it's more the structure what bug OP.


Sith Inquisitor Highest of the Higest amount the Empire, most likely the reason you start as slave.

Sith warrior, they are enforcers of the Empire (so it feels like)

Imperial Agent, the Backbone of the Empire

Bounty Hunter=?, gun for hire no real rank amount the Empire (makes them feel left out)


most likely the reason he feels wrong playing a none sith.

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I diagree a little


A couple things about the IA, and I find it really is the dominant force in the game


Basically as soon as you arrive on DK you main story guy tells you we bow our heads and say yes my lord no my lord but without us nothing happens


And that is basically the deal. They go about things their way regardless of what a Sith Lord wants they are the means to the end, period


Levelling up, almost every single quest as a Sith including some main sotry quests are given my an Imperial. Basically I will say yes my lord but you will go out and do this assignment for me


And the Sith make their way through the game doing things the Imperial tell them to do Period, sure they say bow to me or respect what I say or threathen but in the end they will go out and get though broken holorecorders. lol


Kind of funny tbh. The underworking of the whole Imperial Side come completely from Imperial Intelligence


And this coming from a Sith Inq main

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Having played both.


Force Users are Gimped

Shooters are are exceptional


Outside of the graphical effects of the Force Users. Their design is lacking. My sentinal has pommel strike. 700 to 1200 damage. That's with the pommel. I have no attack that hit's with the blades(energy blades that cut through metal doors) that even compares.


I think shooters are extremly well designed and fit with the game and setting. Force Users while cool... well they aren't that exceptional as to what they are based off of. They are fun... but I think they should have bats, clubs or at least vibro swords. They are not exceptional at all.


This however by no means has any impact in their design to fill their roles.

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  • 8 months later...

non force user classes are exceptionally skilled


player force user classes are the best of all the force users


which is stronger? oversized glowsticks and magic, or skills, luck, and tech?


personally i prefer oversized glowsticks and magic on pub side, and the other on imp side, just because i can never really comit to playing a sith, but i can comit to playing an operate who hates sith about as much as she does jedi, and can take em both down easily enough, or a bh whos just in it for the money, and because he knows that hes rare among mercenaries, in that if hes sent after you, he miht be merciful, but if anyone else from the empire is, no way in hell your getting anything close to mercy


edit: oh and im a fencer irl and i always love swords or magic to guns, which is why i kinda like the force users and an operative with all their dagger stuff.


in the end though, i do go back to pub side because i just cant really devote myself to anyone allied with the empire

Edited by Jedikillar
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i never once felt that my smuggler was insignificant compared to sith/jedi. sure, they have the force, and are in general more powerful, but her brains and underworld experience more than make up for it. not to mention she's got a better sense of humor, and she makes more money than they do. the Republic needed my smuggler as much as they needed the jedi, just in a different way.
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I disagree. For one, note that a Jedi can only EVER gain prestige in his/her own order. Jedi will never be Senators or Generals--only in times of war do they command forces, and it's still rare for them even to have high positions.


A Trooper would be the most likely to obtain actual powerful in the Republic.


On the other hand, Jedi are very constrained. They give their lives to the Order, and give up personal entitlements. So Smugglers can obtain a future blocked to Jedi--they get to have complete freedom, they get riches, and they get luxury. The life of a Jedi will be roughly the same at age 19 as at age 83 (ignoring outside events).


Plus, remember that "movie" Jedi are the absolute best of the best. You see them easily deflecting blaster bolts because they are well above average for Jedi. But remember the Battle of Geonosis? The Jedi death toll was massive, and the enemies were only using blasters. Remember when Qui Gonn and Obi Wan were aboard the Federation's vessel? It took both of them just to hold off the attack of two destroyer droids.


The unpredictable fighting style of a Smuggler, using trick shots and technology, can definitely still be effective against a Jedi. Yeah, the best Smuggler is probably no match for the best Jedi. But that doesn't mean much, really. Because even though the Jedi stories show off the player as being super strong in the force, you are still knights/consulars that JUST became Jedi. You are well above average for a new Jedi, but you still aren't Satele Shan or Mace Windu.


