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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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1. If you actually cared to read any of the worthwhile posts in this thread, you'd see I actually very much disagree with the OP on a number of points; I stayed in this thread in an attempt to facilitate worthwhile discussion, building upon his very poorly stated premise. I like the story, and don't skip it, given the choice.


2. Just because you personally are all about the group dynamic and everyone having a say, does not mean that is how groups work. If a certain set of rules are outlined by the Group Leader, and another player joins the group, only to disobey these rules, the player is at fault and the GL has the right to remove them from the group with or without warning. That is how grouping has worked in every MMO, and will always work in every MMO. If I'm GL and I state in my LFG post "LF2M for xFP, need healer and dps, (x peice of loot is reserved, all others free roll)" Then these are my stipulations and are law for this group. Now say you join, we run the FP, that loot drops and you roll on it, you have broken my rules. You are the ******. You have had a negative impact on my play experience, and likely the experience of the others in the group, and I kick you right then and there. This is not anti-social behavior, its a simple "You broke the rules, you're gonzo." You don't have to like it. The Group Leader's word is law. Break at your own risk.


I agree if it is just one guy who wants to do things differently then the rest of the group, but if more then one want to see the story regardless of your rules O mighty group leader, then you need to suck it up and take the extra 5 min that might be wasted in your opinion. New flash, if half the group want it done a certain way then either they decide to leave, or you suck it up.


-But then again that is my style of play, I like to promote community and fairness in my gaming. Some please I guess prefer the kick and go single player mentality. Not really saying either is the correct way to do it, I am just saying that by adding a mechanic to single out and kick player you are inviting harassing and misuse.

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I just wonder why people like the OP ever decided to buy SWTOR. It had voice acting and cutscenes all over on it. There is really only one way to enjoy this game fully and that is to immerse yourself in the story, and that was what Bioware aimed at.
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Oh look. I come back and people STILL can't read the OP, and some STILL quote it after not reading it!


You silly little trolls you!


OP said he advertised as LFM, No Cutscenes. Anyone who joins and then watchs anyway is wrong. End of argument.

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Posting my support as someone who never hits spacebars the first time through something.


OP, you need to give this a little time. There are going to be a lot of people for whom this is their first experience going through the game, a LOT of people. Once more people have 50s and are doing alts and such you'll find them much more willing to skip through Flashpoint cutscenes.


Personally if it were me I'd add something a bit more detailed than "No Cutscenes" to my LFG advertising. Something like "We will be skipping all cutscenes, do not join if you do not want to skip them." If you hit enter to open the text entry box, and then use the up arrow, you can go back up to previously posted messages to enter them again without having to type, even without macros or c&p shenanigans. So with that, you don't even have to retype the more lengthy advertisement each time if that's an issue.

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So a decent player joins your group and hasn't done this particular Heroic or Flashpoint before and you'd boot them because they were watching the cutscenes?


I'm just utterly speechless...


The number of people making posts like this, when they obviously haven't read anything other than the topic and maybe a bit of the OP, makes me facepalm.


Decent has nothing to do with it; that player wouldn't join a group that advertised "NO CUTSCENES" if he/she wanted to watch them.


Every poster flaming the OP is likely a low level character and still mugging through the story. I've been 50 for a few days, and when I'm farming BT or other hardmodes for crystals/gear, damn right I hit spacebar. Its like skipping the opening cutscenes when you load a videogame - you watch it the first time, but do you watch it everytime you play? NO, you hit esc, or space, or enter, or press start, because you want the PLAY A GAME, not WATCH THE SAME MOVIE FOR THE TENTH TIME.


This thread was never, ever, about first timers in the group watching the cutscenes. It is about scum who join a group with one intention (to skip cutscenes), but have no intention of abiding by the request of the GL.


the next poster who flames the OP clearly hasnt read any other the posts in this thread, including this one, and that poster should be shamed for their ignorance.

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If he says no cutscenes when forming the group and you watch the cutscenes you're in the wrong and being completely inconsiderate. End of story.


I Agree 100% No Issue I wouldn't group with you but I have no issue with you stating no cut in your LFG and kicking those who don't listen. Like a previous poster said those with ... in their dice role box are still watching the cut (or more accurately haven't chosen an option yet.)

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I didn't see any responses to this point in yesterday's post-fest, so I'll add it now. (Free funny thread bump, the trolls are hilarious still.)


To those who mentioned it's faster to slog through the story now than wait for someone else, you're assuming one run. Yes, they likely would complete one instance faster that way. If they're doing grind groups (as mentioned), the hopeful outcome is probably 5 or more runs in succession.


Hypothetical math, based on my experiences in BT:


Take story-watcher now


Wait: 0min

Instance: 45min


Wait for someone that matches your playstyle


Wait: 60min (I think I'm being generous to the "watch" crowd here...)



One run puts the "go now" method at 15 minutes faster, yes. The second run (45+45 vs 75+15) is dead even. The third run is (45+45+45 vs 75+15+15) 30min faster by waiting. Going out to even just 5 runs puts us at (45+45+45+45+45 vs 75+15+15+15+15) 90min faster. I know I've done more than 5 runs before...


In reality, you could *probably* find someone to skip the conversations in about 20min instead of an hour.

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I didn't see any responses to this point in yesterday's post-fest, so I'll add it now. (Free funny thread bump, the trolls are hilarious still.)


To those who mentioned it's faster to slog through the story now than wait for someone else, you're assuming one run. Yes, they likely would complete one instance faster that way. If they're doing grind groups (as mentioned), the hopeful outcome is probably 5 or more runs in succession.


Hypothetical math, based on my experiences in BT:


Take story-watcher now


Wait: 0min

Instance: 45min


Wait for someone that matches your playstyle


Wait: 60min (I think I'm being generous to the "watch" crowd here...)



One run puts the "go now" method at 15 minutes faster, yes. The second run (45+45 vs 75+15) is dead even. The third run is (45+45+45 vs 75+15+15) 30min faster by waiting. Going out to even just 5 runs puts us at (45+45+45+45+45 vs 75+15+15+15+15) 90min faster. I know I've done more than 5 runs before...


In reality, you could *probably* find someone to skip the conversations in about 20min instead of an hour.




so you just said there is 30 minutes of cutscenes in a instance. um, which have you ran because i havent seen a single flashpoint that had 30 minutes of dialogue in a cutscene. black talon has the most, and it has 5 maybe. so your math is wrong so therefore your whole premise is wrong.


quite frankly I dont care what the guy put in his message. I wouldnt group with him because he is probably a horrid player, most people that make demands on others and have a gotta kill it 5 minutes ago approach are xserver lfd wow babies and suck. so therefore i dont group with people like that because i like to actually complete runs with a equal group instead of having to carry a wowbaby. If i did somehow manage to get in a gorup with him I would irritate him as much as i could. id wait a few minutes to join the convo, take a really long time to make my choice and would probably roleplay the choice out in group chat, things like that.

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