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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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Well,I didn't read anything but the first few pages,BUT,i think something helps the republic too,if the Empire has the advantage,we republic players learn to play better,so when the advantages are fixed,we will steamroll imperials because ok experience we gathered:D.



seems unlikely ..... and illogical :p team work and playing better together to over come a blatantly over powered faction sounds like I dunno effort :p better to complain about it :cool:

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well i just have a couple things to say as a Vanguard at lvl 50, im from daragon trail and we seem to be out numbered about 5to 1 and my guild does just fine in WZ's(ARC IS MY GUILD) OWPVP is a little bit tougher but we manage just fine there too, most of u guys have to realy just learn to pvp as ur class and not like u did in WoW. but i do have a couple complaints i would like to bring up

1. mortar volley has a 3.5s delay from pop to dmg/ DfA is a 1.5...come on bioware realy.....

2. why the hell am i as a pure tank getting crit by OPS for 5-6-7k when im in full champ and so are they......IM A TANK!

3. how come REP. resolve bar never seems to work but i can cryo an imp at 75% and have a 50% succsess ratio.....

and 4. why does every other class have an obs. shield or a 99% reduction for how ever long but once again me as a TANK! but my BS shield and my reactive shield that mitigates a pathetic 25%......most the time i just feel like a commando but - the dps......or heals.....i would like to see vanguards/ pwr techs be a little more tanky, cuz this is just sad if i can't put out a butt ton of dmg as a tank i shouldn't be taking a ton either, well then def. tanks would never die......that means were doing it right ITZ DEFENCIVE SPECC why build a wall made of glass.......

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(6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off

empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball



It's called Force Wave and empire players have to jump up and then go down as well(Our equalent is called Overload).


Highly suggest you actually check stuff out before you make these crazy claims.

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As sorcerer I can only say that all whining of poor poor sages is bullcrap. We ARE mirrored. The only difference between us is damage type of some of our abilities BUT STILL NO ONE GETTING ADVANTAGES FROM IT. So go figure.


About other things from the list...


1) Cant say anything

3) Meh...

4) Never matters. Anyone could find some weird animation thing about their classes, so what?

5) The whole thing is a lie... or a bug... Never happend to me actualy...

6) Proven wrong.

7) Fart-er? Proof. Gimme some.

9) Need a confirmation.

10) Wow wow wow, say that to 4 force stuns in me when my resolve bar is overfilled. Faced that so many times... Resolve is just buggy. You must learn how to deal with things.

11) Cant say much...

12) Wow! Not instant shotgun shot! Well thats proofs anything! And even more - after its damaging me not instantly it travels trough time and damaging me instantly! Double trap, BW you realy need to fix that one!


Only becouse no one whants to play reps doesnt matter they are weaker. Again - learn how to deal with things.

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Please focus. They devs are not conspiring. More attention was paid to one side possibly due to time constraints.


People should stop excusing bad mistakes. Bugs or intentional, it's now left to players' opinion no matter what BW says, and it does not matter anymore. Even with time constraints, you should dedicate the little time you have equally to both and that's assuming what you say is true, which i doubt since they surely had paid testers on both sides.




as for those sad Imps whining that rep is weak and bla bla bla.. hey kids, we still steam roll you every day, annoying bugs or not

Edited by Pwnzie
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"Overwhelming proof of.......imho"



So in other words, in your opinion, you have proof of something.....



So you don't have proof of anything then? In my opinion.


Flawless logic.


All of these bugs could be fixed and we'd still kick your ***.

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As sorcerer I can only say that all whining of poor poor sages is bullcrap. We ARE mirrored. The only difference between us is damage type of some of our abilities BUT STILL NO ONE GETTING ADVANTAGES FROM IT. So go figure.


About other things from the list...


1) Cant say anything

3) Meh...

4) Never matters. Anyone could find some weird animation thing about their classes, so what?

5) The whole thing is a lie... or a bug... Never happend to me actualy...

6) Proven wrong.

7) Fart-er? Proof. Gimme some.

9) Need a confirmation.

10) Wow wow wow, say that to 4 force stuns in me when my resolve bar is overfilled. Faced that so many times... Resolve is just buggy. You must learn how to deal with things.

11) Cant say much...

12) Wow! Not instant shotgun shot! Well thats proofs anything! And even more - after its damaging me not instantly it travels trough time and damaging me instantly! Double trap, BW you realy need to fix that one!


Only becouse no one whants to play reps doesnt matter they are weaker. Again - learn how to deal with things.


4) I can confirm 4 and i tell you it does matter if you get stoped in your tracks for a second and cant move.


5) is a bug and is confirmed


9) is confirmed Agent: http://www.torhead.com/ability/f5R2qsF

and smuggler: http://www.torhead.com/ability/fT8pWgj


It may not all be true but its a little to mutch truth for being balanced and a little to mutch onesided for my taste.


You Imps kids cant do that now with the advantage, imagine what happens when those are removed.


on my server they farm us hard and have very good gear allready.

Edited by sinsur
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As sorcerer I can only say that all whining of poor poor sages is bullcrap. We ARE mirrored. The only difference between us is damage type of some of our abilities BUT STILL NO ONE GETTING ADVANTAGES FROM IT. So go figure.


About other things from the list...


1) Cant say anything

3) Meh...

4) Never matters. Anyone could find some weird animation thing about their classes, so what?

5) The whole thing is a lie... or a bug... Never happend to me actualy...

