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Why are Hutts so powerful?


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They are just blobs. They never move anything but their heads. I don't see how one could move even if it wanted to. They look like you could easily just push one over and it would lay on its side like a slug helplessly, unable to move.


A 100 pound girl in Return of the Jedi easily killed one with a chain. The only sort of prowess I've ever seen from one is resisting Luke's Force Persuade in Ep. 3.


So why in the world are they these feared powerful characters with minions and lackeys and palaces?

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Networking and money management combined with cunning social engineering. Have you ever seen the shape of most CEOs?


Actually, most CEOs are tall and well-groomed and have good leadership skills. They have developed into leaders and type A personalities because their confidence has been fortified by their powerful appearance and presence their entire lives.

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Actually, most CEOs are tall and well-groomed and have good leadership skills. They have developed into leaders and type A personalities because their confidence has been fortified by their powerful appearance and presence their entire lives.


lol... Put your book down...


I've worked with CEO's from all over the world and you'd be surprised how many of them are old, fat, bossy slobs who smell. Yes, they wear suits, but that's not the definition of well-groomed...


The tall, powerful, charismatic ceo's are rare. Not non-existent, but rare.

Edited by Malchiro
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I think you are thinking of TV CEOs. I know many who if you tripped them they could roll in any direction for they are human beach balls.


100% wrong. When you get out of college, turn off the TV, and join the working world, you'll see. Look at this list of the world's top CEOs. You won't find one that's a fat slob, like a Hutt.





Edit: if that link doesn't work try this one. Slideshow at bottom.



Edited by Gashers
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Hutts are meant to be quite mobile according to Star Wars lore.


As for Jabba's death, well it was in the dark. If someone came up behind you in the dark and threw a chain around you, could you get out of it?


LOL. Let's find out. You should come up behind me and throw a chain around me in the dark. :p

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I think a lot of why the Hutts are seen as 'powerful' is that they like to acquire knowledge and they're smart with it. They might be easy for a lass in a bikini to kill if it comes down to a one-on-one but I'm guessing that a Hutt will have leverage over almost anyone in their employ, and I bet they know how to use said leverage too. Would be pretty handy if you had one up on Boba Fett or something. To have someone like that show you respect, in that field, demands respect in itself.

They might be villainous, but loyalty and honour mean a lot to the career criminal (At least as far as Star Wars is concerned).

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Actually, most CEOs are tall and well-groomed and have good leadership skills. They have developed into leaders and type A personalities because their confidence has been fortified by their powerful appearance and presence their entire lives.


While its an exaggeration to say that most are over-weight... It's also exaggerating to say most aren't. Fact is about half are overweight. A far greater percentage of male. CEOs are overweight compared to working men in general.


Btw, being a charismatic leader is an intangible quality that isn't linked to being tall and thin. Even those that are have more to do with the corporate culture wanting attractive figureheads then anything else.


It's not really a good comparison in the first place. A Hutt can't be voted out of power. They are kings as much as crime bosses.

Edited by WickedDjinn
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They may actually be very strong physically, but i guess most of the powerful ones stop trying to stay in shape and just go fat. I mean originally at least, they must have been their own civilization of massive slugs.


Most importantly though, I read within the game that they can live over a thousand years. That's got to help with networking right ?

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They may actually be very strong physically, but i guess most of the powerful ones stop trying to stay in shape and just go fat. I mean originally at least, they must have been their own civilization of massive slugs.


Most importantly though, I read within the game that they can live over a thousand years. That's got to help with networking right ?


The 1,000 year this is very interesting. That, in my mind, would make it far more believable that they're so powerful. Ever heard someone make the statement, "If I know what I know now when I was 18, I'd be unstoppable!" Living 1000 years means you can get 1000 years of wisdom over someone who has just 15,20,or 30, etc. I can really see how that could increase your power in significant ways.


I still just can't understand the physical part however. I mean they just seem so vulnerable and easy to kill. Literally, like I they seem you could just push one over and they'd lay there helpless like a blob. Seems like no matter how smart you are, there's no defense against that.

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A willingness to do whatever it takes to get ahead to anyone. How are you going to stop a Hutt? They destroyed their own homeworld and just gathered the cash to swindle a dumber species out of theirs and thatshow they stay ahead by only picking on those too weak to harm them until they amassed so much no one can harm them.

As for the fat a Hutt can literally eat you whole, they are not physical weak, they don't have to do things personally which is a vast difference.

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They may actually be very strong physically, but i guess most of the powerful ones stop trying to stay in shape and just go fat. I mean originally at least, they must have been their own civilization of massive slugs.


Most importantly though, I read within the game that they can live over a thousand years. That's got to help with networking right ?


Or they were just smarter.


It's easy to forget that even we humans are frailer, weaker and less durable than so many other living things on this planet. Also any random animal can do something far better than we can. Even our senses are muted in comparison. Yet who rules the world? ;)

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100% wrong. When you get out of college, turn off the TV, and join the working world, you'll see. Look at this list of the world's top CEOs. You won't find one that's a fat slob, like a Hutt.





Edit: if that link doesn't work try this one. Slideshow at bottom.




Brother, I'm 31 work for a top 30 Forbes 500 Company working with over 300 client companies where I meet with their CEOs. I'm not saying its 100% but I would tell you that roughly 70% could stand to lose roughly 50% of their body mass. Sorry our life experiences are out of whack on this one. Also, I'm not arguing that the "best" CEOs are in shape, I'm arguing that the average CEOs are butterballs. The best of anything usually has more things going for them.

