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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2012 Events Feedback


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The product is less than a month out from launch and you're already planning fan fests? "Don't be too proud of this online entertainment terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a competitor's subscription base is insignificant next to the power of customer sentiment." Let it stabilize, solidify the fan/subscription base, then evaluate for a 2013 event.


Events like Blizzcon and SOE Fan Fest work because they have multiple products with different fan bases to gather. Sure there may be one or two flagship products for each, but they don't focus on just one.


Unless BW is planning on making this a Bioware Fan Fest to showcase other products, I can't see the reasoning behind spending resources creating a separate event just for SWTOR. Make it a sub-event at SW Celebration or one of the many other scifi/fantasy/gaming conventions. You can even get a slight return on cost with additional subscriptions for convention attendees that are not a part of the SWTOR crowd.


However, if this turns into an EA Fan Fest, I wouldn't even consider attending regardless of my desire to attend a SWTOR event. That feeling Luke gets on Dagobah when he gets near the dark side cave... I always get that same feeling when I walk past the EA booth at E3. No amount of booth babes could entice me to enter there.


That said, when an event does happen, the usual MMO fan fest stuff would be nice. Dev panels, costume contests, meet and greets, lots of swag to take home, the usual laugh and point at "serious" PvPer competitions, voice actor panels, etc. Add jawa karaoke and you've got a full blown SWTOR Fan Fest.

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Now bear in mind, we know many of you will want to see new content and game features showcased at events – and in some cases, you will. However, you don’t need to ask us for that as we already know it’s desired – and exactly what does and doesn’t get shown will be in the hands of the development team (and subject to the development schedule!).


Thanks in advance for all your great feedback!


Uh, I'm not really that interested in new content as I am in you putting this half-baked MMO back in the oven and finishing it.


To whit:


Fix the light-saber melee classes.


GuardiansThis should include earlier AoE dps and aggro management skills. You need them early to BUILD YOUR TANKING SKILLS. The interrupts are too slow (recharge and animation) for these classes to be truly effective in even PvE tanking. These classes need more combat mobility, without any sort of dash/sprint ability they are torture. They need to have somewhat better range skills, but certainly not the kind of range we get on the ranged classes.


Guardians need better damage mitigation and more hit points. Most games give equal armored tanks (compared to DPS classes) better mitigation and hit point boosts for armor and constitution (endurance) bonuses. Or, let's put it this way: When a gank class can severely out-dps a tank, but has decently close-to-tank damage mitigation and the same hit points... You fouled up in design concept and it would take bad ganker coupled with a heroically-played tank to have any sort of 'contest.' I also really hate your underlying 'rage' concept with your tank. Just because some games I won't mention use it, doesn't mean it's a good concept. Tanks need to function at all times. Forcing them to build rage so they can do their job hobbles the class. Better to have a force pool on a tank and let the player manage that...


The Sentinel trees are so fouled up I don't even know where to begin. I have to dual-spec plus have a gank-companion to get enough DPS to survive the broad range of encounters I will see due to my complete lack of damage mitigation. The Watchman tree is good against high HP bosses, but fails against mobs. The other tree (forgot its name) performs opposite. I'm neither fish-nor-fowl and have no ability to adjust my play-style, on the fly, to make it work. You have to give players enough DPS to over-come armor limitations to make a class viable, this is basic game design and these classes are almost always called "glass cannons." The problem with your glass cannon is it's "glass pop-gun." Not a winning combination.


My suggestion: Get yourself a LOTRO Champion to Level 75. Different system, but it's a class that can adapt, on the fly, to the situation it's in. Lots of trash-mobs -- aoe based attack skills. Big boss, single weapon with single-weapon based attacks. Learn from it, it's one of the best designed heavy-dps classes in the MMO world.



Global cool-down timer is bogus. Put the skills on separate timers. It makes combat more interesting (strategically and tactically) and separates the men from the macros in long fights.



All that, btw, applies to the Sith side...



I could go on, just about those two sub-classes, but it's time to take the kid to school.

Edited by Blackfriar
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1. i would LOVE to see class balance and pvp Q and A

2. i also would definetly attend a convention or meet and great if it was somewhat in my area (TAMPA FL) .

i wouldnt mind seeing tounraments however i would becareful as when ranked and rated arenas and bgs come into play it changes the dynamic of gameplay and people tend to focuz on arena makeup balences and such so i would rather not see that happen

3 i would like to see LORE Q and A


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  1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)
  2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?
  3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


  1. Image Designer(costume) contests. Let the dev. team participate. Swag in the form of a purple rock. (Make dem color crystals for everyone :-) )
  2. Design goals. There exist a lot of speculation as to if certain facets are working as intended. I'm not necessarily asking for changes or for input to be accepted so much as i am curious if some of the speculation behind the mechanics will be clarified at all. (Defensive stats working in pvp, crewskill worth, credits in to credits out ratio, class disparity, questionable faction population imbalances. Range/melee effort vs. reward. Dual spec and add on support, animation/activation responsiveness and stutter.) Just concerns others have raised on the forums.
  3. As a single father of three, making planned game time, much less planned appearances is difficult to say the least. However, this is something i would be keenly interested in attempting.

