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Too many issues.. But the straw that broke the camels back..


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Obviously you don't know **** about pirating, lol. It's nearly as easy to pirate a 360 game as it is to do PC. PC is only easier because you don't have to physically burn a disc unless you want to.
And you don't have to modify your system to pirate on a pc and piracy is more rampant among pc games.


And wasn't it a famous CONSOLE that had its entire network HACKED and down for weeks?
You mean SOE? .... You don't understand the difference between pirating a game and hacking the gaming servers of a company so you can steal credit card info?


So, NO, devs aren't moving to consoles because they're 'safer' from hacking or pirating. They're moving because it makes it easier for them to optimize, then can take shortcuts, and because all the kids play the console games - there's more profits (kids are much easier to market to because they're the ones who know which strings to pull on their parents to get what they want).
Haha, so your theory is it makes gaming companies more money be excluding a portion of their market... Ok then.
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To go over but heres a good one..


Build raid to run EV hardmode.


Main Tank gets PvP crash to screen bug just before raid time.


Build raid, all waiting before first boss and ready to go.


MT cant get online from Character screen crashes game, tries to relog straight away and now in queue 695 (thats about 2 hours)


Collapse raid everyone pissed off, seriously BW for the love of god give us Server transfers.


We were placed on this server with our sister guilds and had no choice to move as we had all spent so much time setting up the Guild launch connections. (it was not just a case of telling everyone to move..)


We are not resubbing after this "free" month runs out, maybe well be back but i doubt it, too many bugs and terribad systems like the non custom UI, no logs etc.


Shame as the solo RPG side of the game Rox.


It's BioWare's fault that your main tank has a bad computer?

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You're a clown..


Im not complaining about the endgame you muppet.


You are talking about EV - Eternity Vault right? One of the 2 end game Ops in the game. Ok just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same EV, of course you're not talking about end game then.



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Darling, I just spoke to a person in my vent who said that SWTOR had a smoother launch than Rift. Name a game breaking bug that they haven't fixed. I dare you. Couple more things, I never hear anything about Rift then or now. So that speaks about how bad that game is.
Actually according to players it's one of the most innovative.




WoW didn't have as much content as this game when it came out, and look at that game now. So I'll say it one more time. Calm down.


I don't understand why this is a hard concept to understand, SWTOR isn't competing with a game from 2004 it's competing with a game from 2012.

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Far worse? Bugs were getting fixed, the programmers were listening to the community on what changes need to be made and were lying to their gamers.


Was it flawless? No, was it as crappy as this? No.


I have seen much quicker responses to bug fixes and communication requests from Bioware than I have from any other MMO release, and seeing the release list you posted it seems you're fairly new to the game of MMOs which explains why you're so ignorant.

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And you don't have to modify your system to pirate on a pc and piracy is more rampant among pc games.


You mean SOE? .... You don't understand the difference between pirating a game and hacking the gaming servers of a company so you can steal credit card info?


Haha, so your theory is it makes gaming companies more money be excluding a portion of their market... Ok then.



Piracy is only marginally more prevalent on PC systems. My point in mentioning the hacking on consoles was that your theory seemed to assert that video game devs are going to consoles because they feel it's safer for their companies. As far as company safety and security goes, hacking and piracy are right along together. Both affect customer satisfaction and profits.


Gaming companies are not excluding portions of the market - they simply focus more to the younger generations in many scenarios. Obviously, there are numerous, mature titles available that are focused on adults. But generally speaking, consoles are more accessible by children and young adults, who often rely on their parents for purchases. So, if you get it in a kid's mind that he wants a game - then SOMEONE, be it the kid or the parent will buy the game.


They also are migrating moreso over to consoles because, as I mentioned, there's no 'optimization' to go through. You have 3 main consoles: 360, PS3, Wii. That's it. You don't have to plan for 20+ graphics cards, or 50+ processor types, etc etc. Everyone is using the same system, and the same 5 year old technologies. This allows gaming companies to save more (although you notice they still charge the same amount for a new game as on PC), and thus profit more, if they develop on consoles, instead of PC.

Edited by lentWolf
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You cannot be serious. PRIVATE SERVERS! You have to be kidding me. You just have to be. There is no way someone can be this moronic. Please tell me you have an inkling of a brain.


Yes sweety there are private server. There are private servers with thousands of players for game like DCUO, EQ, WOW and I'm sure others. Hell if you loved vanilla you can find a private server with just vanilla wow on it. Have you really never heard of these?

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You expect a fully operational end-game system by the end of the first month?


You people make me laugh, go back to WoW.



The simple fact is that any mmo release knows exactly what is has to compete with and exactly what has caused others to fail.


Lack of end game being one of the largest (AION, Warhammer, Rift, Conan, LOTR).

