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Drakos - what would be your top 3 concerns/wishlist of changes for BW to fix or put in for you to take another look into the game???


Top three....


UI customization and mods, because I know this issue is a big one for most people. I, personally, just want one more action bar, or to extend my bottom two bars slightly.



Progression. This is sort of vague, but I think I'd want a more concrete system of progression regarding gear towards the end-game, actual PvP gear progression (assuming they keep Expertise), and a better scaled system of level progression. It seems strange for me to always be 5+ levels higher than the zones I'm in.



PvP is what I -should- list as my third, but honestly...


I care more about having pretty armor/weapons to aim for and collect, so my last concern personally has to be armor and weapon design.

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Top three....


UI customization and mods, because I know this issue is a big one for most people. I, personally, just want one more action bar, or to extend my bottom two bars slightly.



Progression. This is sort of vague, but I think I'd want a more concrete system of progression regarding gear towards the end-game, actual PvP gear progression (assuming they keep Expertise), and a better scaled system of level progression. It seems strange for me to always be 5+ levels higher than the zones I'm in.



PvP is what I -should- list as my third, but honestly...


I care more about having pretty armor/weapons to aim for and collect, so my last concern personally has to be armor and weapon design.



Agreed. You nailed it, although I would also put in less phased instancing used on planets and UI scaling as well.

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Well thought out post. I only purchased the game last week but I have already experienced, and agree with, most of what you discussed. I think the biggest surprise for me was the world design. It's as if the world designers came up with a plan to create as much player segregation as possible, while still maintaining a semi-functional world... :confused:
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The sad thing is the worlds will never change from that segregation enless they change the engine the game runs on.


People were supprised they decided to go with this engine due to that fact that the engine is known for not being able to handle large numbers without serious performance hits.

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I guess the main problem with me is the missing feel of epicness.


The game feel shallow, it's missing substance and I cannot pin point exactly what that substance is.


Every MMO needs a carrot that needs to be dangled, and right now that carrot is covered in poo or something. It may be a texture problem, but I have a really high end computer and a laptop, I can run every game perfectly but when it comes to this even with high settings, the gear looks like texture from 2001.


The story is great as a single player, the leveling is not bad. The one thing they did right is the group loot feature where you kill a party of mobs and you can loot all at once.


They need some EPIC feeling. I guess it doesn't feel epic to fight droids, or some weird looking monster. How about an epic lore to a sith lord or a jedi gone bad, I don't know what it is but it needs the "epic"ness in the game.

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That is sort of my intent. I'm hoping things change, and if they do, I'll be back to give it another try. As it stands, a break will do me and my wallet some good, and hopefully BioWare will manage to convince me back in this general direction with some epic patch notes in the near future.


I've done this myself before, then returned at a later date and was taken back by how much the mmo had progressed in such a short time (not all of them though).


Give it afew weeks, come back, and you may find a mmo much more to your liking. Like i said I'm enjoying it even at 50, but i keep an open mind and understand that some are not happy with it.


If some bothered to read the entire original post, they would see you're not trolling the game, simply giving some constructive feedback. Alas, most will just say "TL;DR" (i read this as "too lazy, didn't read") :rolleyes:


In any case, check back at a later date drakos, you might be supprised how fast it has changed, hopefully for the better in your case.

Edited by TheFugitive
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Some of us were seeing signs of this for quite awhile. Bioware has been demonstrating for some time now that they really don't "get" an MMO community. From their extremely overmoderated forums, to their frequent useless updates (how many times did people /facepalm over a new Friday update reveealing something like, "zomg, new concept art that's three years old!") to their sloppy mishandling of release-push-back rumors ("we don't comment on rumors, even the true ones") to their staggered access to Thanksgiving beta weekend, to their vague and sloppy information about EGA, to the staggered release of EGA and forcing players to wait until "day of" before they knew if they could play the game, to saying there was no grace period after repeatedly saying there would be a grace period and only changing their minds after mountains of complaints on the forums, to having the CM tell a player who was complaining about dead warzones to "reroll," to James Ohlen saying that people who were having graphics problems all just have crappy computers...


