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I quit WoW to play SWTOR, this is why I am staying!


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lol. So? I've played other new release MMOs. You know what, lots of them are/were just like this...


The 2004/2005 grind-fests are over. Just like 2004 and 2005 have passed... Heck, even Sony got the message and the straight-up grinding in EQ2 is minimal. Even a lot of the Korean MMOs have lowered their grinding. Aion. Lineage II. Mabinogi.


All much easier to play now.


And it was WoW that did it. WoW lead the way. Blizzard figured it out years ago.



Too bad BioWare didn't get some of the other messages... Such as you need robust community tools and occupations to keep people playing once the story was done...


Because, while I'm enjoying the story... There's nothing that interests me about this game. Raiding is a joke. PvP is a joke. Guilds are a joke. Crafting is a joke. And none of those jokes are in the least bit funny...


Wiser words were seldom spoken on a forum, I agree 500% with this.

OP is spot-on.

This up there, people, is a person who knows what he's talking about. These words feel like they come straight from the soul!!



No >>>---arrow---> to the knee for you Sir! I bow my head for you!

Edited by Gehoornde
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WoW had MC which was cleared within the first month. Somehow this game didn't launch with any end game content although it actually has more.


I love all these people that say they played wow at release but then say stuff like this, which proves they havent.


Onyxia and MC were both available at release. Both were available in the month or so before release in closed and open beta.


No one could complete the MC attunement before the game went live and they didnt have the attunement quest for Onyxia, yet no one defeated her in beta.


They went live with NO changes, nerfs or fixed to either of the encounters and Onyxia was first killed several months (mid march i beleive), and MC was first cleared at the end of april.


November 04 to April 05 is how long it took to clear ALL raid content of warcraft when it was released, and the ONLY thing they did was reitemized Onyxia/MC for the release of BWL.

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...because the game didn't launch 7 years ago?


Seriously, how does ANYONE think it's at all sensible to compare this game to launch WoW rather than Cataclysm?


Don't worry guys, Homefront is amazing. I mean, compare it to DOOM, its a new IP, you can't expect it to be as smooth and have all the features of Battlefield 3.




whats this ... i dont even :s

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countless hours it took to play and craft. I always said I'd never play an mmo again because of the crazy grind.




At level 80 in WoW I had leveled blacksmithing/mining all the way up, and it sucked. Took me forever and had to sell everything to get there, meaning I had to farm for days and weeks and months. Then, Jewel crafting became a must have, so I leveled a DK to get in on that. I didn't level fast enough, because before I could get high enough, the 24/7 players had flooded the market.


My point is I agree, crafting sucks in WoW, and I'm glad SWTOR came along. Thank you Bioware!!




During the time you say you played wow, on most servers, it cost roughly 2500g to lvl JC to max level, without having to farm ANYTHING. I leveled two characters JC to 450 in about 3-4 hours.


When WoTLK was released I played 2-3 hours a day after work, 3-4 days a week and usually an 8 hour day saturday or sunday. I leveled 3 characters from 70-80, one character from 1-80 and a DK from 55-80 within a month of release. Before all of my characters were 80, their professions were also maxed. JC, Tailor, Blacksmith, Mining, Engineering, herbalism and skinning (had a couple JC's).


Also, all of those professions are useful in end-game. they all provide a unique buff to your character and none are really "required" for maxing your character. Sure JC/BS seems to best but when you look at the buffs of the other professions, it all evens out well.


If you didn't max out your profession before you hit 80, you did it wrong.


in SwTOR, i absolutely hate how you level up. You send a companion out to do something that takes 1minute to 2 hours or more. Right now i'm on the second (17-24) level of slicing and the job takes 20+ minutes.

Edited by Offended
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...because the game didn't launch 7 years ago?


Seriously, how does ANYONE think it's at all sensible to compare this game to launch WoW rather than Cataclysm?


Don't worry guys, Homefront is amazing. I mean, compare it to DOOM, its a new IP, you can't expect it to be as smooth and have all the features of Battlefield 3.




In an ideal world, every refinement of other products within an industry or genre, no matter or recent, would mean new additions (again, no matter how recent) would also have those refinements, regardless of difficulty of designing said addition on top of original development goals, hurdles, and deadlines.


Let me know when you find that ideal world.


It's about setting reasonable expectations, and in the MMO industry the players, as a general rule, are terrible at doing so.

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Something like:


Our brend new car has arrived. There are wheels on it. No seats yet, but you can sit on the floor. If u call some friends to push it, or grab some horses to pull it, u can move with it, because engine is not done yet. But we working on those "extras" so don't worry and be patient...

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