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Is anyone else really unhappy with the Emperor's backstory? *SPOILERS*


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I just read the wookieepedia page for the emperor.


His life looks like this




He was born: eyes as black as the void of space, never cried, animals won't come near him, his voice held power

6: begun manifesting force powers

Between 6 and 10: He telekinetically breaks his fathers neck, torturs his mother for having betrayed their family, kills her, tortures and kills villagers and controls neighbouring villages, raises a 'legion of followers', holds public executions

10: Kills his father, a proper sith lord

Seriously this is the kind of thing i expect from a bad manga series. It goes against a lot of what the star wars cannon has to say about the force


1. People aren't born good or bad. Even if he inhereted a huge amount of force sensitivty from his fatehr, why was he manifesting dark powers from the day he was born?


2. You don't just magically learn to use the force. At age 10 you don't just defeat a fully trained powerful sith ruler.


3. Force sensitive children grow/mature like regular people. At age 6 someone does not understand 'my mother betrayed my family' or 'I should hold public executions to control my followers'


I like the idea of sith lords being normal PEOPLE, who whether by choice, circumstance, etc. have became what they are. The force is not magic. There's none of this fantasy-style "person born pre destined by dark forces" business in the star wars cannon.




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I just read the wookieepedia page for the emperor.


His life looks like this




He was born: eyes as black as the void of space, never cried, animals won't come near him, his voice held power

6: begun manifesting force powers

Between 6 and 10: He telekinetically breaks his fathers neck, torturs his mother for having betrayed their family, kills her, tortures and kills villagers and controls neighbouring villages, raises a 'legion of followers', holds public executions

10: Kills his father, a proper sith lord

Seriously this is the kind of thing i expect from a bad manga series. It goes against a lot of what the star wars cannon has to say about the force


1. People aren't born good or bad. Even if he inhereted a huge amount of force sensitivty from his fatehr, why was he manifesting dark powers from the day he was born?

By the age of 6 he should have a decent enough idea of how the Sith work. Strenght is everything and all that.

2. You don't just magically learn to use the force. At age 10 you don't just defeat a fully trained powerful sith ruler.

No one teaches a child how to walk, they learn it by themselves. If the power has manifested early experimentation is a very logical next step. Reminds me of Haku or Nagato from Naruto now that I think about it. They were both very young and lashed out at adults, killing them, when they were in mortal peril.

3. Force sensitive children grow/mature like regular people. At age 6 someone does not understand 'my mother betrayed my family' or 'I should hold public executions to control my followers'

6 year olds can most certainly feel betrayed and abandoned. The executions are more likely sadistic compulsions to cover anxiety, fear and helplessness

I like the idea of sith lords being normal PEOPLE, who whether by choice, circumstance, etc. have became what they are. The force is not magic. There's none of this fantasy-style "person born pre destined by dark forces" business in the star wars cannon.

Anakin was the chosen one. I don't think I need to say any more.




Edited by YeesBox
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I think they are trying to get across how the Emperor has no redeeming qualities at all. He is a being of pure evil much like Sidious. My opinion is that even though.........




The Jedi Knight's storyline has the jedi killing him I have a feeling he is going to be a raid boss for both Empire and Republic due to the fact that he wants to wipe out the galaxy of all living life. Even Sith dont want that crap.

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I would also point out that your assessment isn't entirely correct. Let's take the well known "chosen one" aka Anakin Skywalker, his own mom said he was exceptionally gifted and was said that he could do things no normal human could without any prior training. To what extent, they never go into ALOT of detail other then pre cognition which is a VERY powerful ability nonetheless. Also, the main character from the Jedi Knight Academy game, Jaden Korr, was able to construct a lightsaber without any prior training as well.


I would also point out that "The Force" is very MUCH like magic in this universe. There are things such as "Force Witches". Incredible feats at your command, being able to do superhuman feats by calling in this unseen and powerful "Force". That sounds like magic to me. The reason I tend to adore Star Wars is because it blends two of my favorite things together, Sci-fi and fantasy. So, giving him such evil backstory is not a bad thing it just says what the other person before me pointed out. That he is a being of pure hatred and it's not un common for "exceptional" beings to be born once in a blue moon in a generation or so. It's kind of like...he's the Doogie Howser of the darkside of the force or something. :)

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1. People aren't born good or bad. Even if he inhereted a huge amount of force sensitivty from his fatehr, why was he manifesting dark powers from the day he was born?


Abeloth wasn't born normal either. She's a Dark Sided entity - a being of pure bogan essence. She's not mortal. She's a creation of the Dark Side, the avatar of it as Anakin Skywalker (and perhaps Luke) were born the avatars of "The Force" (Light Side). Anakin Skywalker, for example, learned at an incredibly fast rate even before he received Jedi training. He could see things before they happened. Abeloth, being a creature that is of pure Dark Side (force demon, basically) would've had a much similar trait, albeit.. a very "vampiric" one in nature.


Abeloth is thousands of years old. So old that it's kept in question whether or not she has existed even before Darth Vitiate achieved immortality.


They had to make Vitiate unique so that he didn't break already established canon (which defines Darth Sidious as being the most powerful Sith Lord ever) and to make others realize (as mentioned before in this thread) that he's true evil. He has no redeeming qualities and, quite literally, does not care for anyone or anything but his own desire to become a deity.


And, actually, children at the age of 6 DO have a developed sense of right and wrong, albeit of a much more primal and raw nature. Betrayal to a death-obsessed, mentally unstable (and possible dark side creation) child Vitiate wouldn't be hard to do. He tortured his mother. Tortured.


Vitiate's "true identity" still remains a mystery, as it's stated that if the Empire knew of his true identity they would not follow him. Hint hint, an all-consuming Dark Sided creature ;) Very much, a "Demon" in Star Wars terms.

Edited by Oonkeh_
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3. Force sensitive children grow/mature like regular people. At age 6 someone does not understand 'my mother betrayed my family' or 'I should hold public executions to control my followers'


You are thinking inside the box of modern day western civilization. There are plenty of cultures where children this young understand, to one degree or another, cultural do's and don'ts and they certainly understand reward/punishment as a means of control.

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I think they are trying to get across how the Emperor has no redeeming qualities at all. He is a being of pure evil much like Sidious. My opinion is that even though.........




The Jedi Knight's storyline has the jedi killing him I have a feeling he is going to be a raid boss for both Empire and Republic due to the fact that he wants to wipe out the galaxy of all living life. Even Sith dont want that crap.


Wasnt the person the jedi knight killed actually the voice of the emperor? The Emperor is still alive and in hiding

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I didn't love this back story for the emperor. I just feel like there isn't enough substance to it. Having him be just a little Damion kid wasn't very compelling IMO, but I guess its ok. In the interest of full disclosure I will admit all I know about the emperor at this point is what i read in the Revan Novel so if there is more in the game then I haven't been exposed to it yet. But the explanation in the book for his motivations could be cool if it played out differently rather than "he was an evil kid that grew up to be an even eviler man."
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