Bioware is not good at MMO's. There's a certain type of player on this forum for whom story in a game is so important that they just can't understand why someone wouldn't love TOR. I'm starting to get the idea that Bioware's developers are exactly the same way. They put all their time and energy into the story--even in beta-- and when it came to the MMO parts they just copied vanilla WoW. Maybe they will do us all a favor and stay with SPRPG's from now on.

Edited by Mannic
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Top three....


UI customization and mods, because I know this issue is a big one for most people. I, personally, just want one more action bar, or to extend my bottom two bars slightly.

They said they are working on it.


Progression. This is sort of vague, but I think I'd want a more concrete system of progression regarding gear towards the end-game, actual PvP gear progression (assuming they keep Expertise), and a better scaled system of level progression. It seems strange for me to always be 5+ levels higher than the zones I'm in.

Please give an example of what you would do to make people progress in end game that they arent already doing, that wont piss off the other97% of people who would probably disagree with you. As for levelling, if your that much farther than the planet quests skip them and save it for an alt, that way you dont come back here and complain that you have to watch the scenes again.


PvP is what I -should- list as my third, but honestly...


I care more about having pretty armor/weapons to aim for and collect, so my last concern personally has to be armor and weapon design.

They stated they are working on making the set bonus come off with the mods so we can use any armor we want.


My response in red.

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The Galactic Trade Network needs work - but that's no reason to leave. What the GTN did, however, was show me other little things that seem flawed with the game.


Crafting is a joke. Biochem and Cybertech are the only things worth having (and the useful items from BioChem require you have the profession to use them, or so I was told) whereas everything else is actually a huge money and time-sink for no payoff. When you consider that Mods can be bought with commendations and orange gear will last until level 50, the use for crafted gear falls squarely to supplementing the slots you don't have oranges for and gearing companions. I'm actually surprised there was a market for green and blue items considering their ultimate worthlessness even on my server - but as people learn the nature of items in this game, they'll realize how pointless the bulk of gear is.


Then there's the palette swaps. There appear to be maybe twenty designs for Sith Inquisitor gear overall, much of it copied with slight variations on color and pattern and almost all of it (spoiler: incoming opinion) completely hideous. At maximum level all of the gear looks essentially identical, and while this is no different from other MMO's currently out, I was told it would be different. To note my leveling experience, I picked up Synthweaving and crafted a few oranges (the Dark Acolyte's set) and haven't found a piece I liked better visually yet. (I check the pieces on the GTN daily.)


Discovering that there is no gear that appeals to me visually for the one class I enjoy the most.


End-game gear can be farmed by commendations, there are no surprises in that regard. All this amounts to the game only featuring story as a significant motivating factor for me.


And to be completely honest, there are things about the storytelling that irk me too.



I'd agree with most of the aforementioned excerpts. GTN isnt really that worth it since there just doesn't seem to be enough variety of items, and nothing looks good for light armor classes (aesthetically speaking that is). Crafting is pretty much a waste of time right now. And end game seems like a huge grind from what my friends are telling me, but im 47 right now. So Ill have to see for myself. As far as the story line, I don't feel like being forced into black and white choices EVERY time. Sometimes I feel like there needs to be a 3rd choice giving no light/dark side points. I just dont like to be forced to choose something that my alter ego wouldn't do if I was given the choice lol.


Having said that. This game is truly in its infancy, we JUST launched. Unfortunately beta testing can only take you so far. Im sure BW is paying close attention and processing all the feedback they are getting. And I have faith they have the games best interest at heart. But as far as launches go im pretty impressed. The game functions very well (still needs optimization but at least it doesn't crash every 30 minutes *cough AoC cough*) quests aren't broken or unplayable for the most part. And just overall it runs pretty smooth for me. Im enjoying it but alternations and additions need to be made and that is only going to come with time. So perhaps we will see you in the future when things change. Take care :cool:.

