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Class's that need nerfing


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Obvious fail is Obvious. You aren't even using the term backpeddling correctly. Youngin fresh to PVP trying to talk like a very, priceless.


Every other post you refer to, my first one was on the 3rd page minimum after countless posters already relayed tons of evidence, and all you and your staples button gang had to offer was " I know you are but what am I" in summary.



You should get a medal for insulting yourself, if they made such medal, you could be Rank 1 for the first time in something in your life


I guess you completely forgot the way that thread panned out. Backpeddling is the perfect term for what you were doing. ie. trying to go back on your previous statements with revisions while frantically flailing about with one failed post after another, and never being able to pull up the evidence you claimed existed. Despite the fact that not a single video was posted in that thread, not a single mathematical equation supporting your claim was posted in the thread, either, yet you claimed it was there, but never produced it. The entire thread up to that point consisted of nothing but opinions. I know, I went back and checked every page of it to be sure.


As we all said in that thread, you have no credibility. You still don't, and you never will. Just go back to being bad.

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Lolwut? Half my damage can be avoided... Simply by LOS/interrupt/or stun. Our two biggest damage dealers are Thermal Detonator and Rail Shot. With my biochem surge trinket, +25% crit buff, expertise buff, and 220 crit/surge popped i can nuke someone... yes. TD= 3800, and RS= 4200. Unload can be easily interrupted, and after that I don't have many huge damage dealers up. A decent pyrotech will time his TD and RS to go off at the same time. Bare in mind they have to set up that combo.


When I see a shadow with a crap ton of buffs above his name I ensure I don't give him my back. As when you see a powertech w/ a crap ton of buffs above his name you should probably LOS him or get out of the 30m zone. You've got utility... Use it.


lvl 50's are hitting me for around 4k rocket spam thats without pups and stacking buffs and pots

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I guess you completely forgot the way that thread panned out. Backpeddling is the perfect term for what you were doing. ie. trying to go back on your previous statements with revisions while frantically flailing about with one failed post after another, and never being able to pull up the evidence you claimed existed. Despite the fact that not a single video was posted in that thread, not a single mathematical equation supporting your claim was posted in the thread, either, yet you claimed it was there, but never produced it. The entire thread up to that point consisted of nothing but opinions. I know, I went back and checked every page of it to be sure.


As we all said in that thread, you have no credibility. You still don't, and you never will. Just go back to being bad.


evidense is crystal clear that certain class's are OP and items are OP there is plenty of evidense proving this and thats proves you wrong, if your in denial that your bounty hunter is OP after video's and explinations of them being OP then you need to stop posting on my thread trying to get me to retaliate. its not going to work

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I guess you completely forgot the way that thread panned out. Backpeddling is the perfect term for what you were doing. ie. trying to go back on your previous statements with revisions while frantically flailing about with one failed post after another, and never being able to pull up the evidence you claimed existed. Despite the fact that not a single video was posted in that thread, not a single mathematical equation supporting your claim was posted in the thread, either, yet you claimed it was there, but never produced it. The entire thread up to that point consisted of nothing but opinions. I know, I went back and checked every page of it to be sure.


As we all said in that thread, you have no credibility. You still don't, and you never will. Just go back to being bad.


not only that anyone with half a brain and a little common sense can clearly see what is OP and what is not if you pvp enough you can see this.

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Trooper is probably the most overpowered class in the game. My friend is a 38 Trooper (Im a 50 Slinger) and he out damages me by 30% 7 out of 10 times. Id figure theyd have less damage than the smuggler because the trooper wears Heavy. But what do I know?


You're doing it wrong.

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lvl 50's are hitting me for around 4k rocket spam thats without pups and stacking buffs and pots


Your are simply just..... wrong. Arensal starts dishing out the damage after they stack 5 tracer missiles on you. FIVE. What are you doing in the meantime while they are casting on you for that amount of time?