And the Trooper is able to overpower a Jedi with sheer force of their attacks. To deflect a blaster bolt still takes strength. So deflecting a lot of strong bolts is going to be seriously taxing. Add in avoiding bombs and such? Yeah, that's a tough opponent.


For the Sith, it's different of course. The fighting comments remain, but the political ones are different.


Sith are always going to be the elite, yes. But through their work, BHs end up with some autonomy more akin to Smugglers, which must be extremely gratifying in an Imperial world. Plus, people are more accepting of a BH that isn't so formal than of a soldier that isn't.


Imperial Agents also have a decent amount of pros, when you think about it. Yes, they will never be emperor. But they can still become Grand Moffs, and that's pretty awesome. Plus, the Sith ALWAYS have to worry about things like assassination or competition. IAs have a much easier path towards the top than others do. They are more like Troopers--you are able to reasonably imagine a character that could achieve a very high military/political office through their work.


i didnt read your whole point, but what i can say about what i did read is that, after this war, up to the ruusaan reformation, jedi were politicians quite often. in fact, until the chancellor that passed the ruusaan reformaton, the supreme chancelor had only been jedi for what? 300 years? something like that

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  • 2 weeks later...
About StarshipsX-70B Phantom-Class Prototype

The starships of the Imperial Navy are the product of centuries of military research and development. The Empire designed its fleet to destroy the Republic as quickly and efficiently as possible. During the years of the Great War, however, the Empire refined its design strategies. Co-opting newly discovered technologies and revising blueprints according to lessons learned, Imperial engineers built a new generation of starships. First among these, Imperial Intelligence commissioned the X70B-Phantom—the most low-profile, high-tech starship the galaxy has ever known. From its radar-resistant sleek exterior paneling to the next-generation navigation systems, the Phantom is so far ahead of its time that mass production would never be possible. More likely, the experimental prototypes built so far will be designated for critical Intelligence missions, and entrusted only to the most professional and responsible Imperial Agents.


I Thought the BH ship was awsom like a preditor comeing out from behined an astroid to stalk his pray kind of look.

Edited by RogeAce
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Play the sniper. The story is the best in the game, the voice acting is superb (for the male anyway, haven't played the female) and there is no higher dps than the marksmanship sniper. It's an amazingly fun character in all ways. Yes, there are force users who will disrespect you but that's addressed nicely in the story. Just play it and trust that the story will make it all worthwhile, because it will.
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I have somehow managed to end up with one of every character except Consular.


My Smuggler is, on many occasions, astounded by her own abilities. By all rights, she should be more than dead by now. I think really, though, she underestimates herself. She was very well trained. Her only weakness is her size (she's the size of the average 11-year-old) and to make up for that, she has Corso, who is more than happy to be her human shield.


Bounty hunter was trained by Braden and spent most of her time in Hutt Space, so she just had a vague lingering dislike of the Empire because she has a personal dislike of slaveholders. On Dromund Kaas she learned just how ***** the Sith really are. On Balmorra, she milked the Empire while passing along every piece of information they gave her to the resistance. She's continued that trend (QUIETLY, for heaven's sake) up until she got the chance to defect to the Republic.


Trooper I haven't gotten to play much, since I can't even decide if Cherek is male or female. But I imagine Trooper starts out fantastically trained and in the best unit in the Republic Forces and gets even better along the way.


Agent... dear lord, I love my Agent. He used to be a nice Imperial trooper until he got blown up. They stitched the outside up, but his brains were shot. He's now a ridiculously violent anarchist who continues to work for the Empire for the medical benefits. He literally cannot help mouthing off to Sith... and his bosses... and pretty much everyone else, too. (He's also madly in love with Kaliyo, who he's convinced is his soulmate and should settle down with him and have dozens of anarchistic babies.)

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