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Too many issues.. But the straw that broke the camels back..


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Everyone expects to get their same crack they've been getting from Wow immediately.


I've been a part of many mmo launches and I've left games because of bad end game design but NEVER after the initial month.


You have to be realistic with your expectations, there's no way they could have absolutely everything covered by launch night and there's no way these games can be complete by your definition in reasonable time.


If this is what you expect, go play Skyrim, go play Darksouls you don't belong in an MMO.


I for one believe they did an excellent job and yes I agree there are bugs but you have to accept that there will always be bugs, 5 years from now there will still be bugs. You accepted this with Wow so get over it and stop crying about it like a spoiled brat.



They've acknowledged that there are issues and they are working on everything they can, get over yourself or go back to the wow forums and complain about how normal raids are too easy for you.

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You expect a fully operational end-game system by the end of the first month?


You people make me laugh, go back to WoW.


He's referring to the lack of a grace period to reconnect after a system, connection, or server issues. I know it's fun being one of the attack sheep, and the first one to start with the insults and vitriol in each and every single critical thread, but do you honestly think you're improving the community?

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You expect a fully operational end-game system by the end of the first month?


You people make me laugh, go back to WoW.


So confused, you tell everyone to go back to WoW however what do you think the server pops will look like after this first month?


I really do not want to start to see the whole "server merges" are needed threads already!

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Good news is Bethesda has won the lawsuit we should have a fallout mmo real soon, since they have been working on it for years........... It should happen rather quickly


And it will be perfection!!! :rolleyes:

I guarantee it will suffer the MMO curse like all MMOs at launch.

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He's wrong for expecting a quality product for his money? Why should he be held accountable for TOR's failures? Quit coddling BioWare. They need to hear the very, very, VERY legitimate criticism of their game if they are to ever improve.


The leveling experience of this game is quite short and players should have a functional and enjoyable end game experience. By refraining to implement such an experience, it is basically an admission of not only releasing an unfinished product but also of incompetence.


Criticism never has and never will improve anything


you will always get negative attention when you put out negativity


if you were actually competent in the least bit you would realize this is the most polished mmo ever released

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completely off topic but this recent talk of a bethseda mmo is curious. bethseda games are a lot of fun, and a fallout mmo sounds like something that could be pretty cool. but every bethseda single player game has included a skill system that allows one to very easily min-max their character (often without even trying all that hard) to the point where all content becomes trivial because your character ends up so over-powered.


it would be really interesting to see if bethseda is capable of creating a balanced MMO given they way they design their single player games. not saying they can't do it....but the balance requirements of a massively multiplayer game don't seem to be something bethseda is historically very good at.


Agree. Skyrim has zero challenge for any serious gamer.

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I empathize with your crashing experiences. I was a MT in WoW and the RL so at times when my internet would drop of the game would go belly up on me during the Vanilla days, sometimes the runs just failed. And that was with 40 people on the hook. It sucks.


Still, I would say this. We're really in SWTOR's infantcy when it comes to the stability of the end game content and the overall stability issues. Should you expect a game not to crash? Yep, and for that one guy it's bad when it happens. However, dealing with computers all with different specs means some of them will crash no matter how polished your product. That's simply the law of averages.


What I can tell you is that if you're having fun with the game, you shouldn't just throw the baby out with the bathwater. One bad experience shouldn't sour you on your fun. Sure, you can throw up your hands and cancel, but I don't think that's always the answer when things happen once. Repeatedly, sure. However, perhaps if you tried again tomorrow, things would go swimmingly and your opinion might shift?

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All games have some sort of compatibility issues at launch that cause some crashes. A good portion of these are actually attributed to weird stuff on the client.


Queue's? Used to be a problem, now they seem to almost have disappeared.


WoW had the exact same problem for years after launch ... YEARS. BW has already said they are working on the problem ... so YEARS vs MONTHS.


I will admit, this client is buggy as all hell, but I expect the 1.1 patch to clear up a bunch of underlying stuff ... should not be long before we find out.


People are raiding hardmode already ?


That's pretty hardcore.


Anyway, I am not worried about these bugs. My personal preference is to enjoy the leveling experience as the storylines are awesome so far.


