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Class's that need nerfing


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assasins are underpowerd lol there only any good when they are lvl 50 in full pvp gear but any class is and even more so depending what class you are.



yes i love my dps assasin useing all my force with 2 maul stabs not doing any damage for the trooper/bh or so to turn around and 2 shot me



its great the life of a gimped assasin


Maybe you are undergeared? An assassin last night just almost 2 shot me. From his stealth, I lost more than half health, I CCed him immediately. He got out of CC and killed me instantly.


I am lvl 50 with almost all champion gear. Maybe he is a bit better geared than me, but his damage is ridiculous.


The BH missile spamming is so funny to watch, but not really need to be nerfed, maybe changed a bit. It's annoying to see a BH spamming the same spell over and over.

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1. op/scound Burst designed for game where everyone has 25k hp minimum -- Nerf yep and it's incoming



2. Powertech/vangaurd - Able to out DPS a lot of DPS classes, heal, and tank 4 geared 50s at once


3. Merc/Commando - Too much damage in too few abilities



4. Sage/Sorc - Bubble absorbs too much damage and should be even weaker if you place it on someone else.


5. Guard - little too powerful


6. Pop balancing


7. overall tweak of ranged burst, making it more RNG less on demand, and Hyrbid taxing


8. Fixing Mirror abilities so they Don't favor empire


9. Solo que players separate from Premades




As for the rest:::


A. Sent/ Mara = No nerf, a survival buff if anything



B. Shadow/Sin = No Nerf, a rework/buff giving them more on demand burst

Edited by cloudxshadowbane
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Troopers/BHs can excel in two of following areas:







I can understand it's confusing for some that one trooper laughs at their feeble damage, another trooper obliterates them with devastating ranged attacks, and another trooper can heal and heal and heal...


Yeah, they just see guys running around in white armor doing all sorts of stuff. As a gunneryspecced commando atm I cant say I feel all that overpowered. Yes you can dish out lotsa dmg with AoEs and also decent singletarget dmg if left unattended, easily yanking me high up on the statistics. But you suck donkeyballs against any halfdecent evengeared player 1v1. And you also have NO WAY TO GET AWAY FROM A FIGHT.


Chew on that one. You have no way to get away from a fight, and you're also squishy as *****. When the zergtrain comes, Im usually dead in 2-3 seconds with no ways to get out of harms way. The way that we have no real way to pick our fights, and no ways to escape needs to be compensated with high damage.


Without guard, commandos/mercs are arguably the squishyest class in the game. sages got force speed and their instantcast bubble, slingers got their portable coverbunker. commandos/merc got jack. Heavy armor counts for next to nothing in this game.

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Are you referring to every tree/spec/advanced class of Bounty Hunter/Troopers? Or just Tracer Missile / Grav Round spec'd ones? >.< You should be more specific. Saying nerf the whole class isn't very..helpful/realistic.


I normally heal, but since I hit 45, I'm just grinding out the last 5 levels so I spec'd dps for the first time (tracer missile spec) so I could kill mobs more quickly. I went into a hutt ball for my daily, and LOL'd at the damage I could dish out. So...Maybe armor pen should be looked at? Or it should have some kind of tiny CD? *shrug*


PS: Most boring spec ever though, going back to heals at 50. My finger hurts from smashing 2.

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Playing a darkness assassin and I feel in no way that assassins needs a buff/nerf. OP stated that he spam his maul so he runs out of force in 2 hits, so it's obviously a l2p issue. Deception assassin require timing and force management watching your buffs, played one while leveling and had no problem killing any reps i encountered.
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my main issue with assassins is that a tank specc'd assasin has equal armour (after bolster) to a random guy in medium armour, with dark charge on and the armour boosting buff.. is that right? someone of equal gear level in heavy armour usually has about the same ( and in end game, maybe a tiny bit more but not by much) yet bolster way overblows the armour reduction and thus makes most of that useless, you're only missing out 20% armour boost by going tanking as opposed to the dps tree (which gifts you 30% armour anyway by using a dps charge) so survivability needs to be addressed there, people shouldn't have quite that much armour.


that, and force shroud doesn't work properly, supposedly "increases resistance to force and tech attacks by 100% for 5 seconds" yet you are still able to be rooted, stunned and knocked back during that duration by force/tech moves.


oh, and our supposedly "uninteruptible" force lightning (tank talent) is still interruptible by 40% of pve mobs, so somethings broken there too.


the only issue i have with troopers is that they can quite happily sit and tank by healing themselves, yet put out ridiculous amounts of dps at range with the same spec, we only have three interrupts (stun / jolt / knockback) and it shouldn't take absolutely every cooldown we have to stop someone from healing themselves, not to mention mis timing or getting juked = he's at full hp and you have no chance.. imo there should be a nerf to self healing, either that or give me a way to deal those sorts of numbers (especially given i've got positional and range requirements to most of my attacks, and the only time i do any real damage is when i get procs)


.. oh, and people shouldn't be able to ignore huttball fire with a single healer, give the fire a stacking debuff that ramps up damage by 25/50/75/100% on ticks and make it actually lethal.


if assasins was OP they why in pvp is everyone either a trooper/bh operative/scoundrel sorce/sage tell me why with those 3 combinations do they always win warzones even just a group full of troopers/bh's scoundrels/operatives actualy just a group full of troopers and bounty hutners will win warzones wanna know why because they are OP


hmm not many playing an assasin.shadow you know why oh wait there underpowerd not good enough for pvp thats why you see loads of bounty hutners and troopers and operatives and scoundrels flooding pvp and warzones


sorry but assasin is no way OP i cant even beleive that you thaught that,

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i play this game and thats why i see the problems, im not a troll as im stating the obvious that some class's are OP however trolling is exactly what you are doing by posting that. please refrain from adding posts such as this. thank you


What's obvious is that you keep getting owned and choose to blame it on every bother class being OP rather than just you being terrible at this game.


