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OP Operative


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I don't usually post threads on the forums but this has to be said. What the hell is going on when a 46th lvl BH wearing full heavy armor gets dropped by an Operative in under 3 seconds completely stun locked during the whole encounter!


For the most part the game has balance but the Operative class needs to be looked at by the devs. Operatives insert flame here ->( ). Also in Hut-ball the devs need to look at the Assassin class being able to stealth and sprint with the ball ***.

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I don't usually post threads on the forums but this has to be said. What the hell is going on when a 46th lvl BH wearing full heavy armor gets dropped by an Operative in under 3 seconds completely stun locked during the whole encounter!


For the most part the game has balance but the Operative class needs to be looked at by the devs. Operatives insert flame here ->( ). Also in Hut-ball the devs need to look at the Assassin class being able to stealth and sprint with the ball ***.


Also take into account at level 40+ Op/Scoundrals have a 50% armor penetration buff. So...yeah, you have no pvp gear and you're level 46...if I'm in full champion gear with a 50% armor penetration, you really don't stand a chance. GG though.

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I don't usually post threads on the forums but this has to be said. What the hell is going on when a 46th lvl BH wearing full heavy armor gets dropped by an Operative in under 3 seconds completely stun locked during the whole encounter!


For the most part the game has balance but the Operative class needs to be looked at by the devs. Operatives insert flame here ->( ). Also in Hut-ball the devs need to look at the Assassin class being able to stealth and sprint with the ball ***.


You need to check the forums for existing threads before you post another thread doused in inaccuracy and whining that a non OP class is OP.


The things causing Operatives to seem OP are:


- Being lowered leveled and geared than the Operative

- Not knowing how to fight back against an Operative

- Biochem stackable buffs causing any class to crit insanely high - As Operatives role is to be melee burst with no sustained dps and no ranged dps this is mad on Operative

- Mitigation not being as it should be such as shield basically not mitigation PvP damage


Once these are fixed Operative damage will be much more in-line with what people expect and deem reasonable.


And before you flame yes I do play a Scoundrel (mirror of Operative). I also however play a Shadow and a Sentinel and consider my opinion therefore to be well rounded and informed. I am not just playing Scoundrel and defending it blindly.

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As a sage i laugh at operatives when they flounder around unable to do anything.

Anyone saying they are OP has either bad reflexes or is far under-geared compared to the operative.


Generally put stealthers are the worst pvp'ers, at the slight semblance of resistance they will crumble and fail. At least this has been my experience.

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You need to check the forums for existing threads before you post another thread doused in inaccuracy and whining that a non OP class is OP.


The things causing Operatives to seem OP are:


- Being lowered leveled and geared than the Operative

- Not knowing how to fight back against an Operative

- Biochem stackable buffs causing any class to crit insanely high - As Operatives role is to be melee burst with no sustained dps and no ranged dps this is mad on Operative

- Mitigation not being as it should be such as shield basically not mitigation PvP damage


Once these are fixed Operative damage will be much more in-line with what people expect and deem reasonable.

And before you flame yes I do play a Scoundrel (mirror of Operative). I also however play a Shadow and a Sentinel and consider my opinion therefore to be well rounded and informed. I am not just playing Scoundrel and defending it blindly.


You mean fixed to the point you can beat a level 50 concealment in warzones at level 18.


Please be more elaborate in your explainations as there are a lot of mis-conceptions about the class by MANY people who think it to be a cookie cutter build.


These are the complaints I have seen that remain consistant.


1. Concealments - have high damage numbers in warzones which people think means they need to be nerf'd.


2. Concealment - our heals are over powered. Really? Have you even played a concealment operative?


3. Concealment - most complaints are by lower levels


4. Concealment - Try pvp'ing on a concealment spec at level 25-40 and tell me how that works for you.


5. Concealment - People have never played the class and make assumptions that are grossly incorrect.


6. Concealment - Hypocrisy - Noone complains about geared 50 BH's 3 shotting people. Few if any complaints about assassins who can KO just about any class the same as a concealment operative.


7. Concealment - Smuggler - Mirror Class - Noone complains about them being able to do the same thing as they have similar playstyles or abilities that are very similar.