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im a good player i know what im doing with the abilitys im given when i have to use all of them just to escape from 1 player spaming there OP abilitys on me you know something is wrong.


You sure?


An Assassin Complaining about Troopers?


So between You v the Trooper


You somehow have to use all of your abilities "just to escape".


Im Sorry to inform you..

Your bad.

Reason I say this is because on my Assassin, Troopers are the EASIEST class to kill if you don't let the free cast.

Key word is DON'T


Trooper spams starts to cast grav round-> Jolt

AoE KB-> Force Speed + electrocute

Breaks Electrocute-> Low slash

Starts Casting Gravround again->jolt

Stuns you?->use your break


Rinse and repeat.

If you ever get in a bind when his teammates show up..Forcecloak..


When he's alone again.

Re-shut him down.


This is what i find myself doing 80% of the time vs troopers.


What are you doing, what situation are you getting in that you have to try to escape?

Whats your gear like?

What lvl are you?

Are you one of the mongoloids that specced into tankassin and runs around unstealthed with a target on your forehead? :rolleyes:

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evidense is crystal clear that certain class's are OP and items are OP there is plenty of evidense proving this and thats proves you wrong, if your in denial that your bounty hunter is OP after video's and explinations of them being OP then you need to stop posting on my thread trying to get me to retaliate. its not going to work


I know you're a little slow, but I wasn't actually talking to you. Anyways. Show me this evidence that's everywhere yet not here in this thread that's showing unbuffed BHs hitting geared targets for 4k a pop consistently.

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No, you're just bad. Try hitting 50 and getting expertise before determining what's overpowered.


Expertise doesn't do anything except give healers a bonus or make you pwn lowbies if everyone has equal gear.


Not sure why people think its a cure all stat because it doesn't do anything against crit + surge stacking. I've inspected people who are running around with 40% crit rates and 80% crit multis in full PvP gear.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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if its built on team play then why can troopers and bounty hunters run into crowds solo and face roll just like operative and scoundrels can if you watch the video's


and how can you pop force shroud if your knocked down lol by the time you pop break free your already dead lol


Look JediDuckling, you just need to change your way of seeing things.


Are they that much of a hindrance to anyone that they're now a sub-objective? Let alone the match's objectives.


If I were to adress this using your way of evaluating things

  • For Trooper/BH: Does the very presence of their hard-to-bring-down pixels stop your, my, or any other team from winning warzones? Have you tried telling your team to troll them into following someone around the map, thus isolating their usefulness as ball carriers or defending objectives?
  • For ops and scoundrels: get a better tank, l2strafe, use your 'cooldowns' wisely, and they are squishy.


Good sir, that is all. :jawa_cool:

Edited by Akabeth
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ok this is getting rediculous here are some class's that need nerfing



[troopers and bounty hunters]


these 2 class's need seriously looking at not only can they do stupid amounts of damage but they are stupidly hard to put down and to top it off they can heal themselves as well and have armor pen i mean what was bioware thinking giving a class the ability to be DPS heal tank.


bounty hunters rocket spam needs a nerf also.




[sith warriors and jedi knights]


ok again DPS sheild tanks ive seen these do stupidly high damage and you cant even scratch them. whats with the 8k aoe spam thats another ability that needs a nerf



[Operatives and scoundrels]


if your not getting knocked to the ground and back stab pwned in 2 seconds or less your getting perminantly stun locked until death.crazy damage that needs nerfing




and what i cant understand out of all those OP and unbalance class's is why assasins and shadows are getting nerfed the underpowerd class ? are you for real ? all those OP unbalanced class's and the one thats underpowerd get the shaft ?


full dps assasins are squishy as hell and die stupidly fast they have no defense's no heals no sheilds and are melee. you have to stealth for that 6 seconds of force regen buff when exiting stealth to get a good amount of dps off before you get face rolled. then we have to spam all our cd's to stay alive if we dont die before useing them that is. even fully pvp geared 50 assasins/shadows get face rolled.



all i ever see in warzones are trooper/bounty hunters scoundrels/operatives and now i know why im beggining to see alot more jedi knights and sith warrios now also it seems consulars and inquisitors are toning down because they are lacking.



people neeed to get facts straight i cant understand why underpowerd class's get nerfed and OP class's stay how they are or get buffed i could never understand why this happens lol but its silly




I dont wnt any class getting nerfed, not even Operative. I do not die at all or maybe 1x

in Warzones and then im like OMG HOW DID I DIEZ. Stop crying learn playing.







