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Are there really more empire players than republic?


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People prefer to be evil. What that says about the future of humanity is depressing.


It is actually has nothing to do with the future of humanity.


What it means is that the majority of people would never dream of being this evil in real life... that is why people play video games, specifically RPGs... to play things that they are not. A lot more people relate to the Republic side as the good side, the side most of us would probably be on in real life. But this isn't real life, and I don't want to play a good guy in real life and a video game....

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For some interesting reason, the light side on empire tends to be the smarter decisions for war effort with dark being the herp-a-derp I kill because I can. Sames goes to Republic with dark side being the more tactical decision.


I noticed that with my trooper. I lean towards the dark side options with him because, with the exception of the whole messy "extorting innocent people for money" thing, the majority of the dark side options I've seen make more sense from a tactical standpoint. Not to mention they display more of a loyalty to the Republic, and my trooper is incredibly loyal to the Republic.


That, of course, only reinforces the gray surrounding both factions. To say that the Republic are the "good guys" and the Empire are the "bad guys" just isn't 100% true. Things are a bit more black and white with the Jedi and the Sith, but not necessarily the Empire and Republic. But there's always exceptions. More fun that way.

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Really? Is there a reason why people prefer empire over republic? I just don't get it. Republic characters aren't all that bad. Smugglers are awesome.


And republics are the good guys! They save the universe from the evil sith empire!


Im more light sided on the empire than most republic players : P.

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Most of the Empire players I've grouped with, are either extremely rude or are just bad at playing. Every group I've been in has yelled at me to spam my spacebar during conversations. :rolleyes:


Wow, are you on an american server?


I play Empire and just yesterday, we had an really plesant conversation about old old cars in General chat, while having a cup of tea.

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I'm playing Empire. I'll try out Republic eventually but not for a while. The reasons I don't really want to play Republic are:


1: I've just never been a fan of the Star Wars Republic.


2: The classes aren't very appealing to me. The Trooper holds a bit of interest but only because the female one is voiced by Jennifer Hale. The class itself doesn't look that great.

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Try playing republic trooper I'm loving it I'm always doing sabatoge missions and disarming stuff. It feel like Im playing Battlefront in an mmo if that makes sensce. I really wanted to start with Bounty hunter first but started lightside cause my friend did. I have noticed other peeps I talk to in RL though all have Sith characters :(
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Most of the Empire players I've grouped with, are either extremely rude or are just bad at playing. Every group I've been in has yelled at me to spam my spacebar during conversations. :rolleyes:


thats such bul l , noone even can see you used your spacebar unless you tell them so, space space space already skip it . or something like that wich makes you the a ss ..


on my server its just like any other mmo realy .. general chat full of people talking nonsense but also people answering questions helping and at night the trolls come out ofc .. not realy saying empire or republic has better players or all empire are jerks , thats bull .. you cant know everyone on a server , and sins everything is instanced , you only talk or see minor portion of the people , if you unlucky your all the way stuck with them till lvl 50 depends if you level up same pace as them ...


noone can know for sure if teres imbalance of players (yet) , maybe teres just not enough people that do pvp on a server ... specialy on a pve server pvp ..


and also theres no deffinition of a good and bad faction in this game , you can be who you like .. good or evil , teres allot of people on my server playing in emire that want to make the empire a better place and get rid of all the crazy psycho sith sort of speak , also in the npc's and companions you see it too , teres lots of good people in the empire citizens soldiers , even sith that just want peace , same i can sya about republic players that take the road of the darkside and do evil things not every republic player or npc is per definition Good ...

Edited by Genesizs
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For some interesting reason, the light side on empire tends to be the smarter decisions for war effort with dark being the herp-a-derp I kill because I can. Sames goes to Republic with dark side being the more tactical decision.


I don't know. At the time, dark side decisions tend to make a lot of sense, I agree. However, as someone that plays completely light (as a a smuggler, maybe that makes a difference), in the long run when I get mail after missions and such, it seems like my decisions always end up coming out for the better. Perhaps this is the same for the dark side.