6) Proven wrong.

7) Fart-er? Proof. Gimme some.

9) Need a confirmation.

10) Wow wow wow, say that to 4 force stuns in me when my resolve bar is overfilled. Faced that so many times... Resolve is just buggy. You must learn how to deal with things.

11) Cant say much...

12) Wow! Not instant shotgun shot! Well thats proofs anything! And even more - after its damaging me not instantly it travels trough time and damaging me instantly! Double trap, BW you realy need to fix that one!


Only becouse no one whants to play reps doesnt matter they are weaker. Again - learn how to deal with things.


And a lot of people did... by rerolling. Have fun waiting a week to do Ilum dailies and playing endless Huttball.

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Hopefully in an expansion. In the first month. Republic players have it in their favor. So they can see how it feel to have your beloved faction trashed constantly. And when they whine abunt balance. All im going to say is Remember Dec 20th chump :mad:
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Those videos weren't to highlight the damage being done.

The glaring difference was to point out that the Mortar Volley doesn't sync with the actual channel time, whereas BH Death From Above does.


If the Trooper moves when the channel bar has finished, the last part of the volley is cancelled and therefore does no damage.

Mortar Volley launches three rounds in an AoE, whilst Death From Above launches six missiles in an AoE.


This was happening during the Beta as well, and wasn't fixed.

I've seen it happen to other players, and had it happen myself.


You raise a valid point of BH being rooted whilst Death From Above is being used, however the animation starts with the beginning of the ability's channelling. The Trooper isn't rooted for Mortar Volley and is capable of moving at any point after channelling begins but before the animation begins, which results in the ability being cancelled entirely and going onto cooldown.


Honestly though, the start of channelling and the start of Mortar Volley's actual animation need to be properly synced up.


I'm not going to comment on other things in the opening post, simply because I can't verify them for myself.


There was a video posted earlier in the thread that shows a trooper moving after he's done channeling and still getting three volleys of damage. Unless I misunderstood your sentence, it was a little confusing.


Also, DfA fires 6 missiles, but it only ticks three bursts of damage, just like mortar.


The animations in this game are all screwed up. You should see Power Shot. The animation lasts a good 3 seconds, but it's only a 1.5 second ability. If you wait for the animation to finish, you will literally be doing half the damage you should be doing.

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well i just have a couple things to say as a Vanguard at lvl 50, im from daragon trail and we seem to be out numbered about 5to 1 and my guild does just fine in WZ's(ARC IS MY GUILD) OWPVP is a little bit tougher but we manage just fine there too, most of u guys have to realy just learn to pvp as ur class and not like u did in WoW. but i do have a couple complaints i would like to bring up

1. mortar volley has a 3.5s delay from pop to dmg/ DfA is a 1.5...come on bioware realy.....

2. why the hell am i as a pure tank getting crit by OPS for 5-6-7k when im in full champ and so are they......IM A TANK!

3. how come REP. resolve bar never seems to work but i can cryo an imp at 75% and have a 50% succsess ratio.....

and 4. why does every other class have an obs. shield or a 99% reduction for how ever long but once again me as a TANK! but my BS shield and my reactive shield that mitigates a pathetic 25%......most the time i just feel like a commando but - the dps......or heals.....i would like to see vanguards/ pwr techs be a little more tanky, cuz this is just sad if i can't put out a butt ton of dmg as a tank i shouldn't be taking a ton either, well then def. tanks would never die......that means were doing it right ITZ DEFENCIVE SPECC why build a wall made of glass.......


1. All the videos I've seen in this thread show mortar volley doing its initial damage around 2.5 seconds, and DfA around 1.5. Both abilities do their final damage after channeling.


2. I don't know what your total damage reduction is, but as a mercenary, I don't even bother targeting you guys first because it takes so long to kill you. Softies first, then tanks.


3. I've wondered this too. I don't know how powerful they're shields are, but there's times they might as well be tanks. My shield grants 25% damage reduction and lasts 12 seconds, somewhere around a 2 minute cooldown.

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1. All the videos I've seen in this thread show mortar volley doing its initial damage around 2.5 seconds, and DfA around 1.5. Both abilities do their final damage after channeling.



BH does 1/3 hits after channeling. Trooper does 2/3 hits after channeling, and the 1/3 with only 0,4 sec to go.

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8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact



despite the animation, the damage is calculated when the ability is used, not when the animation completes. if i was a gambling man, i would assume that the other similar issues with other mirrored abilities is the same. they way it looks is totally irrelevant to the way the damage is actually calculated.


Not true. In PvE this can be noticed if the flashpoint boss vanishes and you've used project. The rock just stays in the air and no damage from it gets to the boss. I'm pretty sure that the instant lightning without the animation would've damaged the boss as it hadn't vanished when the project/lightning was used.

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15. the number of times I have cast full auto and it doesnt do **** as a trooper....

comments in text /5


You realize that DFA is 10x better for PvP then Mortar Volley? Mortar Volley takes ~2.6 seconds for damage to start occuring, and DFA takes ~1.5-1.6 sec to start dealing damage

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BH does 1/3 hits after channeling. Trooper does 2/3 hits after channeling, and the 1/3 with only 0,4 sec to go.


You won't get an argument from me about the channeling issue. I've seen several videos on it, and it's a problem. I was just clearing up inaccuracies in his post.


I still think that there's a disadvantage in pvp to launching up in the air to launch your biggest aoe attack.

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