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Expertise doesn't do anything except give healers a bonus or make you pwn lowbies if everyone has equal gear.


Not sure why people think its a cure all stat because it doesn't do anything against crit + surge stacking. I've inspected people who are running around with 40% crit rates and 80% crit multis in full PvP gear.


I think my point went completely over your head.

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Expertise doesn't do anything except give healers a bonus or make you pwn lowbies if everyone has equal gear.


Not sure why people think its a cure all stat because it doesn't do anything against crit + surge stacking. I've inspected people who are running around with 40% crit rates and 80% crit multis in full PvP gear.


Expertise Increases damage done to players and Damage reduction against players..

At least thats what the tooltip told me :confused:


Soo yea...Expertise gear is a need for successful pvp.

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All classes but Inquisitor/Consular seem to need a nerf according to the OP.


Anyone want to bet what class the OP is playing? :p


He stated he plays an 'underpowered' shadow. Everyone destroys him and it's because the classes are totally OP and has nothing to do with him because he's a great player. It's about as credible as Kim Jong Il's series of Hole-in-Ones on his first attempt at golf.

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Bounty Hunter/ Trooper


Grav round and tracer missile do need to be looked at.

I myself changed from healer to no skill required build and it is fun to kill people in under 4 seconds then tab target kill the next under 4 seconds then tab target.

If someone is on you then you just pop bubble then missile spam, knock them back then missile spam some more.


It was too easy though so I changed back to healer. I like using more than 3 skills.

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Bounty Hunter/ Trooper


Grav round and tracer missile do need to be looked at.

I myself changed from healer to no skill required build and it is fun to kill people in under 4 seconds then tab target kill the next under 4 seconds then tab target.

If someone is on you then you just pop bubble then missile spam, knock them back then missile spam some more.


It was too easy though so I changed back to healer. I like using more than 3 skills.


Your not killing anyone in under 4 seconds with missile spam that has a cast of 1.5 seconds..that would mean that you get two missile that each deal 8k..


That would mean you would need to double stack all the adrenals and expertise buffs and be in full damage battlemaster gear


See how impossible this is.

Edited by Sirolos
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No, you're just bad. Try hitting 50 and getting expertise before determining what's overpowered.


Got to 50 and full champ gear. Rerolled BH Arsenal Merc, now doing more than twice the next closest class in PvP. Its overpowered, everyone knows its overpowered, its why you see over half the battleground as this build (or the Trooptard equivalent) now.


Everyone complains about Operatives, but I am lucky to see one in a Battleground. And before anyone says I am defending it because I play one, I dont have one. Operatives do some nice opener burst, but their sustained DPS is pretty average, and I rarely find myself dying to one (usually only if I am busy fighting some other players and they get me while my cc breaker is down). Also they drop pretty fast once you switch to them. BH Merc and Trooptards on the other hand are very hardy, and dont die easy, dispite having the highest sustained DPS in the game at the moment.


I'd like to see some actual balancing done so we see a nice even mix of classes in PvP again.

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Your not killing anyone in under 4 seconds with missile spam that has a cast of 1.5 seconds..that would mean that you get two missile that each deal 8k..


That would mean you would need to double stack all the adrenals and expertise buffs and be in full damage battlemaster gear


See how impossible this is.


The reason people die in about 6 seconds is that you do 2 missiles then 3 instant casts, one of which doesnt follow the GCD.

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