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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Huttball and BH grip


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As a powertech I must say this is funny as hell. Best when said person is a friend and you can get a good laugh in vent. Equally as fun is throwing the hutball at some smart ranged class trying to defend from thei safe zone...boom! Then you get te ball back anyway and score. However.... The grapple defense needs to be fixed. Ps you can use the throw technique to counter a bh you see salivating and waiting to pull you!


Edit* be warned grappling people onto you safe zone can cause double scores against you. Equally as funny and instant justice!


Learned something new again, have to try this for **** and giggles XD

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I dont mind if they do it and I die.. As long as the fricken point counts.... The problem is the points often dont count.



Also I think that if you throw the ball to someone in thier own area It shouldnt insta kill them rather reset the ball in the middle.

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I dont mind if they do it and I die.. As long as the fricken point counts.... The problem is the points often dont count.



Also I think that if you throw the ball to someone in thier own area It shouldnt insta kill them rather reset the ball in the middle.


sometimes it counts


sometimes it doesnt


sometimes it counts twice

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The fact that it insta kills the person seems fine to me, they just need to extend the "score-line" vertically - the problem with the grip is you cause the person to move up the Z-axis which breaks the scoring mechanism. The same sorta thing can happen if you get KB'ed near the goal line, you can end up past it without scoring.


Fix that, and it'll end up as just a laugh - you can go ahead and kill your target but you'll just guarantee they score.


You can also circumvent the anti-afk spawn timer, currently. Don't know if it's intended or not, but there are 2 side paths which go behind fenced areas which leads to a drop-down point near the expertise power-ups. Going around the corners leading to that resets your timer, making it possible to "goal-tend". I do that and tell my team to do it when it's obvious the opposing team is just medal farming us after going 5-0; ruins their goal of farming if the team is sitting at spawn in safety.

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A PT has to stand in spawn - and risk getting booted.


He has to have his grapple on cooldown.


The enemy has to have resolve available.




There seems to be a very select situation where this works, certainly far less often than stun spams on other hazards which are pretty much just as likely to kill you.

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