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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delays / Lack of Content.


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The game has potential.


The game took this long to develop with this many bugs.




A) - Devs are semi-skilled but not the most talented bunch


B) - Pressure to rush production


C) Too much emphasis on areas that quickly become repetitive (IE all quests voice acted rather than main quests and story for example.)


My guess it is a little bit of both.


Long term its profit / margins and resources ... and the pool at Bioware / EA is a far cry from the industry best. Let's face it.


So many MMO's have failed, and it's as if Bioware learned nothing, took nothing from the best parts of successful titles and veered from what caused others to fail (or at least veered from things that players universally dreaded / disliked.)


WOW/RIFT/AION - this is the combat we want: Fluid, no lagging, no buggy seamless combat, where you press a skill and it activated. A few channeling skills are fine, but instants need to be instant. Not queued, not friggin double animated paused "I hope this goes off" fests ...



Raid and FPs: Are bugged, are not balanced ... there is no excuse .. you don't have much end game, fix the crap you force us to endure before releasing more buggy unplayable content. (Unplayable a bit harsh, this is certain HM's and nightmare for example, and the class balance favoring ranged extremely is dumb, especially when most players are jedi and melee, this is traditionally the norm for MMO's anyway.)


4 party system is dumb. Balance it around 5 so 3 dps per 1 healer 1 tank. (not 2 per 1.) There are more DPS than tanks and healers in general ... why you did this is beyond me, without a LFG system this causes more people to spend hours trying to get a decent group for end game FP's.


At 50, you make respecs high, repair bills super high, so we are forced to time sink the Illum / belsavis dailies ... everyday. You make pvp a grind, (Valor grind) and I wont even mention ILLUM, point is you took cheap routes for 50 content .. and why? What reason could you possibly have for this? There are F2P MMos that had 1/2 the development time with double the end game content .


You want us to pay subscriptions? Fine, give us something really worth playing and worth staying for. As of now this is hardly better than a F2P MMO with voice acting, bugs and ability delay ... and 200 people lag fleet? Come on lmao .. at least it took double that to lag Dalaran back in the day!


Pls fix this game, or you will lose a ton of people ... especially when Diablo 3 or (insert upcoming title here) releases.



Edited by Bodypull
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1/2 the problem is the cheap engine they chose.


The other 1/2 is how the game is coded and developed .. im not even sure it can be fixed.


They are blaming machines, they are blaming ("not every machine optimally runs blah blah blah ...")


They are saying that (ticket to population means most are having NO issue.)


Could it be most of us just dont want to put in a friggin ticket?


They are doing a spin and talking the talk ... they are not directly addressing the issue.


They need 50000000000000 Stickies!

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I agree.



The game has potential.


The game took this long to develop with this many bugs.




A) - Devs are semi-skilled but not the most talented bunch


B) - Pressure to rush production


C) Too much emphasis on areas that quickly become repetitive (IE all quests voice acted rather than main quests and story for example.)


My guess it is a little bit of both.


Long term its profit / margins and resources ... and the pool at Bioware / EA is a far cry from the industry best. Let's face it.


So many MMO's have failed, and it's as if Bioware learned nothing, took nothing from the best parts of successful titles and veered from what caused others to fail (or at least veered from things that players universally dreaded / disliked.)


WOW/RIFT/AION - this is the combat we want: Fluid, no lagging, no buggy seamless combat, where you press a skill and it activated. A few channeling skills are fine, but instants need to be instant. Not queued, not friggin double animated paused "I hope this goes off" fests ...



Raid and FPs: Are bugged, are not balanced ... there is no excuse .. you don't have much end game, fix the crap you force us to endure before releasing more buggy unplayable content. (Unplayable a bit harsh, this is certain HM's and nightmare for example, and the class balance favoring ranged extremely is dumb, especially when most players are jedi and melee, this is traditionally the norm for MMO's anyway.)


4 party system is dumb. Balance it around 5 so 3 dps per 1 healer 1 tank. (not 2 per 1.) There are more DPS than tanks and healers in general ... why you did this is beyond me, without a LFG system this causes more people to spend hours trying to get a decent group for end game FP's.


At 50, you make respecs high, repair bills super high, so we are forced to time sink the Illum / belsavis dailies ... everyday. You make pvp a grind, (Valor grind) and I wont even mention ILLUM, point is you took cheap routes for 50 content .. and why? What reason could you possibly have for this? There are F2P MMos that had 1/2 the development time with double the end game content .


You want us to pay subscriptions? Fine, give us something really worth playing and worth staying for. As of now this is hardly better than a F2P MMO with voice acting, bugs and ability delay ... and 200 people lag fleet? Come on lmao .. at least it took double that to lag Dalaran back in the day!


Pls fix this game, or you will lose a ton of people ... especially when Diablo 3 or (insert upcoming title here) releases.