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Actually according to players it's one of the most innovative.






I don't understand why this is a hard concept to understand, SWTOR isn't competing with a game from 2004 it's competing with a game from 2012.


There is no competition. Probably 7 people voted in that poll. SWTOR is light years better than Rift. There shouldn't even be a discussion about it. Rift is a generic grind MMO.

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I have seen much quicker responses to bug fixes and communication requests from Bioware than I have from any other MMO release, and seeing the release list you posted it seems you're fairly new to the game of MMOs which explains why you're so ignorant.


Nope been playing them for years, just not from launch.

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Yes sweety there are private server. There are private servers with thousands of players for game like DCUO, EQ, WOW and I'm sure others. Hell if you loved vanilla you can find a private server with just vanilla wow on it. Have you really never heard of these?


No, we're straight.

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Yes sweety there are private server. There are private servers with thousands of players for game like DCUO, EQ, WOW and I'm sure others. Hell if you loved vanilla you can find a private server with just vanilla wow on it. Have you really never heard of these?


I never played WoW because I don't like to play terrible games. Private servers are a joke. Saying private servers have thousands of people on them is just stupid. Every single MMO in existence has more people on the actual servers than the stupid Admin abused private servers. Why don't you go ahead and take a seat.

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Not true. If you have 100 customers, sure, under $100 is dirt cheap. But having millions of customers = profit, even at $30 a pop.



It's like gas stations - you sell at lower prices, you get more business. You don't make as much of a profit off of one or two sales - but in the long run, over the course of hundreds of customers that YOU'RE getting that competition isn't, you make the greater profit.


Lower prices often = more profits in nearly any industry.


Of course. Profit is dollars_per_sale*number_of_sales - cost_of_doing_business. And number_of_sales is a function of dollars_per_sale. If you plot the final profit as a function of the amount you charge for it, it will always be some form of bell shaped curve (maybe not a bell, curve, but something you can convert to a bell curve with an appropriate transformation of the x-axis :p), and whether profit is increasing as you drop the price is going to depend on which side of hump you are on.


This doesn't really weigh directly into my argument. Validation is expensive. It is very expensive because it requires a huge amount of man hours to get done. For complex software, more man hours are spent on validation and debug than on development. This is likely true across the entire software industry. That is my main point.


The factor I neglected to mention that I probably should have is time-to-market. In the gaming industry this is very important. In an industry where expectations on the level of content are increasing rapidly, sales will directly translate to when the game is released as well. Sure, I can spend more man hours debugging and validating for another year, and my game will be better a year from now than it is today in terms of the number of bugs. But in terms of the quality of the graphics and the depth of content? It will be a year behind. And that will reduce my sales by a huge amount.


that point, which I forgot to mention before, is the one where the gas station analogy breaks down. Gas is a basic commodity. Gas today is no different than Gas that is a year old. Not so with software.

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There is no competition. Probably 7 people voted in that poll. SWTOR is light years better than Rift.
Hahah, a site with almost 1.5 million members and you think only a few people votes.



There shouldn't even be a discussion about it. Rift is a generic grind MMO.


And SWTOR is a dating simulator.

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To go over but heres a good one..


Build raid to run EV hardmode.


Main Tank gets PvP crash to screen bug just before raid time.


Build raid, all waiting before first boss and ready to go.


MT cant get online from Character screen crashes game, tries to relog straight away and now in queue 695 (thats about 2 hours)


Collapse raid everyone pissed off, seriously BW for the love of god give us Server transfers.


We were placed on this server with our sister guilds and had no choice to move as we had all spent so much time setting up the Guild launch connections. (it was not just a case of telling everyone to move..)


We are not resubbing after this "free" month runs out, maybe well be back but i doubt it, too many bugs and terribad systems like the non custom UI, no logs etc.


Shame as the solo RPG side of the game Rox.


Pretty horrible discipline on your MT's part to be PvPing while the raid is assembling.

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Hahah, a site with almost 1.5 million members and you think only a few people votes.





And SWTOR is a dating simulator.


It's one stupid post after another with you. I don't care if it had a million members. I don't go to game review sites because they always have the most wrong opinions in the entire world. Saying SWTOR is a dating simulator could possible have taken the cake as the stupidest thing ever said on the forums. Ever. Just wow.

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I had a hard time reading the OP. People need to really learn to read what they post before they hit the post button. Its like you deleted every other word, but I digress.


Sorry you are having issues but give the Devs a chance to fix some stuff. There is a reason why software mags dont review MMOS on launch. Gamespot just put thier review up. My suggestion is to give it 2 months before you decide to quit or not.


I have played many MMO's This has actually been a pretty good launch. The Devs are turning around bugs pretty fast, considering they are getting them coded and tested within around 2 weeks.

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