With that said, some of the critical bugs out there should be heard but with good intentions and constructiveness. Not a tirade post bashing Bioware and threatening to cancel your sub. Please grow up.

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Bugged end game

No end game

Broken end game


Now you tell me an mmo and I bet I can tell you one, two, or even all three that every supposed AAA mmo Initial launch has had as an issue with. Swtor is no different but at least servers didn't break every day for weeks like the game never to be mentioned. Unless this is you first Launch of an MMO you should had expected every one of the issues that exist even if you were praying for it to be different. If you are new to mmos--well, welcome to the party.


Best bet for complainers/forgetful people is to drop sub and play something else for awhile or buck up and take it like a Gamer you pretend to be. In a perfect world it might be different but this is no utopia. The days of getting everything you want in life are over by time you're out of the cradle (and often before).


Regards to OP, sucks and sorry it happened. Need a longer queue spot holder like most games get.


Hate how every post ends up rant/troll infested till its closed or lost in more of the same.

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Good news is Bethesda has won the lawsuit we should have a fallout mmo real soon, since they have been working on it for years........... It should happen rather quickly


Odd place to discuss this, but if no one else has posted it yet. They haven't been working on one at all. They may have started work on F4 though, but it won't have any online play.

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I empathize with your crashing experiences. I was a MT in WoW and the RL so at times when my internet would drop of the game would go belly up on me during the Vanilla days, sometimes the runs just failed. And that was with 40 people on the hook. It sucks.


Still, I would say this. We're really in SWTOR's infantcy when it comes to the stability of the end game content and the overall stability issues. Should you expect a game not to crash? Yep, and for that one guy it's bad when it happens. However, dealing with computers all with different specs means some of them will crash no matter how polished your product. That's simply the law of averages.


What I can tell you is that if you're having fun with the game, you shouldn't just throw the baby out with the bathwater. One bad experience shouldn't sour you on your fun. Sure, you can throw up your hands and cancel, but I don't think that's always the answer when things happen once. Repeatedly, sure. However, perhaps if you tried again tomorrow, things would go swimmingly and your opinion might shift?


wow, an intelligent and level headed post. What a novel idea.

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You forgot to give the word "camels" an apostrophe to show possession. To wit: camel's.


So I stopped reading there. I'm sure the rest of what you had to say was enlightening and brought both culture and understanding to an otherwise dim and barren world.


Yeah. Really certain of that.

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You expect a fully operational end-game system by the end of the first month?


You people make me laugh, go back to WoW.


Exactly! If you want a game that's worth your money where developers actually seem to give a care about your gaming experience. Follow this guys advice.


Or if WOW isn't your ball of wax give Trion's Rift a try. Either of those games has developers who aren't nearly as shady as Bioware has been.

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yes most people do for 15 a month the problem with most games latley is the game makers have come to relise that kids will put out 50 to 70 for a game coddle the makers make them a few mill then drop the game and move to the next one we will see who is paying for this game in 6 monthshat will be the true test. I myself have cancelled my subscription and will be hoping for improvements that i am sure will never come.







You expect a fully operational end-game system by the end of the first month?


You people make me laugh, go back to WoW.

Edited by outlawdude
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Exactly! If you want a game that's worth your money where developers actually seem to give a care about your gaming experience. Follow this guys advice.


Or if WOW isn't your ball of wax give Trion's Rift a try. Either of those games has developers who aren't nearly as shady as Bioware has been.


Bahaha you can leave too.

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10 of millions of players who fly around in space ships waving around glow sticks to fight each other, interacting with giant slugs that talk ....makes a lot of sense :rolleyes:


Don't forget the part where you get to sex your companion.


And people laugh about pandas.

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yes most people do for 15 a month the problem with most games latley is the game makers have come to relise that kids will put out 50 to 70 for a game coddle the makers make them a few mill then drop the game and move to the next one we will see who is paying for this game in 6 monthshat will be the true test. I myself have cancelled my subscription and will be hoping for improvements that i am sure will never come.


What improvements are you expecting?


I've seen many improvements and communication about forthcoming improvements that I'm satisfied with the direction they are taking.

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