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Brackets Won't Work- Expertise still wins.


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So you guys believed that brackets would fix the problem with level 50s rolling over the lower levels?


So you guys thought that by pulling them away you'd get sweet relief and be free from anything with expertise, save some random person with just a gun with a tiny amount of expertise?


So you think you can't make twinks?



Wrong. Every game with brackets or level restrictions has twinks. Every single one. Only you fixed nothing with brackets. Level 46 Assault Cannon, bought from the PvP Weapons Vendor. Guess what is inside this?


Hint: An Enhancement Mod for orange items.


What does this mean? Get this. 25 expertise for any person at level 46. With 8 pieces of equipment that's 200 expertise, and that's what? 5.85% Damage, Defense and healing? Not much right? Well that's over 10% better than someone without expertise. You all of you reading this, you fixed nothing. Now anyone with 330 Warzone comms can buy a gun and pull out the enhancement. Anyone can buy 8 and equip themselves with expertise and roll over the other team at level 49. The difference? You won't have level 50s backing you up. And the total cost is actually pretty easy to get (being on par to orange PvP level 40 armor). So people can save up for this, and run PvP like mad, crushing the other team.



For those debates that will try to spring up, here is a Q&A:


Q: How does this make 49s so dangerous?

A: 4 pieces of Champion and 1 piece of Centurion are about the same as 8 of these enhancements, give or take a piece due to slot (bracers, belt, etc not giving as much as Chestplate. But the enhancement is a constant 25)


Q: But no one will waste their time getting 8 guns solely for the enhancements...

A: Like no one wasted their time for level 19 twinks on WoW Pre-WoTLK, right?


Q: They'd outlevel it pretty fast, correct?

A: Start at level 46, PvP until 49, don't turn in quests. You can do a LOT of PvP.


Q: Not everyone is that patient.

A: Yep, and not everyone has time to grind the comms for 8 guns, but that just means there will be more of the 'twinks' reigning supreme without the other team stopping them.


Q: Then we can make a 10-45 Bracket.

A: There is gear for levels all the way down to 36 as far as I can tell. Brackets don't work. It would be better to make a matchmaking system based on Groups Queuing and the combined total levels of Ratings of a player's weapon and armor. That'd mix BM and Champs together and level low levels or undergeared people with each other.




There. Hope you have a great time. Flame away. I just openned a minor Pandora's Box. I'll even bump the heck out of this if it falls too far in the pages. I'll let everyone know once they patch in the brackets. Then I'll watch the forums burn. :)


(Note: I copied and pasted this from Notepad, so if there is a problem I will fix it ASAP)

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With the amount of XP granted for WZ wins, that is not really an issue there.


I kind of doubt, that someone would spend 8*330 marks just to "own" for what, 50 WZs?


Also every class gets strong skills at 50 that affect the current balance way harder than expertise alone.


Also Champ gear brings more than just the expertise with it.

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Equipment is nice, but it is not all that. It has been shown over and over, the skill has MUCH more to do with success in PvP than gear. Sure all else being equal, gear will play a part, but a highly skilled PvPer with no expertise gear will beat a fully expertise geared newb every single time.


PvP is more about timing, strategy and teamwork more than gear. Gear is a reward for doing well, gear does not cause you to perform well. If people are stomping you all the time, it is not because of their gear, they are just better players.

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Also every class gets strong skills at 50 that affect the current balance way harder than expertise alone.


Not condoning this thread, but on this tangent could you link us some of these strong balance altering level 50 abilities that you're talking about? :)

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unlike wow for instance, you'll level out of warzones here making twinking your 28-29 far less effective.


Look a premade of four fifties with expertise gear totally unbalances a warzone. You know it, I know it, and everyone else knows it. The only reason to do it is to get cheap victories. That's what really has everyone upset here.


Que times will go up for premades. The solution, if its too long for you, is to que solo.......or you and your premade can wait for a match against your equals. Which as we also know defeats the purpose of your premade.



As more and more people reach 50 the ques will fix themselves anyways.

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1. I'm a mostly Republic Player.

2. It starts at 46, not 49. You can get all that at 46. And it is near the same cost as full Orange PvP Level 40 gear, which you cna skip and just buy Orange gear on the market and mod it out.

3. I'm not complaining about expertise, I'm against brackets. Most of those FOR brackets are on that train due to 50s wearing armor (PvP armor) that gives a lot of expertise. This is one of MANY of my reasons for why brackets DO NOT WORK.



I have a lot of reasons for why they don't work, but no one cares. Game's getting bracketed, then again and again until we have a ton of PvP rules and brackets and restrictions and this game might as well be Nascar with glowbats.

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1. I'm a mostly Republic Player.

2. It starts at 46, not 49. You can get all that at 46. And it is near the same cost as full Orange PvP Level 40 gear, which you cna skip and just buy Orange gear on the market and mod it out.

3. I'm not complaining about expertise, I'm against brackets. Most of those FOR brackets are on that train due to 50s wearing armor (PvP armor) that gives a lot of expertise. This is one of MANY of my reasons for why brackets DO NOT WORK.



I have a lot of reasons for why they don't work, but no one cares. Game's getting bracketed, then again and again until we have a ton of PvP rules and brackets and restrictions and this game might as well be Nascar with glowbats.




If anything is going to ruin pvp its the cross server thing they're considering.


To the 50s thing, I have BGd alot and I am not 50. I can tell you that its a huge difference fighting a 49 and a 50, it really does matter. Moreover bgs, the more 50s there, will become the exclusive province of 50s as there are more and more 50s. New players and people's alts won't even bother at that point. It shouldn't be that way imho.

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