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If it were me.


I would have made a series of FP's, not bugged and balance, each with a HM.


I would have made tionese worth something, and an actual tiered system.


I would have made trophy drops and customized ships. Places where you could craft and acquire trophies to mount on ship walls, new furniture ect (and to a degree this would make a social point multiplier.)


I would have made at leats 3 end game raids. The Hutt is ok, single boss (I would take out the trash.)


make the trash in EV drop alloys (rare chance) or wrists / belts of epic quality (rare change) along with credits and the occasional green or blue.


Fluid combat and server lag would be top priority (not emoting from a mount.)


PVP balance


Server imbalances.


Mergers where needed.


LFG system


Cross world pvp and pve LFG queues.


Adding purple cyan ect to Artifce (rare world boss drops ect .. raid ect.)


Give all trees utulity and dual specs. (every tree can DPS and either tank or heal.) Sents watchman heal might be shadow priest style to a greater degree for example .. heals raid by doing damage to a noticeable degree .. and have combat perform at a higher dps level without the utility ect ... just to name 1 example ..)


Better customer service


No more than 24 hrs on tickets'


and I could go on


point is my changes and focus is what we want now.


this should have been done in development.

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And of course,


The Legacy system should have been ready at launch.


Add achievements


Make GTN usable (search by armor type ect)


Make space more open and exploratory .. wouldn't mind mining an asteroid ect ... flying places with my friends ..


FASTER SPEEDER PLEASE. 120 is nothing at least 180-220


Flying mounts / swimming / swoop racing / drag racing / pazak.


Come on get with it this is an MMO, the sky is the limit .. not do the least to get by

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The game has potential.


The game took this long to develop with this many bugs.




A) - Devs are semi-skilled but not the most talented bunch


B) - Pressure to rush production


C) Too much emphasis on areas that quickly become repetitive (IE all quests voice acted rather than main quests and story for example.)


My guess it is a little bit of both.


Long term its profit / margins and resources ... and the pool at Bioware / EA is a far cry from the industry best. Let's face it.


So many MMO's have failed, and it's as if Bioware learned nothing, took nothing from the best parts of successful titles and veered from what caused others to fail (or at least veered from things that players universally dreaded / disliked.)


WOW/RIFT/AION - this is the combat we want: Fluid, no lagging, no buggy seamless combat, where you press a skill and it activated. A few channeling skills are fine, but instants need to be instant. Not queued, not friggin double animated paused "I hope this goes off" fests ...



Raid and FPs: Are bugged, are not balanced ... there is no excuse .. you don't have much end game, fix the crap you force us to endure before releasing more buggy unplayable content. (Unplayable a bit harsh, this is certain HM's and nightmare for example, and the class balance favoring ranged extremely is dumb, especially when most players are jedi and melee, this is traditionally the norm for MMO's anyway.)


4 party system is dumb. Balance it around 5 so 3 dps per 1 healer 1 tank. (not 2 per 1.) There are more DPS than tanks and healers in general ... why you did this is beyond me, without a LFG system this causes more people to spend hours trying to get a decent group for end game FP's.


At 50, you make respecs high, repair bills super high, so we are forced to time sink the Illum / belsavis dailies ... everyday. You make pvp a grind, (Valor grind) and I wont even mention ILLUM, point is you took cheap routes for 50 content .. and why? What reason could you possibly have for this? There are F2P MMos that had 1/2 the development time with double the end game content .


You want us to pay subscriptions? Fine, give us something really worth playing and worth staying for. As of now this is hardly better than a F2P MMO with voice acting, bugs and ability delay ... and 200 people lag fleet? Come on lmao .. at least it took double that to lag Dalaran back in the day!


Pls fix this game, or you will lose a ton of people ... especially when Diablo 3 or (insert upcoming title here) releases.




stick to wow man

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And of course,


The Legacy system should have been ready at launch.

Why? Most people will not have that many levels, since leveling alt characters is the main method of building this up.


Add achievements

MMO's like Rift show achievements but don't really reward the player for accomplishing them. This is fluff that can be added later.


Make GTN usable (search by armor type ect)

You already can search by armor type and rarity, and the results can be arranged according to the columns listed like level, name, etc. It sounds like you need to learn to use them.


Make space more open and exploratory .. wouldn't mind mining an asteroid ect ... flying places with my friends ..

There's a thread existing where you can whine about the on-rails space combat.


FASTER SPEEDER PLEASE. 120 is nothing at least 180-220

Take some Ritalin, it'll help you enjoy this game more.


Flying mounts / swimming / swoop racing / drag racing / pazak.

See what I just wrote above.


Come on get with it this is an MMO, the sky is the limit .. not do the least to get by

Thank you, Blizzard. With WoW, you've created an entire generation of self-entitled ADD-afflicted kids who want everything now. Maybe some Ritalin will help?

