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50 Jedi Guardian PvP Video


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Nice video but the aspect ratio is screwed up. Everything looks squished.


Edit: I guess it was just the first part where you were zoomed in. What spec are you using?


It was just the video editing, I dont like the UI of the SWTOR to much. I'm Focus right now, Going to give Vig another shot when I get more gear.

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Of course it is, but to make one's highlight video full of nothing but is kind of disheartening. On the marauder forum video posters are getting griefed for posting a highlight video that's 99% 50's with a few 45+ mixed in. Do I chalk this up to poor editing or is this the norm?
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Mostly lowbie stalking and gang bangs? I was thinking about rolling a Guardian alt, but now I'm not so sure. :/


Guardians are quite strong, even against 50s. No you won't two shot any 50s but you can put pressure while protecting teammates.

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The video had plenty of 1v1 and 1vX fights versus 50s... More than most videos, tbh.


The one thing I will say is that at times the video being faded over the background was distracting and made it hard to see what was going on. This is a matter of taste, though, as the actual skill was good in most clips.

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This video makes me notice something.


He may be wearing the pvp gear from max level that looks hoooooorriable (I think its the same model anyway) but Im noticing on body type 3.... the armor really doesnt look so bad.


If its any other body type, esspecially type 2 (most pics Ive seen of the armor are on characters with body type 2,) the armor looks "oh god oh god kill me now burn my eyes out."



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