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How do I get my GF to play SWTOR?


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There's some good advice here -- but it really depends on the person. You have to know what aspect will draw her in.


Some really get into creating how the character looks, or creating a rp story about their character.


Some girls actually love killing things (it's a great change of pace from having to take care of everyone all the time and be nice).


Some are very social and then vent/chat would be nice. On the other hand, a lot don't enjoy being thrown into a "room" full of people. That would really depend on if she's more outgoing or more shy. I really disliked getting talked over, so hardly ever join vent/mumble/etc. (With the exception of a WoW guild I was in... but that was all girls)


And if you do get her playing, remember playing is more fun than watching, and no one likes to feel stupid so don't make a huge deal over mistakes or take over because she's not doing something right.


I had the opposite problem myself -- my ex would never game and made fun of all my sci-fi TV shows. We would either watch his tv shows, or he'd do something else while I watched mine (inserting jokes about either sci-fi or the show everytime he walked by). In an effort to bring him into sci-fi, I once read the entire book of Ender's Game aloud to him on a cross-country road trip. He loved the story (I picked it because I knew he would be able to relate to the character), but he never picked up a book on his own or got into the genre. Some people just never enjoy sci-fi/games. I can't really blame him. I never found his interests... well, interesting.


As an aside, I got into gaming myself. My sisters & I spent countless hours playing on the old NES system back in the day and were proud of our thumb callouses!:p

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Can I add my two cents here as a person who has been introduced to mmos from her current partner?


1. Don't nerdgasm about the game constantly, big turn off, and more likely to get her offside.


2. Don't use lots of terminology you take for granted in playing mmos. Keybinding, macros, mobs, aggro is going to go over her head and overwhelm her. Start with basic terms and then slowly introduce those other terms to her after she's gotten a handle on the game.


3. Does she play console games or any other types of games? I personally can't stand using a mouse and keyboard to play, but I love my Xbox controller. Simple solution, get xpadder and a compatible controller and set it up for her, or teach her how to set it up. And before people start raving about pros and cons of controllers... shut it. -_-


4. Do not introduce guids, vent or anything else to start her off. If she's already trying to get a handle on how MMO's work, then don't add more to confuse her. It can get overwhelming.


5. Sit next to her, patiently explain things to her and let her run around and do things ON HER OWN. It's no fun when you are constantly being told, go here, talk to that person, use x skill. Only jump in when she asks you for help.

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Can I add my two cents here as a person who has been introduced to mmos from her current partner?




5. Sit next to her, patiently explain things to her and let her run around and do things ON HER OWN. It's no fun when you are constantly being told, go here, talk to that person, use x skill. Only jump in when she asks you for help.


I agree with all of these points! Very good. Especially #5. If you do too much of this last one, there's a chance she might enjoy playing... but not playing with you. We had several girls in my last guild who ended up there because they were tired of being told what to do and how to do it by the person that introduced them to the game.

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I kind of came from the other direction. I convinced my husband to play it with me. But he already liked video games and star wars, just not mmos. I have faced a similar problem though, as I am trying to get my sister and a gal-pal into it...neither of which have ever played a video game. I think the big thing is showing it to them in small chunks of time and make it look fun. Both my sister and my friend are into star wars, so the opening cinematics really got their attention. Then, my husband and I have shown them pieces of flash points and the flight missions as well as short but interesting quests. They're both still intimidated by the controls though so we take it slow. Just show 10 or 15 minutes a visit and then move on to a movie or a board game. My sister has now asked if she can try out one of my low-level characters where I can explain the controls to her so...I may get her to subscribe yet.
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Can I add my two cents here as a person who has been introduced to mmos from her current partner?


1. Don't nerdgasm about the game constantly, big turn off, and more likely to get her offside.


2. Don't use lots of terminology you take for granted in playing mmos. Keybinding, macros, mobs, aggro is going to go over her head and overwhelm her. Start with basic terms and then slowly introduce those other terms to her after she's gotten a handle on the game.


3. Does she play console games or any other types of games? I personally can't stand using a mouse and keyboard to play, but I love my Xbox controller. Simple solution, get xpadder and a compatible controller and set it up for her, or teach her how to set it up. And before people start raving about pros and cons of controllers... shut it. -_-


4. Do not introduce guids, vent or anything else to start her off. If she's already trying to get a handle on how MMO's work, then don't add more to confuse her. It can get overwhelming.


