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Design Philosophy and GCDs


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As I understand it, the design philosophy for TOR is that every class should be able to do the same dps. I don't know if that is indeed true, but if it is, I don't think its fair.


For example, lets say we have two weapons. Both, in the TOR philosophy, do 100 damage per second. The only difference is that the first can do that damage only within 4m, while the second can damage from within 30m. Why would anyone choose the first weapon?


Obviously I want to apply this to the situation with Marauders. Of course, its more complicated that the amount of damage each class does at whatever range. You have damage reduction with armor, abilities that reduce range to target quickly (force charge), abilities that increase range to target (pushbacks), stuns, etc. But at its heart, I feel like trying to make the damage of ranged classes equal with that of melee is a poor design philosophy. Melee classes should be able to do more damage, with the disadvantage of having to be within a short range to do them.


Am I off mark with my assessment?


If not, my suggestion would be that marauders get a passive ability that shortens our GCD to 1.35 seconds (or something similar). That would effectively mean we have a 10% shorter wait before using our next ability. I think this is fair because, while increasing our ability to dps, we would still be constrained by the CDs on our abilities.


What do you think?

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I think the 1.5s GCD is fine.


Marauders have a ****ton of counters.


This game is not about a range class being "able" to do the same theoretical stand-still DPS as a melee DPS.


This game is about the fact that you can reduce their DPS significantly via Obfuscate, Saber Ward, Disruption, Cloak of Pain, Force Camo.


Likewise, they can reduce your DPS via snares, CC, et al.



So, the raw damage per second is irrelevant. There are other things that the devs should address first.

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I think the 1.5s GCD is fine.


Marauders have a ****ton of counters.


This game is not about a range class being "able" to do the same theoretical stand-still DPS as a melee DPS.


This game is about the fact that you can reduce their DPS significantly via Obfuscate, Saber Ward, Disruption, Cloak of Pain, Force Camo.


Likewise, they can reduce your DPS via snares, CC, et al.



So, the raw damage per second is irrelevant. There are other things that the devs should address first.


Raw damage per second is not irrelevant. It is the key to balancing PvE encounters that have enrage timers or other mechanics that force you to kill the boss within a reasonable amount of time. If X class does more damage than Y class you're usually best taking X over Y.


Regarding the melee vs. ranged dilemma the benefit of melee over ranged is that melee classes are generally not affected much by small amounts of random movement (like moving out of fire) where as casters (or ranged) cannot channel/cast their biggest hitters while moving and often have to stop mid-cast to get out of something bad.

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