I think this is an example of the Star Wars universe overall. Darkside decisions are faster and easier, but they can and will play out well in the long run so long as you aren't just killing for the hell of it. KotOR touches on this when Master Uthar tells Revan that the Sith do not kill indiscriminately for the giggles. They have reasons. Lightside decisions make you trust in good of others many a times and have the player rely on hope that their morality will begin a ripple affect throught the process. Standing up for your morals rewards you and often times the NPCs will realize your example and act accordingly.


Neither side doesn't seem to have a long term con to them. The darkside can work well, as in the case of Palpatine. He used guile and political sabotage to take over a galaxy. Ingenious. In comparison, Luke and Anakin Skywalker used the lightside to place trust and one man's ability to loved and that man acted to take down the most influencial man in the galaxy. Inspiring. Both sides have their formulas is what I'm getting at.

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thats such bul l , noone even can see you used your spacebar unless you tell them so, space space space already skip it . or something like that wich makes you the a ss .. ...


Wrong. A character with a dash next to his name is no longer pending the cutscene and has made their selection.

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People prefer to be evil. What that says about the future of humanity is depressing.


Considering my co-workers and I are all playing Empire, I guess that makes us all evil inside. Which is a shame really, because I always thought my co-workers were really nice people. :p


To be fair though, I have an Agent and a Trooper, and I've been trying to keep them within the same level range. I have to say I really enjoy both play styles. The "rush in guns-a-blazing" mentality of the Vanguard is crazy fun, and he more strategic and tactical style of the Sniper lets me take a break from the crazy mayhem that my Trooper usually starts. lol

Edited by Trooper_One
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Funny enough, that pebble spam would hurt you ALOT more than lightning in terms of possible damage. Lightning is only a possible chance of brain damage, those rocks consular throws are actually big enough to smash your head.


You know nothing about how electricity works. Anything with enough voltage to arc 30 meters will definitely conduct through the victim's body, if it has any real amperage, it could range from setting your heart off rhythm (which leads to heart failure and you die), to shutting down your nervous system (paralyzing you, possibly leading to the muscles in your chest not being able to expand your lungs and you can't breathe for yourself anymore), to charring your organs (kidney failure, heart failure, death).


The pebbles from Telekinetic Throw are nowhere near enough to smash in a skull, and using Project in a space ship will cause explosive decompression (you are, after all, pulling a chunk out of the floor of the ship), killing the user and everyone else on the ship. I guess that would objectively be effective, but you could really only do it once and the Republic would end up just not having Jedi and the Sith win without fighting.


I don't know how much it has to do with people flocking to the Empire, but powers that are guaranteed to destroy the person they're being used against are better than being sucked into space if you think about it in those terms.

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Personally I'm in a weird situation. My guild, the only people I know, are Republic. But I WANT to play Imperial because:


A) Better storylines, with more interesting antihero lightside options.

B) Better aesthetics. Aside from sith robes being hooded-only, which stinks. But at least they're not perpetually poop colored.

C) LIGHTNING > ROCKS. Nuff said.


Problem is, if I go Imperial, I never feel like I have enough support to make it work. No guild with coordinated crafting. I could go join one, I guess, but I prefer playing with friends I already know, not complete strangers. Soloing can be rough. (UNless you roll Sorceror, which is death on wheels, but I am completely sick of looking like a shapeless robed blob.)

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There is ONE reason my friends and I play Empire and that's because the Republic has American voices and the Empire has British voices (we're all British).


I absolutely could not stand to play the Republic because of this which is a shame to be honest. I know this is very ignorant of me but I accept it! The American accents make me cringe whenever I listen to them. Then I log onto my Sniper and hear his smooth British accent and he's just a BOSS.

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There is ONE reason my friends and I play Empire and that's because the Republic has American voices and the Empire has British voices (we're all British).


I absolutely could not stand to play the Republic because of this which is a shame to be honest. I know this is very ignorant of me but I accept it! The American accents make me cringe whenever I listen to them. Then I log onto my Sniper and hear his smooth British accent and he's just a BOSS.


Ironically, I've heard some British players say they hate the accents because they say whoever did them butchered them.


In any case, my Republic Trooper has an Imperial Defector has a Companion. She has that awesome, sexy voice. :)

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