Edited by ackomo
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> General Q&A's/roundtables with the developers, including the writers/story team. I think it is important to keep your finger on the pulse of the playerbase in this regard -- you'll get valuable feedback, and we, the fans, will gain insight into your thought/design processes.


> More specific insight/breakdown panels that cover things such as Encounter Design, Art Design, Sound/Music, etc., with the respective teams. It would be fun to see/meet some of the voice actors as well. You could bake in more targeted Q&A's with these discussions, too.

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Yeah i prob wont get to go same goes for the larger percentage of people that play the game but i would like to see in game events and maybe 1/4 of the stuff in




get implemented before you start planning this thing as there isnt a lot of stuff that make this an MMO at lvl 50 PVP the 3 warzones ops and flashpoints not really maybe 10% of lvl 50's are doing them so yeah check the suggestions forum and get to it.


just a few suggestions are


reasons to go in cantina's:

pvp - cards paz.

pvp - swoop racing

pvp - guitar hero

sitting chairs

chat bubbles for rp'ers

galactic events

more pvp warzones


these are just a few check out the forum.

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What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)

swag, in-game items for attending a con, previews of beta content


What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?

Yes to all of the above. I'd add class balance and lore panels as well.


If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


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I want a full blown Bioware con hosted at the Baltimore Convention Center.



What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)


Costume contest, chance to have our voice recorded into a random NPC of the game


What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?


Game balance, future plans for expansions


If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Yes I would


i like your first answer. but to add my own opinion

1. PVP tournament is nice, possibly a series of tournaments(I know i'm heavily stretching things here but say the winners of the first can get the chance to be given a flight to the next held competion so other people have a chance to beat the reigning champs?)

or our voices in game, that'd be nice/or likeness


2. Hmm.. General Q&A hopefully focusing on how they will expand story wise, raids,pvp mostly. And talking with the Voice Actors, it'd be nice to know the man/woman behind the voice or see them more.


3.Yes! Even Stephen Reid knows i would.


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1. Photo Opportunities and "Hug the Dev"

2. Dev team: "Map of future things" with soon, not so soon, later, next year and wall of crazy as time-line marks.

CSR: SWTOR logo sticker/tattoos (like the ones in candy/gum)

"Zoeller Zone": all things Combat. News and Q&A

"The Crafter Market": All things crafting. News and Q&A

"Storytellers" Daniel "Absolutely" Erickson and his crew.

More Ohlen.

3. YES THIS, I'd even offer to help, but I know it won't happen soon.

Edited by XeeThot
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  1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)
  2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?
  3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Thanks in advance for all your great feedback!


Here's a few of my thoughts.


PvP Tournaments could be fun, like the old LAN party days. Though I'm no good at it, it would be fun for me to watch on a big screen with other fans cheering on the teams.


Photo ops with costumed people, (People dressed as major characters) costume contests, and autograph opportunities with voice actors, all sound like good ideas to me.


Meet & Greet with voice actors, writers, community leaders. (<3 Jen Taylor!) :D


Panel discussions with dev teams and writers would be great, it would be nice to hear some of the thought processes and ideas that they have, as well as give our feedback in such a setting.


I would definitely be interested in a community event outside of a major show. It would be fun to meet fellow players as well as Bioware team staff in an informal, casual setting.

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With that in mind, we want to hear your thoughts. To get you started, here are some questions we’d love to get your feedback on.

  1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)
  2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?
  3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Thanks in advance for all your great feedback!


First of all I'd really like to see a full booth of sorts at Star Wars Celebration. It is also one of the only events in the south people have access too.


As far as things to see.. I'd like to see previews of upcoming features such as Guild or Add-ons. As far as topics I am always interested in learning about combat mechanics, end game and how stories might progress in future content/expansions. I'd definitely attend a Community Meet & Greet outside of the show itself.

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I would like to see you guys apologize for giving Empire all the perks, including animation imbalances, giving sith exclusive access to Jedi colored lighsabers (purple) and special attention to sith story- lines, with promises to fix them. Not much you can do for the story.
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I would love to see a system for organized Huttball. I think that organized teams of Huttball with significant cosmetic rewards for winning would be really cool. An example would be each team must have a minimum of 8 people on the roster with a max of 20. Each team would be assigned another team to play, the captains would then select a time they will faceoff before Tuesday of the next week.


No expertise allowed. No team composition rules.


Would love to see this also!!!

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With that in mind, we want to hear your thoughts. To get you started, here are some questions we’d love to get your feedback on.

  1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)
  2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?
  3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?



The place for Q&A is probably in the panel conferences, so more people can hear the answers. Perhaps allow questions to be submitted and chosen in advance so we know they are good ones with good answers to them, and not some noob wasting everyone's time. ;) And of course, videos on swtor.com or YouTube for those who cannot attend.


I don't care much about PvP tournaments.


