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Sentinel ... Horridly underpowered?


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This wants to prove he is not squishy using a video that he is healed during all the fights.

Way to go, pro.


Nah. It was mostly before my first death. I guess you missed the part after that where I went on opponent after opponent without survivability issues whatsoever (what the thread is about). Or how I only died twice during a ****** round vs opponents that outleveled us. Or how those very same opponents struggled bigtime trying to take big chunks off my HP bar, healing or no healing involved. Or how they sometimes were multiple on my arse. Or the fact that they also did some healing. Or did you maybe watch another video?


I can't help I was healed (mostly) before my first death. Perhaps it would please your dark heart if healers were permabanned lol. And you do realise some of the healing is done by me, yes? As Watchman, I can selfheal for about 100k on my own during a Warzone. Oh wait, according to you that's not allowed either. I see.


Can you please point out where during those 7 min 30 seconds I struggled with survivability?


Could have recorded another video but like I said earlier, one laggy Warzone is enough as it made the ability stuttering painfully obvious. It's all right there in the video, you can cearly see some abilities go off multiple times before they finally land.


Anyway, next aim is a +500k damage video, should be fun when brackets arrive. You can moan about survivability until then.

Edited by darthtoph
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Its widely known that the Jedi Knight class as a whole is underpowered and what from what bioware say, its in the survivability department, the dps is right on the spot, in their opinion, the survivability however is not up to par with the other classes.


I however, do believe any player that leveled up solo (as in, never grouping for anything except heroic quests and those elite bonuses quest elites to save time) and never have any issues at all, are not being honest.


I admit that i am not the best guardian player in the game, but i started getting issues on Taris, which proved fixable via upgrading my gear, mostly the hilt, so after making sure the hilt and my gear was properly upgraded when needed, i had no problems, until i got to Tatooine.


From that point on, fighting a group of normals, felt like i was facing a strong and a strong and 4 normals felt like an elite and an elite was a nightmare and it just felt wrong, i was doing alot of damage to them, which made me think it was a survivability issue and biowares' statement made me feel relieved that they know about it.


The damage isn't the issue, its the survivability that is, granted the issues could have been a L2P thing, but the fact that i have to be kitted out in pure epic gear and mods to compete with a trooper in greens and blues, signifies that there is indeed a problem.


So, it isn't a damage issue, its a survivability issue, i can take out a group of normals in 5 seconds, which i am sure everyone else can do, but the issue here is that my health would be down to 50% in 3-4 seconds, but as a trooper or smuggler, hardly a dent, so i highly doubt that the other classes are overpowered, it has to be the jedi knight in general that is the issue.


At first i thought it was a Jedi Guardian issue, so i was planning on rolling another jedi knight to be a sentinel, but it seems that sentinels have this issue as well, the only time when Jedi guardians and sentinels do not have these issues with survivability is when they are in a group and a group should only be required for heroics, flashpoints and operations.


Come again? You lose 50% of your hp to a group of normals? Maybe if you attack them one at a time using strike and not using any defensive CD at all.


Seriously dmg is fine, survability for a dps class with Medium armor is more than fine (try playing a gunslinger / sniper in medium armor and eating a diversion unnable to get in cover which also provides most of their dmg mitigation / avoidance, then tell me in how many seconds your hp drops to 10% :D).


At lvl 42, I have 26% dmg mitigation with orange / blue gear, 5% defense chance increased to 15% with Transcendence, and 3 defense cd's to use depending on situation: rebuke, saber ward and guarded by the force. Then I have force camo to direct some dmg to my companion if need's be to buy me some time etc, plus your pacify / interrupt (force kick / force leap) as well as snares for melee dudes etc.


Since I got Doc, am literally breezing through stuff, hero 2 included, in fact did hero 4 with a scoundrel dps with our companions on Hoth (the one with sith lords and stealth generators, and area 4 one with robots). He used Bolvaar and I used Doc, and we killed the sith champion as well - tough fight, bolwaar died at a point and I had to force camo when boss was at 15% because he was hitting me hard outside of my CDs, but we finished him without breaking a sweat.


In FPs I can take an elite on my own (did colicoid wars earlier, and I was often leaping in the maze section to get a droid on my own) without much trouble, he will get me to maybe 50% hp but hey that's normal for an elite.

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