5. Sit next to her, patiently explain things to her and let her run around and do things ON HER OWN. It's no fun when you are constantly being told, go here, talk to that person, use x skill. Only jump in when she asks you for help.


Coming from a similar situation, I'd really like to emphasize 2 and 5.


Also, getting her to play another Bioware game isn't a bad idea, as it will give her a chance to get used to some of the mechanics without being overwhelmed by the mmo. If she likes it, then point out that tor is something you can do together.

Edited by septembersphinx
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I'm a wife... I started playing WoW because my husband ignored me too much. ;) I soon figured if I needed to ask him something mundane like "what do you want for dinner?" I had to do it via Ventrillo. So I figured meh I'm not going to sit here like a lemon staring at blank screen while I communicate with my husband through a headset (even though he sits right next to me), might as well have a go too... was bored with farmville anyway :p


I realised the benefits of his obsession for my own progression in game when I implemented my interpretation of the "laws" of marriage... "what is mine, is mine, what is yours is mine", so I stole his gold on a regular basis so I could buy mats etc to make myself pretty things with my tailoring craft =P When he got his Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth I made him ride me all around Northrend so I could pick up all the FP's because he didn't have enough gold for me to steal to buy my Northrend flying (hehe).


So what worked for him in my transition into online gaming was...


1) ignoring me

2) letting me steal his in game stuff (what is his is mine)

3) being at my beck and call to assist me (group quests, heroics, raids)

4) keeping me plied with bourbon and M&M's


Now I love him more than ever because he bought me SWTOR, even before he bought it for himself... what a good husband :D


My only previous experience playing games on a PC was freecell and farmville, so there is hope for her too =P


EDIT: Knowing how much I love my animals, he suggested I try a hunter because I could tame animals and he figured that would appeal to me... which it did lol

Edited by MelRee
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Wives only decide to ever talk to you in the middle of the cutscene. Whats worse is if you ever play with someone right next to you, whenever you go to speak to them they go "shh, cutscene". And when they go to talk to you, you usually respond with , "shut up i'm in a cutscene".


At least that is how it happens in my household.


no! the wife ALWAYS wants tries to get your attention in a boss fight when your tanking or healing...group wipes then you get hell from all sides

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Tell her you have female friends in your guild. if she's anything like my girl then she will play just to hawkeye you


Strategy: Seems Legit :D


I'm a wife... I started playing WoW because my husband ignored me too much. ;) I soon figured if I needed to ask him something mundane like "what do you want for dinner?" I had to do it via Ventrillo. So I figured meh I'm not going to sit here like a lemon staring at blank screen while I communicate with my husband through a headset (even though he sits right next to me), might as well have a go too... was bored with farmville anyway :p


I realised the benefits of his obsession for my own progression in game when I implemented my interpretation of the "laws" of marriage... "what is mine, is mine, what is yours is mine", so I stole his gold on a regular basis so I could buy mats etc to make myself pretty things with my tailoring craft =P When he got his Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth I made him ride me all around Northrend so I could pick up all the FP's because he didn't have enough gold for me to steal to buy my Northrend flying (hehe).


So what worked for him in my transition into online gaming was...


1) ignoring me

2) letting me steal his in game stuff (what is his is mine)

3) being at my beck and call to assist me (group quests, heroics, raids)

4) keeping me plied with bourbon and M&M's


Now I love him more than ever because he bought me SWTOR, even before he bought it for himself... what a good husband :D


My only previous experience playing games on a PC was freecell and farmville, so there is hope for her too =P


EDIT: Knowing how much I love my animals, he suggested I try a hunter because I could tame animals and he figured that would appeal to me... which it did lol


Might have to put in more swtor hours for this effect....

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Edit: don't try and get a 6 hr gaming session out of it the first time. Explain how the dialogue choices work e.g. good=top, neutral=middle, bad=bottom, because it's not that obvious to start with, and the labels don't always match up to what you say.


Just to point out that isn't necessarily how it works.

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Years ago, with SWG and WOW my wife was starting to get fed up with me playing MMOs.

We had fights about it even.

She just wasn't a gamer beyond Tetris, Columns and The Sims.


Well I played a bit less over the years, she learned to accept me for who I was.