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Some of us were seeing signs of this for quite awhile. Bioware has been demonstrating for some time now that they really don't "get" an MMO community. From their extremely overmoderated forums, to their frequent useless updates (how many times did people /facepalm over a new Friday update reveealing something like, "zomg, new concept art that's three years old!") to their sloppy mishandling of release-push-back rumors ("we don't comment on rumors, even the true ones") to their staggered invites to what should have been an open beta, to their vague and sloppy information about EGA, to the staggered release of EGA and forcing players to wait until "day of" before they knew if they could play the game, to saying there was no grace period after repeatedly saying there would be a grace period and only changing their minds after mountains of complaints on the forums, to having the CM tell a player who was complaining about dead warzones to "reroll," to James Ohlen saying that people who were having graphics problems all just had crappy computers...


Bioware is not good at MMO's. Maybe they will do us all a favor and stay with SPRPG's from now on.


I feel it would be a mistake to relate their PR and Forum-Running to their ability to develop MMOs, and given the way the forums had developed, I can understand their zeal, even if I frequently called them out on over-moderation.


I feel like the only failings regarding TOR are somewhat innocent. They had a good idea for an MMO, great ideas conceptually, but when implemented lots of altered details added up to holes in the overall feel and flow of the MMO. At least, there's that in addition to the fact that the game seems to have been released a tad early, and several promises were poorly delivered upon.



For example, I still think of a quote from way back: "Thousands of bad*ss loot" from a developer interview has literally translated to thousands of palette swaps. Less of this needed to happen.

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I feel it would be a mistake to relate their PR and Forum-Running to their ability to develop MMOs, and given the way the forums had developed, I can understand their zeal, even if I frequently called them out on over-moderation.


I feel like the only failings regarding TOR are somewhat innocent. They had a good idea for an MMO, great ideas conceptually, but when implemented lots of altered details added up to holes in the overall feel and flow of the MMO. At least, there's that in addition to the fact that the game seems to have been released a tad early, and several promises were poorly delivered upon.



For example, I still think of a quote from way back: "Thousands of bad*ss loot" from a developer interview has literally translated to thousands of palette swaps. Less of this needed to happen.




There changes in beta is what makes TOR not understand a beta. Just look at the mara nerfs, the fury system they added. The change to assassin without the gear. The change to stats and removed a ton of gear.

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Some of us were seeing signs of this for quite awhile. Bioware has been demonstrating for some time now that they really don't "get" an MMO community. From their extremely overmoderated forums, to their frequent useless updates (how many times did people /facepalm over a new Friday update reveealing something like, "zomg, new concept art that's three years old!") to their sloppy mishandling of release-push-back rumors ("we don't comment on rumors, even the true ones") to their staggered access to Thanksgiving beta weekend, to their vague and sloppy information about EGA, to the staggered release of EGA and forcing players to wait until "day of" before they knew if they could play the game, to saying there was no grace period after repeatedly saying there would be a grace period and only changing their minds after mountains of complaints on the forums, to having the CM tell a player who was complaining about dead warzones to "reroll," to James Ohlen saying that people who were having graphics problems all just have crappy computers...


Bioware is not good at MMO's. Maybe they will do us all a favor and stay with SPRPG's from now on.


Damn man... spot on. About the forum moderation: It's almost as if they don't speak our language, if that makes sense. I have seen threads closed and have been like seriously....


My wife loves this game, she just dropped $1,500 on a rig that should chew this game up and spit it out, but for some reason it still runs like crap. They should edit the recommended system requirements to read "Jaguar" or at least "It depends".

Edited by Shortwave
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Damn man... spot on. About the forum moderation: It's almost as if they don't speak our language, if that makes sense. I have seen threads closed and have been like seriously....


My wife loves this game, she just dropped $1,500 on a rig that should chew this game up and spit it out, but for some reason it still runs like crap. They should edit the recommended system requirements to read "Jaguar" or at least "It depends".


Sounds like you should take a peek around the forums and read that they are trying to address the issue.


Funny my fiance's low end and my high end rig both run this fine. You sure you got your things put in the right place?

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For example, I still think of a quote from way back: "Thousands of bad*ss loot" from a developer interview has literally translated to thousands of palette swaps. Less of this needed to happen.


Funny, when I read this, I immediately thought of Bioware bragging about "billions of options for character customization." Another example of a palette swap being spun as ultimate diversity.


You've been here a long time. You know that many of the things that are causing this game to fail in the eyes of many people were things that were fretted about years ago, and apparently BW didn't get the message.

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