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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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I love all the knee-jerk intolerant reactons from people who then wonder why there is so much hate for SWTOR. Here's a hint -- it's not the game.


This x1000000


I like this game. I detest the forum community. No room whatsoever for dissent of any kind.

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The thing is you DON'T know that they have watched the content before. They may have done it with their Jedi, but now their Smuggler is doing it and the responses during conversation are entirely different.


You really have no understanding of what others may find enjoyable. I have now written you off as a sad and pathetic little person. Carry on.

If these people want to watch the cutscenes, why are they joining a group where the ad clearly says, "NO CUTSCENES"?

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people really aren't reading the OP...


he says he states "no cutscenes". how difficult is it to comprehend? it's about as bad as grouping with someone who accepts the healer slot, but wants to try and dps instead.


Oh people comprehend. They just choose to troll. Granted, he kind of opened himself up to this with an arguably tactless few posts to start, but in the end people don't care.


Can we please get back on topic people; in case some of you ARE smarter than I give you credit, the purpose of this discussion is having the ability to play the way you want to play.

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I will never skip the cutscenes. Hate me if you want.



This. ^


It is every person's right to watch the cutscenes because that's the way BioWare designed it. I highly doubt that information will be available through the mod API and if BioWare does expose this information I would be upset because it would enable jerks like you to do exactly what you said: kick people for trying to enjoy the story. There would eventually be players that join later and would never get to see the story because of people like you.


And now, just to spite the people like you, I will NEVER press space bar.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


I'm sorry you have a very low attention span which would entail that you not wanting to watch a cutscene should be the prerequisite for you kicking someone out of your group. Even if that person in the group will more than likely be playing that flashpoint for the first time or maybe second time and they may be enjoying a story.


Maybe you should go to Facebook and play Farmville instead.

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Not everybody doing Flashpoints has already done them 10 times, sometimes it's their first and they should be able to watch cutscenes if they want to.


Why would that person join a pug that advertises "No Cutscenes"? That person should find another group that is ok with them watching them or they should go run it with their guild.

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The thing is you DON'T know that they have watched the content before. They may have done it with their Jedi, but now their Smuggler is doing it and the responses during conversation are entirely different.


Ah yes but the result is and will ALWAYS be the same won't it? Flash points are not class specific FYI - My Consular can choose to slit someones throat or my smuggler can, either way the guy dies.

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Good point, let his type of player group together and leave it at that.
That's all he wants.


I watch all the cutscenes, too, but people are getting mad at this guy like he's doing something deceptive when in reality, people can just avoid his group.


Let the people who want to skip cutscenese group together and we all go on our own happy ways.

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Another troll. Try re-reading the OP's thread. Unless you never repeat FP's or participate in raid content, you are also grinding , and if you don't this will never even apply to you.


I love all the knee-jerk intolerant reactons from people who then wonder why there is so much hate for SWTOR. Here's a hint -- it's not the game.


Another kiddy,


I did read the OP and its as pointless as your comment, If I run a FP again and someone in the group is running it for the first time, Im not going to cry like a little girl and make him skip the cut scene.


Its people like you who ruin the game for other people and turn a great story based game into a grind fest.


I agree its not the game, its the nubs who just play the game to grind and dont actually enjoy the game and try to ruin other peoples experiences.

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That's all he wants.


I watch all the cutscenes, too, but people are getting mad at this guy like he's doing something deceptive when in reality, people can just avoid his group.


Let the people who want to skip cutscenese group together and we all go on our own happy ways.


Exactly! thank you!

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I'm sorry you have a very low attention span which would entail that you not wanting to watch a cutscene should be the prerequisite for you kicking someone out of your group. Even if that person in the group will more than likely be playing that flashpoint for the first time or maybe second time and they may be enjoying a story.


Maybe you should go to Facebook and play Farmville instead.


Quoted for truth

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Dear Addon authors:


When Addons become available please make one that identifies the idiots with the attention span of a gnat so I can avoid grouping with them. Perhaps a little tag after their name in the shape of a dunce cap would suffice.


Thank you.

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Why would that person join a pug that advertises "No Cutscenes"? That person should find another group that is ok with them watching them or they should go run it with their guild.


If they join a group that says no cutscenes and they want to watch them then they should get what's coming to them.


But again, that's not my issue with the addon idea. Unfortunately a large amount of the MMO community isn't too bright, fair, or kind. You know if they implement an addon like this there will be groups who didn't specify "no cutscenes" who will end up yelling at someone because they're watching them, and that's not right.

Edited by DarrkLore
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That's all he wants.


I watch all the cutscenes, too, but people are getting mad at this guy like he's doing something deceptive when in reality, people can just avoid his group.


Let the people who want to skip cutscenese group together and we all go on our own happy ways.


I agree.


I do think this game is not what he is looking for if he wants to skip the cutscenes the first time through but if you have done the content a few times and you want to do the flashpoints without watching the scenes, more power to ya.


But yeah, in general. The guys is advertising "no cutscenes". Let him try to find a group that shares what he is looking for. No reason to give the guy hell.

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This comment it is overused IMO "Playing the game as intended" is a matter of opinion. Not even the developers will come in here and tell anyone that they have to play their game a certain way. Case in point: They added space bar functionality to skip content.


I have plenty of long time friends I game with - sometimes you can't always run instances with them and you need to pug someone in. I would like to make sure the person we add isn't there for the first time wanting to listen to all the VO's. Worse than that someone that would do it just to aggravate us... only to boot him and wait longer to find a replacement.


It really does not need any add-on to do things for you. You can ASK (Speaking to another player by means of pressing enter and typing a question about cutscene skipping) and not join with them if they are patient normal people who know that there really is no hurry to anywhere. Rush is a thing that end up stressing you to exhaustion in the end.


Usually people can skip these if someone wants to but still its up to any one player how he wishes to play a game. If gaming of one person is rushed or slowed these both are forcing someone to play in other way.


Only way to play how you like is to find a group, aka social network-of like minded people who will play like you also play. If you cant get group together from these friends and need to get outside help... Then you just need to bend your playstyle to suit everyone in group OR ask in the first place "is this playstyle okay to you"

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And now, just to spite the people like you, I will NEVER press space bar.


This whole post aside - This will happen in the game about a year from now when people have all the FP's on farm. You will get a jag off in there griefing people just to be a chump...


Need a group leader option to set content on or off.

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That's the whole point though. If he says LFM x FP, no cutscenes, and you join JUST to watch the cutscenes, YOU are in the wrong.


If he looks for a group and specifies this then yes, you are right. But the way the OP puts it, he does not sound like he is forming groups and defining that up front. It sounds to me like he just wants everyone to play his way and then boot people that don't.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


I'd refuse to hit my spacebar too, just to annoy you. Welcome to a story-based game ;)

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If he looks for a group and specifies this then yes, you are right. But the way the OP puts it, he does not sound like he is forming groups and defining that up front. It sounds to me like he just wants everyone to play his way and then boot people that don't.


When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


I really don't need to post anything else, now do I?

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There. RIGHT THERE. You are jumping down the OPs throat for wanting to enjoy the game his way, which is not your way.


This is a story based MMO, If you don't want to watch the cut scene, specific this when forming a group.


We don't need add ons, people dont need to be kicked, People just need to use common sense.

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