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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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So you are saying since you claim to be a top 25 guild WoW player, that solves the lack of accountability problem in WoW's LFD tool?


That doesnt make any sense.


It makes perfect sense for those with a brain. Which so far you have yet to display a reasonable comprehension for things beyond the tip of your nose.


Point was. I didn't do it, could. I know many other can do it, but don't. I don't see people ninjaing yet in groups like they did in WoW. And now something is being implemented to make it easier for everyone... and people yet again use the same argument yet never give logical criticism.


Its flawed thinking really. I'm going to go complain about global warming which may or may not kill us all. Then when asked "what can we do to improve and stop it" I simply continue to repeat myself like you do over and over and never give any type of solution besides "NO TAKE IT ALL AWAY". Its redundantly retarded.

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An LFG tool provides a way for players to create fast groups, an LFD tool provides fast groups, and protects greifers.


It's clear to anyone who is unbiased that the LFD crowd is more interested in having no accountability, otherwise they wouldnt rage against a server LFG tool.


That doesn't make any sense.

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Anyone who says they played WoW for seven years and getting groups was easy is lying. It's as simple as that.


Remember trying to get UBRS groups before the LFG tool? You had to get 10 (or was it 15?) people together, manually, make sure they were all ready to go, which in itself took about an hour since you couldn't ask people outside major cities to group.


Then, you had to get someone with an UBRS key. Nobody has a key and you've been trying to get a group for two hours? No problem, get a guildie to do it. Wait, no guildies can? Oh, well, let's pay someone to open the door. 50g? Sure, let's all pitch in.


Oh, the healer had to go....


Yeah, THAT was fun. :rolleyes:


LFG tool, please.


I agree with you. Hell I remember having to form raids for every single one of those suckers as a guild officer and having to key up nearly 50 people. And then you had people who were busy, working, etc. that you had to work with and they were straggling behind.


I remember some putting in effort at times and spending hours in a instance, having to go back to town if someone had to leave and spam LFM. Sure this isn't WoW, but many a times I've had to leave a instance so far in this game to go LFM cause someone leaves. Or people don't want to bother with it because it was already a hassle getting the group together and just call it.


Anyone who fights against improvement, and goes "well it might have a flaw". Doesn't apparently think they are human. When you start learning to walk, you fall. You start learning to ride a bicycle you crash, skateboarding, skating, driving a car...


Just imagine had any of the past great minds been afraid to do any of the things they did, like the Wright brothers "I don't know man, we might die from flying and crashing cause it fails". Hell, you can thank many people like them and if you live in the world.. some of your best technologies and accomplishments were from people who invented new things, found flaws and hammered them out... Don't be scared of change... its natural. And hate to tell you this, but its human nature to. One day your hair color will change, or you will lose hair. You muscle mass will lessen, your metabolism will slow... and unfortunately you can't tell your body no, you can't blame god.. etc.

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Oh of course they don't come out and say it.


But if the LFD crowd only wanted fast groups, then why do they attack everyone's ideas for an LFG tool that remains server only?


They attack LFG tool ideas because all an LFG tool does is provide fast groups, but it does not let these greifers behave anyway they want, so the greifers demand a wow copied LFD, with full griefer protections.


Plenty of LFD people have come out in support of a server only tool.

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I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


People would drop groups after wipes in vanilla and TBC too, it had nothing to do with the implementation of a LFG tool. Secondly anyone in an active guild could completely bypass the mouthbreathers by just grouping with guildies/alts, ect.


The difference between a same server LFG tool and the current LFG channel is less time wasted finding a group, that's it. Keep telling yourself it's implementation 'damages' the MMO 'community' though, because holding back people from playing the game they bought and paid for in an efficient way-which you can completely choose to opt-out of btw- is fantastic.

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Everytime that Tao guy posts 'LFD will force Bioware to dumb down the game11!1' I just laugh.


I mean, I would point out that the more groups going on means that more people would get and understand the flashpoints and know what to do and progressively become more and more geared and therefore more able and apt to do endgame raids and as a result would be more likely to faceroll the Hard Mode Flashpoints, but reading his face-keyboard-smash thought processes has provided a wonderful day of disbelief.


Unless he wants Bioware to continually tune up the instances continually with each tier to make sure they remain hard, which is an absolutely hilarious concept to me.

Edited by NoiseTankXIII
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An LFG tool is absolutely needed, but it does not need to be automatic. Dungeons & Dragons Online has had for five years the best LFG system I've seen, but not a single game has copied it. Not even LotRO which also is made by Turbine.


Here's how it works. A person starts a group, sets some optional parameters like the name of the dungeon/quest/whatever that is to be done, classes needed (or tank, dps, healer), level range and an additional comment like "tank wanted", "no rushing", "everyone welcome" or "zerg, be good". Then the first thing players see when they press O is a list of all groups looking for more players. They click on a group they want to join and the group leader sees something like "NN, level 38 Jedi Shadow wants to join. Accept or Decline?" Then the leader clicks Accept (or decline if the applicant for some reason is not what's he looking for) and so the group is eventually formed and everyone is happy.


Finding a group in DDO is very easy thanks to that awesome LFG system.


