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Everything posted by Mirthen

  1. yeah the speed change i dont care about as much as the getting knocked off every time a mob looks at you funny. Very nice when clearing a bunch of mobs to get to a quest area, then find they respawned on your way back. Of course being an assassin i could just stealth by all of them, but that takes a lot longer
  2. From the website you can view the server status page and it will list first the servers you have characters on. http://www.swtor.com/server-status it wont list each one you have on there or anything, but will at least show you what server you are on.
  3. Lesson to be learned, don't skip quests. I found that after skipping a lot of side quests on various planets i ended up way ahead of where i should be. At this point i have done every quest that can give me normal XP, and im forced to do heroics/pvp/dailies to break that gap some. Started a new character and i am doing every single quest and bonus quest that comes with it on each planet. I don't think you need to do every single heroic 2/4 that comes along, but they do help with more xp and some good gear.
  4. You will find that just about everything in this game is not based on your level. It is based on quest progression. main exception being your speeder, you just get to train that at 25 regardless. But things like skill trees, your companions, your ship. They all come from your class quest line. They happen "around" a certain level. So when in doubt, make sure you are following your class quests.
  5. Being a long time player of both WoW and LOTRO, the only feature i actually liked with player/guild housing(in LOTRO) was the chests that you could access from any character on your account on that server. However this was mostly due to the mail system in LOTRO, making it usually easier to move a large amount of items across characters using the housing instead of in game mail. Aside from that, i love the ships we get right now. Although i would LOVE to have the option to shoot the droid in the face that greets me each time i board my sith inquisitor ship. I know those droids have an off switch!!! Of course it could be worse, he could go all C3-P0 on me each time im in space combat...
  6. So let me get this straight here... you want to have a nice pretty house, where you can place furniture, lawn objects, rugs, curtains, some new wallpaper/paint. Hmm, ok i believe i see the solution. There is this other game that EA has their logo on, lots of them infact. Called The Sims.
  7. QQ, i was promised milk and cookies when i signed up for this game, where are my cookies!!! if i dont have some yummy chewy chocolate chip cookies materialize in front of me this instant i will quit and go on a massive QQ nerd rage!!!
  8. Seen the mention of this on darthhater, got me wondering what criteria will there be for receiving this title that will mean little right now, but years down the road will be worn as a badge of honor among those who have stuck around. Also has me some what worried. Was in the beta test a bit, and have been following the game for some time now, however i was unable to afford to pay for the game for both myself and my wife at or prior to launch, so my wife got in during early access, while i sat and watched her play with a long sad face. I did finally get a copy right before the end of the year. Now this is where the worried part comes in... Will the title only be given to those who owned the game on or before launch day, or perhaps those who were on the first month or so(say they give the title to all active accounts when the patch is released, any new accounts after the patch will not receive it). Yeah stupid nitpicking thing to dwell upon, but i just can't help myself
  9. Yeah ive seen this mentioned a few times here and other forums. in KOTOR there was a similar sport to pod racing, its name escapes me at the moment, but it was pretty much the same as pod racing for the most. Something like this would be a fun side thing, and adding the multiplayer side to it would be fun. Im not sure how it would blow over if it was a full PVP thing, giving valor and so on. Better leaving it as just a way to get credits(XP while leveling as well), perhaps some shiny rewards, so on. regardless of how its implemented, yeah this is something i certainly would like to see in the game at some point in the future
  10. Ok, you want CTF style.... ok then. Well first lets go get the flag(lets shape it like a ball). Now lets have you carry that flag(ball) to a designated spot to score for your team. The only difference between CTF and Hutball, is CTF doesnt always have just 1 flag(sometimes it does). However the announcer in hutball just has to go, just gets annoying after a few seconds.
  11. I cant think of much of any cases of ever seeing this in a game like WoW that is full of addons. I know of guilds that might require you to have something like deadlybossmods for progression raiding, but that's about the extent of players requiring others to have a certain addon to join in. in all my years playing WoW i have never once encountered a pug group saying you must have X addons in order to join. I can perhaps see it for a raid, but for the dungeons never. I am a very casual player and i love addons, so don't clump people who don't like addons into some group called casual players. Your play style has absolutely nothing to do with you choice on using addons. I know "hardcore" players that use only what they are forced to use by their raiding guild, and i know casual players that never enter a raid who have so many addons running it takes more memory then the core game itself. I would be overly thrilled if SWTOR had addons made for it. I would like to see more restraints then what blizzard has on what addons are acceptable in game though. Either that or more customizations for the game itself. movable frames, color schemes, resize, moving action bars, so on. Plus some of the basics that addons provide. like the ever so mentioned damage meters.
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