One day, I was sitting around watching another of her "Pride & Prejudice" type films with her.

And then it donned on me.

I asked her to pause the show.


And started a conversation where I laid out the behavior of our relationship.

I have been going to her auctions, her events, helping with her volunteer work, watching her movies. Hell I even went shopping with her at her stores.


I then said you will not go to any of my geek events, you refuse to enter a game store with me while at the mall, you read a book when I request you sit down to watch my shows and you don't support any of my projects for the community.


I said it appears I am more tolerable of you then you are of me.


She got this scowl on her face and was about to say something, then she stopped. She looked thoughtful for a minute, and said I was right.


She asked what she could do, so I sat her down in front of CoH, MMOLIte.


And that was all she wrote.


I caught her playing mid day, or she would ask me in the evening to go group up for some online fun and so on.


And the rest is history.


Thats a fine specimen of rational human being.

I often thing of how people can get into relationships without doing the simple action of talking to your boy/girl friend,really.

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Thank you for all the responses. I talked things over with her last night and with my guildies. The game plan is for us to both get drunk, get her on TS, and then PvP with her on ts playing my character along with my guild mates directing her on what to do. Should be a great time.
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Good luck with this, I hope it works. I still can't get my girlfriend, after years, to understand that an MMO can't be paused.



I had the same with my bf and his friends. Now my bf knows a mmo cant be paused he says to me "let them die" (im healer) if he wants something from me offline. :rolleyes:

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All I did was show my gf all the videos that have come out for this game, all trailers, progression vids, everything. She watched me play it for a while and now she is a lvl 10 BH with a companion. She gets frustrated cuz its her first MMO and she doesnt understand the concept of healing and button spamming and using different moves, but hey...she plays :). I dont think showing her WZ would be enticing, more confusing and too much going on at once. she'd prolly feel like she'd get owned.


I might add that my GF is a huge star wars fan and had alot of friends play WoW. Heck her family has a star wars christmas tree lol. If she doesnt like it, dont force.

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Years ago, with SWG and WOW my wife was starting to get fed up with me playing MMOs.

We had fights about it even.

She just wasn't a gamer beyond Tetris, Columns and The Sims.


Well I played a bit less over the years, she learned to accept me for who I was.


One day, I was sitting around watching another of her "Pride & Prejudice" type films with her.

And then it donned on me.

I asked her to pause the show.


And started a conversation where I laid out the behavior of our relationship.

I have been going to her auctions, her events, helping with her volunteer work, watching her movies. Hell I even went shopping with her at her stores.


I then said you will not go to any of my geek events, you refuse to enter a game store with me while at the mall, you read a book when I request you sit down to watch my shows and you don't support any of my projects for the community.


I said it appears I am more tolerable of you then you are of me.


She got this scowl on her face and was about to say something, then she stopped. She looked thoughtful for a minute, and said I was right.


She asked what she could do, so I sat her down in front of CoH, MMOLIte.


And that was all she wrote.


I caught her playing mid day, or she would ask me in the evening to go group up for some online fun and so on.


And the rest is history.


Very nice story, and kudos for convincing any woman the error of her ways through logic, ahahah.

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Years ago, with SWG and WOW my wife was starting to get fed up with me playing MMOs.

We had fights about it even.

She just wasn't a gamer beyond Tetris, Columns and The Sims.


Well I played a bit less over the years, she learned to accept me for who I was.


One day, I was sitting around watching another of her "Pride & Prejudice" type films with her.

And then it donned on me.

I asked her to pause the show.


And started a conversation where I laid out the behavior of our relationship.

I have been going to her auctions, her events, helping with her volunteer work, watching her movies. Hell I even went shopping with her at her stores.


I then said you will not go to any of my geek events, you refuse to enter a game store with me while at the mall, you read a book when I request you sit down to watch my shows and you don't support any of my projects for the community.


I said it appears I am more tolerable of you then you are of me.


She got this scowl on her face and was about to say something, then she stopped. She looked thoughtful for a minute, and said I was right.


She asked what she could do, so I sat her down in front of CoH, MMOLIte.


And that was all she wrote.


I caught her playing mid day, or she would ask me in the evening to go group up for some online fun and so on.


And the rest is history.


She forces you to socialize like a normal human being and you force her to become a basement dwelling troll. Sounds like a good trade.

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