I think it would be kind of cool to meet the voice actors. I guess there are 32 of them for the player characters alone? I know I'd want to see "my guy."


I would like an opportunity to discuss the game with other players, sure, but I'm not sure a designated meet & greet is necessary to do that. That tends to happen on its own, like at the hotel's restaurant. Still, it might be nice to have a little something.


I'd really like to see appearances at events in a lot of different places around the country; not necessarily at the top 4 events in Los Angeles and New York. I'm in Minnesota! A lot of us are in the middle!


I'd pay handsomely to go to an official Bioware and/or SWTOR con.

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With that in mind, we want to hear your thoughts. To get you started, here are some questions we’d love to get your feedback on.

  1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)
  2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?
  3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Thanks in advance for all your great feedback!


1.) More developer discussion with those at the events. I know it is hard to pull people from the team, and that many do not want to travel or go to those events. It would be great to have time to talk with Georg, Gabe, Damion, etc. During most of the events last year it was members of the community team, marketing team, and at times some of the development team.


2.) Personally, I do not like Q&As in most cases. The questions asked tend not to be that well thought out, or come from people new to the game. Not saying you get some good quality questions, but from most Q&As I have been to it turns into "Ask dumb question" time. That is really a waste of time for both parties, as you cannot screen out the most common questions.


As for topics covered?

  • PvP

- What goes into making a warzone?

- How do you balance PvP and PvE?


- New plans for end-game

- Operation design and what goes into it

- Creating a planet, how long does it take, how do you choose a planet, story behind it, etc.


A few suggestions there of course, and I think a lot of people like to know what really goes in to making an MMO. Some of the most informative panels and demos I have seen, came from the inner-workings of the game. How the team gets to together to create the worlds, and while "new" information may be scare, many really appreciate what gets done.


3.) You had the the meet and greet at PAX East, but the way the invites were handed out was not that great. It was first come first server and even when I got to the booth in the first few minutes of the floor opening, most of the passes had been given away. I would rather see a raffle or them passed out during the day so other people have a shot at getting them as well.


Extra: For those that cannot attend, the live stream you did at E3 was great. I would suggest using a service like Twitch/Justin.TV as the quality is much better. Though you really need a decent computer and a fantastic up speed cable connection to stream at high quality. Both of these are hard to get at the convention floor and even more so at the hotel. It would be cool if you could stream say a panel or Q&A from the Meet and Greet if you choose to do that.


Another popular hit from San Diego Comic Con was the live Twitter Q&A. I think that went off very well and had some decent questions. You had time David to look at the good questions and ask them, a better overall format for a Q&A.


If you do plan on attending PAX East, you may have time to try and talk with the even or the hotel/cable company to get a line to the meet and greet room. This would really help a streaming type event, and would provide a way for those that cannot attend to get in on some of the action.


The minimum speed for streaming HD is about 3.0 Mb/s, anything higher is great, though I am sure you can look into that yourself.

Edited by engrey
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to much i wonts here ..... 1 post i read is rite lets focus on fixing stuff in game and improving on it be for adding to much stuff and leads to more worries on top of other thing that needs to be fixed ! guys and ladies the dev are working hard in what they do

they could use some TY's to


bottom line inprove what we have:) make those bug repots it helps us and them to

the more we help the better this game gets in stead of i wont and give me give me

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I want a full blown Bioware con hosted at the Baltimore Convention Center.

This! :D

Though Austin is much more likely.



What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)


Hints at upcoming content, photo ops would be fun, Q&A session, meet the different devs/voice actors, and Yoda (no particular reason, I just like him)


What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?


Skill balancing, some discussion on the finer points of the game (like using secondary stats more effectively, uber-secret cool dev tips, tips on maximizing PvP effectiveness, etc.)


If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Absolutely. I think that would be a lot of fun.

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The biggest thing I like to hear from my MMORG company (other than specific details of upcoming content) is design philosophy.


What do you think makes a good MMORG? A good Flashpoint? How do you see the relationship between crafting and dropped loot? Do you think all crafting skills should give a unique advantage?


Do you like the interaction of players and companions and do you think you'll enrich and extend it? In what directions? Would you like to add more companions?


Do you see the conflict between empire and republic evolving more in a PvE or a PvP sense? IE do you expect more tradeable world objectives to have shard wide impacts?




I like to hear more about what the design teams' objectives/dreams are. That way, I have a better sense for the long-term direction of the game, and it gives me a framework to provide feedback on that, which I think is more useful than feedback on specific content bits.

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ty dev's and all those in combination of making this game


to the inviromant team : ty for the rich scens on planets even the MCPs that we walk by that are doing silliy things "NAR a guy flexing while a girl is laffing and clapping '


TO THE SOUND AND FX TEAm : love the battle music and area back groubd music that fits the places give a good feel of the places and sound FXs makes a diffreances

TO THE VOICE ACTORS : lets face it we can pls every body on this stuff i say u guys did great given other voices u guys did in other jobs


there so many to thank on here :)

thses people need tro be thanked atleast than the over load of 'i wonts "

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