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Empty Servers


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So your way of staggering waves being a great success is to have empty servers most of the day? I mean where is the logic in that. There are over 100+ servers and most were sitting at Low-Standard yesterday.


You guys are really droppin the ball here. Where is the excitement and the hype from players enjoying the game. You never get a second chance at first impressions. Just ask Sony about FFXIV about that.


But all we hear on this forum and others around the net is players angry about not being able to play with thier friends and guildies. The fanboys trolling the people that are upset instead of playing the game. Even players playing online (streamers) are saying the zones are empty, ghost towns. PvP warzones are inbalanced because not enough people to play. Grouping up for Heroic/flashpoints is hard to come by.


I mean really this is how it's going to be handled?

Edited by Rytineo
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You have some bad information.


All the servers were full. Most had hour+ queues.


The information is from this website we can all watch the server status man..get a clue right now after first wave an hour ago the shards are all still light...are you kidding me??????THIS IS SUCH BS!!!!!

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Our server was a ghost town on republic side. Doing /who of various classes there could not have been more than a total of 200 on at peak.


Heard the same from my friend, no idea what the guy above is talking about 1 hour queue times. Maybe he is living in his Star Wars Fantasy Land.

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and these waves complately broke our guild progress as group. Part can't get in and part is leveling in small waves on empty server



I understand the frustration but I'm honestly curious here. I've seen a fair amount of posts like this and wanted to ask - was any consideration given to rolling an alt until everyone got in? I mean, you can roll a main but don't level them until everyone is ready.

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So your way of staggering waves being a great success is to have empty servers most of the day? I mean where is the logic in that. There are over 100+ servers and most were sitting at Low-Standard yesterday.


You guys are really droppin the ball here. Where is the excitement and the hype from players enjoying the game. You never get a second chance at first impressions. Just ask Sony about FFXIV about that.


But all we hear on this forum and others around the net is players angry about not being able to play with thier friends and guildies. The fanboys trolling the people that are upset instead of playing the game. Even players playing online (streamers) are saying the zones are empty, ghost towns. PvP warzones are inbalanced because not enough people to play. Grouping up for Heroic/flashpoints is hard to come by.


I mean really this is how it's going to be handled?



Wow cry a little more, its just letting people in slowly before release, who cares what people do. If someone wants to PL themselves to 50 to sit alone at the top good for them.


My server was at standard status last night when I logged in and I found no problems at all grouping with people when needed. Took me a total of 30 secs to find groups for HM and A&D.

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I understand the frustration but I'm honestly curious here. I've seen a fair amount of posts like this and wanted to ask - was any consideration given to rolling an alt until everyone got in? I mean, you can roll a main but don't level them until everyone is ready.


Roll alt on empty server doesn't safe anything. I'd rather wait in line for quest than run around on empty server.




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