8. Concealment - Most complaints are by people who simply have little to no pvp experience. And I'm not talking about just in this game. A lot of die hard pvp'ers come from other MMO's where the PVP system is brutally violent and hard to deal with. And you wouldn't know if you didn't experience it first hand. The pvp system in this game for what it is is the most balanced I have seen compared to 6 other MMO's for which I PVP'd heavily in. That being said I do agree there needs to be bracket seperations for certain levels. This may resolve a lot of the issues people have to deal with against higher levels.



Lastly, I have made a suggestion that has been grossly ignored by the community that would fix a lot of the complaints people have about Concealment IA and would also effect these other classes that people seem to ignore.


Fix Resolve - Change resolve mechanic to include immunity against all players in PVP. Right now it only effects the player who hits you first with some kind of stun/CC ability.


There are things most other classes have that an operative does not have. And if most people knew anything about Concealment operative class they would know the distinct differences between the classes. A big example which has been brought up many many times. Concealment has no gap closers. If you want to nerf their opening attack fine. But we better have about 3 gap closers as a result of it and better out of stealth survivability, and higher damage on our normal attacks.


It has to balance. The issue is that I'm seeing people don't know how to fight a stealth class. They don't know their own class well enough. They are lower level, and/or undergeared compared to the people they are fighting against.


Brackets would fix this issue to make warzones more level appropriate and less of a hassle for lower levels.


There are plenty of suggestions on how to fix warzone pvp such that it's not as over barring for everyone. And it's a change that won't bring a class to it's knees... which to be blunt is what people want for concealment.


Bring the class to it's knees because I don't know how to play my own class or find the weaknesses of concealment operatives. Most 50's would agree concealment is far less of an issue. Why? Because they are gearing up in PVP gear, it's no longer possible to 3 second kill someone.


This is a L2P issue at it's core. This isn't wow. Please learn to use the system first, before you try to bring a class to it's knees making it worthless in every aspect of the game.


My 2 cents.


Carry on.

Edited by Ahebish
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lvl 50 sorc here with 5 champ and 2 centurian pieces. I still get dropped very often within the knockdown period by operatives and scoundrels. The reaction time is so short I have little to no chance of survival, and certainly no chance of making them fight hard to kill me.


If they have biochem buffs this just accentuates the problem...


I think its been made pretty clear by the sheers numbers that it needs fixing somehow. This isn't the only fix needed but its certainly the one that made me /ragequit after a couple of weeks of it.


Don't get me wrong, game is awesome, but it's just too disheartening and ruins my fun entirely.

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I don't usually post threads on the forums but this has to be said. What the hell is going on when a 46th lvl BH wearing full heavy armor gets dropped by an Operative in under 3 seconds completely stun locked during the whole encounter!


For the most part the game has balance but the Operative class needs to be looked at by the devs. Operatives insert flame here ->( ). Also in Hut-ball the devs need to look at the Assassin class being able to stealth and sprint with the ball ***.


And the Operative was level 50 with full champion gear - but as a 46 BH with heavy armor I should still own him.


learn to play

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I don't usually post threads on the forums but this has to be said. What the hell is going on when a 46th lvl BH wearing full heavy armor gets dropped by an Operative in under 3 seconds completely stun locked during the whole encounter!


For the most part the game has balance but the Operative class needs to be looked at by the devs. Operatives insert flame here ->( ). Also in Hut-ball the devs need to look at the Assassin class being able to stealth and sprint with the ball ***.


Take a look at this video

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I own a 46 BH in heavy armor as a medic spec'd operative in full champ gear. Sub 50 = easy regardless. Hence the impementation of bracketed PVP.


People should spend less time posting and more time reading other posts.


Nerf the **** out of biochem please.


That is all.

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In all honestly, pay attention to your suroundings and yourself, this class/spec is made to pick and choose their battles, if you appear to be low level/gimped/weak/near death then say good bye. They are extremely easy to kill and possibly the 2nd most easiest class/spec combo there is kill when caught out of stealth.


I honestly fear those pesky Marks Snipers with OP buddies more, nothing worse then an ambush followed by Snipe (or Follow through) from stealth and not knowing where it came from till it's to late.

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