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Thank you, Blizzard. With WoW, you've created an entire generation of self-entitled ADD-afflicted kids who want everything now. Maybe some Ritalin will help?


it was good at the time, Wow effectively ruined the genre with the dreggs it attracted.

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Thank you, Blizzard. With WoW, you've created an entire generation of self-entitled ADD-afflicted kids who want everything now. Maybe some Ritalin will help?


Not sure why you hating on people. Blizzard made MMOs better in almost every way. This game itself, is heavily base off wow. I mean some classes mimic wow classes a lot.



This thread has made great points, and most people will be going back to wow :)

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Not sure why you hating on people. Blizzard made MMOs better in almost every way. This game itself, is heavily base off wow. I mean some classes mimic wow classes a lot.


This thread has made great points, and most people will be going back to wow :)

Dumbing down MMO's to attract a younger audience can have its downside, and Blizzard has done just that with WoW. This thread is more self-entitled whining from someone who couldn't bother to do 5 minutes of research on the game before playing it.

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I think WoW just flat lasted too long. I'm guessing a lot of the people complaining about the issues in this game didn't start playing WoW until quite a ways in, because it had a lot of issues for a long time.


They had delayed abilities for a while.

They had too many skills and various useless skills.

They had bugged mobs and bugged bosses.

For a long time they had troubles keeping the servers actually up (which I'm very grateful this game does not have problems with)

There were lots of incomplete areas and abruptly ending quest lines.

They didn't have any of the cross-server or even same server PvP or PvE stuff.

The crafting was terrible.

They had no achievements for a long time.


I'm just not sure how anyone expects a developer to put out a 10 year developed game at launch. If you don't want to play while they are putting this stuff in to the game, you need to go away and come back later when it is built.


I've yet to see a single game-breaking bug in SWTOR, just a few annoying issues of varying degrees.

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It's not so much a lack of content and more a lack of feature. The comment about MMOs being dumbed down is indeed true here. No day/night, no swimming, no free space, no housing, removal of many races, decade old character creation, no appearance tab, no armor dye, no racing with customizable vehicles, no casino/pazaak/sabacc, decade old boring combat system, no collision detection, ridiculous laughable cinematics, no starship interior customization, crafting years begind SWG, messed up codex, dead worlds, linear pathing, no GM event, no dynamic event, no personal achievement, no environnemental interaction, no guild emblem, no guild ship... Many basic features missing for a multi millions dollars game with the most powerful IP in the world. Edited by Dreossk
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Dumbing down MMO's to attract a younger audience can have its downside, and Blizzard has done just that with WoW. This thread is more self-entitled whining from someone who couldn't bother to do 5 minutes of research on the game before playing it.



^ totally agree... The funny part is.. these spoiled little WOW players that are used to the welfare epics and "I win" buttons.. do not understand that WOW is a soon to be dead game.. The developers of Blizz/activision said "WOW is the past, We are moving to the future" -------------- AKA ---- Titan..


WOW was a one time thing for that company.. Now that activision is running the show.. you are going to get second rate crap.. like diablo 3.. which is horrid.. I am willing to bet my entire pay for a year that Titan will have bugs.. and lack all the other spoon fed crap that WOW has... Company is not going to spend tons of money for goodies that can be added later as the game grows.. like UI...

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Thank you, Blizzard. With WoW, you've created an entire generation of self-entitled ADD-afflicted kids who want everything now. Maybe some Ritalin will help?


Thanks for knit picking. You lost all credibility. /ignore


And sorry legacy is gained mainly by pvp/dailies not so much by alts (im already L-13)

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Thank you, Blizzard. With WoW, you've created an entire generation of self-entitled ADD-afflicted kids who want everything now. Maybe some Ritalin will help?


Since when has wanting a quality product for your money become a bad thing?


This game was built with the BioWare and Lucas Arts logos in mind. They knew that they would get good sales on that alone.


There are far too many folks running arround who would buy a turd if it had these logos on it.

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First mmo I've played that made me actually enjoy leveling. First mmo I've played where the end game wasn't the only thing on my mind. Brand new games have bugs and other issues. For being out less than a month this game is very well done. The ability delay sucks. Period. Other mmo's have had problems like that at launch.. get over it.


In any case thanks to the devs for a great game. Keep making it better, listen to people with constructive criticism and detailed posts. Ignore the haters that just say gimme now.

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Could it be most of us just dont want to put in a friggin ticket?


Yeah I found that quite funny when they claimed to know how many people are having performance issues. I'd bet more than half the people having performance issues don't bother reporting them.

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the gtn is the only thing that bugs me.


i wish you could search for specific things such as just hand slots, just chest pieces, etc. having to search through ALL heavy armor is not good especially when you try doing a search but there are things that are called legguards, greaves, pants (all for the leg slot), so you need 3 searches for just one slot

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