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Mail on Starships ?


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No thanks, I would rather not be staying on my ship all the time.


Do you know how stupid that sounds. It's like someone says, "I am going to build a bridge to get across the river." You respond, "No thanks I prefer to swim".


Well guess what? Swim all you want. Some people would like to use the bridge. Nobody is twisting your arm forcing you to use the bridge.

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Personally what i would love to see is mail to the person ( like email )

Credits can also be sent ( i assume that this far in the future they use virtual credits vs physical ) to the person

PACKAGES ( aka items ) have to be picked up at a mailbox.

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it's my personal opinion that you should be able to buy with in-game credits the ability to have a mail box and a Galactic trade hub in you ship.... something like that needs devotion to the game though say 500k credits a peace cuz lets face it, it shouldn't be easy to get super convenience in an MMO all the best toys should be locked for the players who want to work for them but that might just be my elitism going off there
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