This is how it should be. The people who do not want a LFG tool are the people who played WoW so they automatically assume that when people talk about LFG system, they're talking about a WoW LFG model because apperantly WoW created everything.

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So. Have good groups that you have to wait 5 hours for... or have mostly good groups, occasional turds, but get in and get the flashpoint done in a reasonable amount of time... I think the winner is obvious.


I don't know about you, but I have other things to do than stand around and spam /1 for 5 hours looking for a tank.

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No LFG tool!!!! I love spamming general at the fleet for 20+ minutes in between arrow to the knee and chuck norris jokes!! Please don't take that away from me.


You don't get it.


You are not socializing enough.


What you need to do is whisper each person individually, ask them how their day was, what kind of dinner they ate, how they enjoyed their chicken teriyaki kabobs at Shogun Restaurant.


Then when the ice is broken, you pop the question, 'Would you like to Heal my instance, my good man?' and nine times out of ten, you will be declined.


Do not worry, for you have made a friend in the process.

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The LFG intergrated in the who/social tab would work as a tool if only ppl bothered to use it... and in a way even better you can see who you're potentially grouping with. But for some reason it's beyond the comprehension of those screaming for a tool... :eek:
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The LFG intergrated in the who/social tab would work as a tool if only ppl bothered to use it... and in a way even better you can see who you're potentially grouping with. But for some reason it's beyond the comprehension of those screaming for a tool... :eek:


Exactly. As it stands the function of the tool already in-game is perfect.


Maybe BW should make it into a seperate window so it's easier to comprehend... <_<

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The only reason that's even slightly true is because checking a Box marking you LFG and setting a comment are too daunting of a task for 80% of the player base.


The tool works fine. You can see who's LFG in the entire server and what they're LFG for.


Because it is a counter-intuitive process and especially given how much the UI blows the Empire State Building, a grand total of ten people will be using it.

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Because it is a counter-intuitive process and especially given how much the UI blows the Empire State Building, a grand total of ten people will be using it.


There's nothing counter-intuitive about it. It's not like they hid the LFG function in your talent window.


It's in /who. That's where you go when you're looking for people.


Constantly arguing BW needs to implement an LFG tool and ignoring the fact that one already exists in-game isn't the best way to inform people to use it.

Edited by Bigguyonarock
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The only reason that's even slightly true is because checking a Box marking you LFG and setting a comment are too daunting of a task for 80% of the player base.


The tool works fine. You can see who's LFG in the entire server and what they're LFG for.


A) The who tab is limited to 100 people

B) The comment gets cut off

C) No one uses it, and if they do you don't know if they are STILL looking for group or not.

D) It sucks compared to what they COULD come up with (not LFD)



There is no tutorial popup on using it or anything so why would you assume people know it's there. It's a sucky system. It should be a tab all by itself! Why wouldn't it be. You can't argue they cannot improve on it.

Edited by PagingCraig
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A) The who tab is limited to 100 people

B) The comment gets cut off

C) No one uses it, and if they do you don't know if they are STILL looking for group or not.

D) It sucks compared to what they COULD come up with (not LFD)


1) you dont need to see everyone. Rank by highest level.

2) How much do you need to put in a comment? Heal Taral V

3) Not the tool's fault. I use it. Why don't you? That's what talking is for.

4) They could improve it, but the only real problem (lack of people using it) is the result of user-ignorance, not the tool.


They could improve it. They should improve it. But nobody's arguing that. Everyone simply pretends it doesn't exist or honestly believes there isn't one already, which doesn't help educate people to it's existence at all.


There is an LFG tool, tell people it exists, encourage people to use it.

Edited by Bigguyonarock
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1) you dont need to see everyone. Rank by highest level.


Or sort by people actually flagging themselves in the LFG.


2) How much do you need to put in a comment? Heal Taral V


Sometimes I'm open to Tank/Heal/DPS more than one Flashpoint.


3) Not the tool's fault. I use it. Why don't you? That's what talking is for.


Ooh goodie, you use it. Shame you are probably not looking for my group and you are like the only other person using it.


4) They could improve it, but the only real problem (lack of people using it) is the result of user-ignorance, not the tool.


Yes. User-error, not the counter-intuitive design. If something as integral as a LFG system on an MMO is not being utilized by a large portion of the player base that is a Developer problem, not a user one, because the Users almost always go for the greater convenience for them. Clearly this is not convenient.

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1) you dont need to see everyone. Rank by highest level.

2) How much do you need to put in a comment? Heal Taral V

3) Not the tool's fault. I use it. Why don't you? That's what talking is for.

4) They could improve it, but the only real problem (lack of people using it) is the result of user-ignorance, not the tool.


They could improve it. They should improve it. But nobody's arguing that. Everyone simply pretends it doesn't exist or honestly believes there isn't one already, which doesn't help educate people to it's existence at all.


There is an LFG tool, tell people it exists, encourage people to use it.


So the solution to the problem of grouping is to "encourage people to use the LFG tool" while I'm standing around the fleet spamming general? I'd rather not sit around the fleet while everyone continues to ignore the lfg tool. It's going to take a long time for people to figure out and I'd rather quest or do PvP. We need a Flashpoint finder

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