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Wow...So I just tried AP...


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One of the things I've learned from playing MMOs is that a lot of the time the main difference between trees is your playstyle.


If you swapped from a big pyro tree into a deep AP build then you're DPS is going to be shocking for a short while, you have different priorities, different weights for stats and different cooldowns to watch for.


Without DPS meters the way to improve on this becomes way more hit and miss, till that happens we have to experiment a little.


Just my 2c, I could flail as a pyrotech with all the relevant gear and talents but if I'm hitting the wrong buttons then a shieldtech will outdps me.

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I tried switching from AP to pyro at around level 23 (For PvE levelling) and so far I think I liked AP better. Sure you spam Fburst a lot in AP, but you never really feel like you're overheating, something that happens in every fight in pyro...


I guess the awesome burst comes in once you start being able to get free railgun procs... But then again, AP doesn't even get its full rotation until you reach the 31 mark.

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AP is the mobility tree, and you guys think its for PvE?!?


Glad your on the other side...


Unforetunately, you guys play Powertech, so its nigh impossible to create a bad spec.


Nope, AP is the mobility build and *I don't do PvP*

Important distinction there.

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AP has some great damage mitigation talents and good mobility on top of that it has zero heat issues.


But its problem is that there is just not enough oomph to really make it worth it...flamethrower being its best attack is just fail...im talking about this in the context of PVP.


something which I would like to see is instead of it giving flamethrower more damage if it modified say rocket punch that would work really well.

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I was AP all the way to 33. I cruised these forums, gave Pyrotech a try and oh my god what a difference.


I'm not even a good PVPer, still learning the do's and dont's, but I'm continually top 3 performer on my team or overall, damage wise. I'm averaging 5 medals a match.


In PVE I'm dropping mobs with ease, my only big adjustment is dealing with heat management and so far it hasn't been that tough.


Pyrotech is far and away the better DPS tree compared to AP. It's not even close.

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Only problem is he's wrong, as usual.


When someone posts something like this.


"Not being able to spam Rail Shots every 3-6 seconds" you should probably not listen to them.


Pyro tree is a "range" based tree, and what I mean by that is, It has a chance to do a stupid amount of burst if ya keep getting the free Rail Shot over and over again, In reality, that does not happen every single time, and you have dead spots where ya just don't get that burst.


Next up is.


"I took about 20 seconds longer to kill my mob, and was the second-to-last DPS to finish, finishing only in front a marauder who was new to this and not in great gear."


Yea, I finish first every single time when doing AP, if you're finishing near last place on DPS, you're not doing it right.


Which boggle my mind, since AP doesn't have the most complex rotation ever.


Now that's not to say that Pyro can't beat AP at it, it most certainly can if you get lucky with the Railshots going off. But anyone with half a brain knows the 50% less damage mark make ZERO sense.


don't even get me started on wanting to increase the DPS Cylinder in AP from 8 to 20% or 30%


The level stupidity displayed in that is just silly.


The highest i've hit for in PvP is a little over 4k on Immolate, Increasing that would just be moronic.


Whats your AdvP spec for pvp?

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Ok so here are some things,



I played AP for 50 levels and I really liked it and I was all "tch whatever" whenever I read a post about how pyrotech was just way better. I did a decent amount of warzones and I always ended up somewhere in the middle of dps. Then I decided why not, I'll try pyro out. since the change I have found myself top 3 dps in every warzone i have sonce played. I am rank 25 valor atm and I have 34 expertise. From this experience It is clear to me the Pyro does more damage in pvp.


As for pve, with proper rotation and forethought, Pyro can do exponentially more SINGLE target damage then AP and still stay heat efficient. Now the spec is more RNG dependent than AP, so you can get unlucky and under preform. However, the chances of you not getting a free RS in a 6 sec span is very rare, and even if you are forced to use rapid shots they do bonus damage to burning targets. When I pve I pull significantly more single target aggro than when I was AP.


AP however is exceptionally better at multitarget dps, an area that pyro is lacking in and cannot do heat efficiently.


The build that I find to have the most damage output is http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMhZMsZfhrbzGhMM.1 (aka The Pyro Puncher)

I feel TD is not very useful in pve because it does not fit well into a heat efficient rotation, Its much better imo to be using FB or RP and waiting for a free, heat venting RS that does approximately the same damage as TD. Without TD, I focused on what i wanted in the other trees. Aka 9% Aim, 3% crit from improved CGC. Although as my crit increases, and bosses get stronger I may put that point back into Burnout.


I really liked some things about AP, but in my expirience it just doesnt seem to preform as well as pyro. The changes I would make are an increase in HEGC to maybe 20%, and an increase RB bleed damage, and maybe give movement to FT. Honestly I would like to see a bit of a rework for the RS crits and free RPs. Both feel lackluster, RS crits happen often enough for pyro so having maybe on every 15 seconds is pretty meh for AP, and since you RP on cd in AP having them free doesn't even register. Personally I would enjoy seesing the Autocrit RSs get a bunch of bonus surge or something, and/or maybe make the free RPs reduce the cd on Immolate by a small amount. Or maybe something else, I would wrather AP feel more dynamic than just IM>RP>FB>FB>FB>FB>FB and mayber a RS.


but these are just my opinions.

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I play only PVE, and I switched very often the last time between those two trees.


What I found is, that Pyro really outperformes AP, but !...


at Flashpoints and Raids, the AP is much better than the Pyro, because the AP shines at long boss fights, because with AP you can do much damage at a really long distance in long fights, without combat log we can't proof this, but the key is heat at long runs.


with Pyro, I have the problem at long fights, that sometimes I can't get the RS free.


with AP, I do the following at bosses: RB, RS, IM, RP ...between those FB with 5 stacks then FT, without having heat Issues for the whole distance.


And that is realy really horrible for me, because I like them both, and spending all my credits in figuring out

Edited by Cryonic_Preacher
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