Edited by pesky
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The 1,000 year this is very interesting. That, in my mind, would make it far more believable that they're so powerful. Ever heard someone make the statement, "If I know what I know now when I was 18, I'd be unstoppable!" Living 1000 years means you can get 1000 years of wisdom over someone who has just 15,20,or 30, etc. I can really see how that could increase your power in significant ways.


I still just can't understand the physical part however. I mean they just seem so vulnerable and easy to kill. Literally, like I they seem you could just push one over and they'd lay there helpless like a blob. Seems like no matter how smart you are, there's no defense against that.


Keep in mind that we never get to see real Hutt technology. All we see are the crimelords who have so many servants and bodyguards that they want for nothing.

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100% wrong. When you get out of college, turn off the TV, and join the working world, you'll see. Look at this list of the world's top CEOs. You won't find one that's a fat slob, like a Hutt.





Edit: if that link doesn't work try this one. Slideshow at bottom.





I dunno, Martin (Gilead Sciences) kinda looks like a Hutt...

(Though their antivrals rawk, IMNSHO.)


My experience is like that of one of the other posters: some CEOs are sharp and look sharp, some (albeit perhaps not AS successful) are neither, most are a mix. Kinda like other people. (Except military general officers; most Generals I ever met were in good shape and scary competent and smart, even when I disagreed with them.)


As for TV... I kinda lost interest in it in the mid-70s. These days I'm more likely to get shows I like on DVD (old favs like Firefly, Venture Brothers, etc; if I watched TV I'd likely pull my hair out over Big Bang Theory, etc). Wait, did I miss the point of the above argumentum ad hominem? ;)

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they may be big but alot of that is meant to be muscle there fast when they want to be and they use there body as weapons who wants to be hit by a HUTT's *** tail,


The most powerful animals in earth have a whole lot of fat on them. A bear can have layers of fat inches think. Doesn't make them any less capable of running you down.

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Long version.


Short version:


1) Hutts are actually surprisingly strong, tough, and agile for their size. They were exceptionally resistant to both blaster fire and burns, immune to a wide variety of diseases, chemicals, and poisons, and in addition to all that could crush armored troops or otherwise outright pulverize opposition in close combat. They also had the ability to just outright swallow and digest most adversaries. They were also reputed to have some impressive regenerative ability (similar to a lot of gastropods).


2) They had an exceptionally long lifespan, with an average of 1,000 gal-standard years. On top of that, culturally, they were brutal and ruthless in their dealings as well as highly intelligent and cunning. All of this allowed them plenty of time and opportunity to get into advantageous positions in criminal organizations, as well as giving them a reputation as a species of being very, very bad to make mad. They're essentially an expy of the Mafia, where just association with the species was something to inspire fear.


3) Hutt culture centered on sedentary patterns - the more lazy and sluggish the Hutt, the more power he likely had. Because he could afford to be so. Mass played a large role into this (as thin Hutts were considered rather pathetic and weak). That's generally why a lot of them seemed outwardly lazy. They had already earned the right to be so, and as such never bothered to do anything personally when they had an entire cartel of thugs at their beck and call. Younger Hutts would likely have to earn that right, and would probably be a bit less shy about handling something personally (from the 'safe' side of an airlock or blaster, most likely).

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The 1,000 year this is very interesting. That, in my mind, would make it far more believable that they're so powerful. Ever heard someone make the statement, "If I know what I know now when I was 18, I'd be unstoppable!" Living 1000 years means you can get 1000 years of wisdom over someone who has just 15,20,or 30, etc. I can really see how that could increase your power in significant ways.


I still just can't understand the physical part however. I mean they just seem so vulnerable and easy to kill. Literally, like I they seem you could just push one over and they'd lay there helpless like a blob. Seems like no matter how smart you are, there's no defense against that.


Speaking of knocking a Hutt over...



On Nar Shaddaa as my Imperial Agent, at the end of the Shadow Sydnicate storyline, after you deal with Ukabi, you have a choice of eliminating the diplomat or sparing her. I chose to spare her, as I was going light side. The diplomat stated that the treacherous Hutt who gave away their location would be imprisoned. He promptly writhed about in place, exhilarated that he was going to live. My Agent then walked over and punched him in the face. He fell over. Suffice to say, I giggled at that.



So, yes, Hutts could be easily toppled, given the chance. But, how to get to the Hutt when he has bodyguards he no doubt blackmailed? :rolleyes:

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I dunno, Martin (Gilead Sciences) kinda looks like a Hutt...

(Though their antivrals rawk, IMNSHO.)


My experience is like that of one of the other posters: some CEOs are sharp and look sharp, some (albeit perhaps not AS successful) are neither, most are a mix. Kinda like other people. (Except military general officers; most Generals I ever met were in good shape and scary competent and smart, even when I disagreed with them.)


As for TV... I kinda lost interest in it in the mid-70s. These days I'm more likely to get shows I like on DVD (old favs like Firefly, Venture Brothers, etc; if I watched TV I'd likely pull my hair out over Big Bang Theory, etc). Wait, did I miss the point of the above argumentum ad hominem? ;)


Also being thin does not make you a leader. That's an intangible you either have or you don't. Anyone who's been out in the world has seen it. There are individuals who look the part, but just don't command that level of respect. Then there are others, who might not be the most attractive, but they can walk in, charm the room and get their way every time.

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