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Founder Title...


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Seen the mention of this on darthhater, got me wondering what criteria will there be for receiving this title that will mean little right now, but years down the road will be worn as a badge of honor among those who have stuck around. Also has me some what worried. Was in the beta test a bit, and have been following the game for some time now, however i was unable to afford to pay for the game for both myself and my wife at or prior to launch, so my wife got in during early access, while i sat and watched her play with a long sad face. I did finally get a copy right before the end of the year.


Now this is where the worried part comes in... Will the title only be given to those who owned the game on or before launch day, or perhaps those who were on the first month or so(say they give the title to all active accounts when the patch is released, any new accounts after the patch will not receive it).


Yeah stupid nitpicking thing to dwell upon, but i just can't help myself :p

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Well what i saw on darthhater was there is a codex entry called "The Founder" Since the earlier has an article on a ship that was named 'The Founder." i am guessing the codex has to do wth that and not an ingame title unless it is something awarded when you get the codex entry



Edited by Baaddare
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