And now cloudxshadowbane has chimed in as well. The dynamic duo of derp strikes again!

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The damage Operative are doing is not a fault of poor class design and as such they do not need any of their mechanic nerfed.


The things that are wrong here are mitigation form shields for tanking classes and the insane crits you can get from stacking buffs such as Biochems buffs with high gear at 50. This results in insane crits which mean a scoundrel/Operative Can occasionally burst someone inside the 3 sec stun.


This class needs to be hard hitting and low survival as that is how it is balanced. It's actually refreshing for BW to take a step back to the class fundamentals that came around ages ago in fantasy/roleplay games that have been around for years. A rogue class classically was a char with insane burst on target, next to no damage output off target and low survivability. Lots of games weren't brave enough to actually include this class as it should be (even wow). BW have actually been brave an put in a true glass cannon and its a great move. Now they just need to sort mitigation and Biochem buffs out and everything will be good.


now people with OP class's such as operatives and bountyhunters even after video evidense they are OP they will still try and justify there OP class's not needing a nerf.


its crystal clear that they do

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jeez i wonder what class op plays


can you gues an underpowerd assasin




assasin: yea take that maul maul

trooper: whats that tickling me

assasin: ran out of force

trooper: *turns around after demolishing his other target*

assasin: oh boy i used my 10 cooldowns gettiging away from my other target that i couldnt scratch

trooper: *farts*

assasin: *dies*



life of an assasin

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I think Ducklin is responsible for like 60% of the posts here.


Operatives are fine, we have tools to survive their burst and force shroud gives us immunity to most of their attacks.


Bounty hunters/troopers are fine, though change their mechanics a bit so that turretmode isn't most efficient way to play.


Warr/knight - these are fine, except perhaps marauders and their 8 seconds of immortality (4s 99% damage red, 4s stealth with damage not breaking it). If juggs go high damage they drop fast.




TL;DR: OP needs to L2P, gear up and make less QQ threads/posts. We are a very gear dependent class that shines in several areas when we get gear. I say this as a lvl 50 deception assassin.



P.S: What nerf are you crying about? I've only seen them buffing sins in latest patch notes.


all of that post is void as there is video evidense of them being OP lol watch the video's ad stop trying to justify the OP class's they are clearly OP and you know it

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What's obvious is that you keep getting owned and choose to blame it on every bother class being OP rather than just you being terrible at this game.


And now that I have chimed in as well. The dynamic duo of derp strikes again!




*Fxt for Accuracy


OP class players, knowing they are OP, proof and evidence shown on countless threads showing they are OP, trying to make posts saying any other X class is overpowered to try and move the spotlight off them WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE.


For everything else there is Mastercard

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so basically every class except yours ?


l2p baddie


baddie's are players that abuse the OP class's and exploits i certainly am not one of them.



im a squishy underpowerd assasin i can do pretty well with that class but i need to use all my abilitys though assasin is a class you actualy need skill to use.

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ok this is getting rediculous here are some class's that need nerfing



[troopers and bounty hunters]


these 2 class's need seriously looking at not only can they do stupid amounts of damage but they are stupidly hard to put down and to top it off they can heal themselves as well and have armor pen i mean what was bioware thinking giving a class the ability to be DPS heal tank.


bounty hunters rocket spam needs a nerf also.




[sith warriors and jedi knights]


ok again DPS sheild tanks ive seen these do stupidly high damage and you cant even scratch them. whats with the 8k aoe spam thats another ability that needs a nerf



[Operatives and scoundrels]


if your not getting knocked to the ground and back stab pwned in 2 seconds or less your getting perminantly stun locked until death.crazy damage that needs nerfing




and what i cant understand out of all those OP and unbalance class's is why assasins and shadows are getting nerfed the underpowerd class ? are you for real ? all those OP unbalanced class's and the one thats underpowerd get the shaft ?


full dps assasins are squishy as hell and die stupidly fast they have no defense's no heals no sheilds and are melee. you have to stealth for that 6 seconds of force regen buff when exiting stealth to get a good amount of dps off before you get face rolled. then we have to spam all our cd's to stay alive if we dont die before useing them that is. even fully pvp geared 50 assasins/shadows get face rolled.



all i ever see in warzones are trooper/bounty hunters scoundrels/operatives and now i know why im beggining to see alot more jedi knights and sith warrios now also it seems consulars and inquisitors are toning down because they are lacking.



people neeed to get facts straight i cant understand why underpowerd class's get nerfed and OP class's stay how they are or get buffed i could never understand why this happens lol but its silly



So basically, any class that kills you needs nerfing?

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I am playing full specced DPS assassin and i dont have any problems killing ppl or surviving, true from time to time i get unlucky with agents and scoundrels but hey it goes both ways.


Secondly troopers are hard to take down but in a 1 vs 1 i will win about 60% of the battles, BH again hard to take down but pretty even again. I dont really see any class that really needs a huge nerf like you are saying.

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