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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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Am i the only one who knows there are other planets to PvP on, than Ilum?


Iz very, VERY simple here...


Step 1: Go into opposing factions "base"

Step 2: Wait for the opposing faction to send tells to ALLLLL their friends, that there is an enemy jus CHILLIN in their base, or, murder the resident population until they do

Step 3: Let the PvP ensue. Cuz EVERYONE is gna come to eother see if ur actually there, give it a shot at removing u, or, remove u outright.


Bring friends, rinse, repeat.


This system is already IN the game... all you hafta do is go DO it...

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Am i the only one who knows there are other planets to PvP on, than Ilum?


Iz very, VERY simple here...


Step 1: Go into opposing factions "base"

Step 2: Wait for the opposing faction to send tells to ALLLLL their friends, that there is an enemy jus CHILLIN in their base, or, murder the resident population until they do

Step 3: Let the PvP ensue. Cuz EVERYONE is gna come to eother see if ur actually there, give it a shot at removing u, or, remove u outright.


Bring friends, rinse, repeat.


This system is already IN the game... all you hafta do is go DO it...


No one there. Or you could go gank 40~ level characters. And even if so, no one will come.

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Broken game is Broken.


Too bad really eh -Fenix? We had such high hopes it is no wonder we are let down.


This games pvp is just another gear grind sadly. If not for my friends playing the game I would have cancelled after the first month.


How many times can you play the 3 same warzones over and over? I currently have a valor level of 51 and have all Champion gear save my helm/head piece and I have 0 motivation to grind valor 60 just to deal with another gear grind for battlemaster gear.


The only reason I go to LOLIllum is go get the daily out of the way and most of the time I do not even bother with that daily due to the immense lag.


Mebbe Bioware will get a clue but with 900000000000000 mouth breathers giving them $15.00 a month I doubt we will get any meaningful changes.


Hopefully Mechwarrior online will turn out good and I will head there this summer.

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It is broke - the engine that is. It is also broke in how it was designed or allowed maybe is better wording in regards to Ilum. I have been collecting screen shots over the past week from my server with people in /general asking to join ops grops, or looking for ops groups, that are kill trading. I kid you not and I know this isn't just on Dragon Trail. It is the norm whereas other small groups roam about trying to do it the right way.


I have heard that some of the former Mythic developers are involved with the PvP aspect of the game. If this is true, and depending on what stage of their employment started at Mythic, then they above all should know better and should be able to fix this mess. Here are some ideas for them in case they haven't caught on.


1. Ladder system - weekly, monthly stats per person, guild, class - top 25

2. Build alliance system that connects guilds and has a dedicated channel for only it

3. Diminishing returns on valor when a player is killed / adjusted by time

4. Any pvp kill in a contested zone (PvE server) or zone that allows PvP (PvP server) is rewarded with same valor as in Ilum

5. Healing, buffing, and rezzing offer prorated / adjusted Valor because they don't always touch a mob that is killed. More importantly - if they heal someone who tagged a player and said player is killed then they get a portion.

6. Valor cap LvL 10 - 50 per kill. lvl 50 = 1,000 points, lvl 49 = 900 points, something like that. Single kill grants all 1,000. 2 v 1 splits it, etc.


You see the idea here, yeah? You build a system around pvp that yields rewards and people will treat it as such. You prevent kill trading by putting diminishing returns on a death. You also cap valor per kill tied to a level and who all gets a piece of the pie. You allow both sides of the player base to partake and get equal rewards. A group of people roaming will all get valor maybe faster because they are killing (if they win of course) faster with less down time as a group. However, that group is splitting the valor of the kill. Someone else on the other hand, lets say a stealth class, is guarding a gate or just running solo. They make a kill and get full valor from it. In the end things balance out regardless of how you play.


You also know that you have a week to play with your stants and rank if it matters to you. If you want to be number one then sure, that is your deal and you have to be a wrecking ball more or less. However, the same person who plays slow may have to play a bit differently and focus on 10 solo kills a night to get the same 100,000 valor to make the top 25...


Ilum should be the main hub if you want - that is fine. It is large enough. But the end of the day you need to give people a reason to step outside their comfort zone or box. Risk is stepping out and questing. Finding the data crons, etc. The reward, however, is the data cron, better exp, crafting mats, etc.


That gives people a reason to engage in fighting.

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OP has some good stuff.


I also think Open world pvp between same lvl should reward valor. If under lvl 50 then the valor rewards are in brackets so an example would be:


lvl 34 +1 or -1 that way it can slide, a lvl 34 could fight a lvl 33, 34 or 35 and get valor but no valor for anything under lvl 33.


Maybe even make it so a lvl 34 gets valor if by some chance he kills a lvl 49.

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The story in this game is that its a stale mate And war is close to erupt

Sith Want nothing more than kill the ones who is agenst them

Jedi what to clence the Sith = WAR PVP!!!


all about this game is Sith/friends vs republic/jedi


Some would fear getting ganked.... well take a pve server then....its that easy


many i think has the problem that they cant see that this aint wow ,eQ or war hammer ...if ppl dint see it from that point i think it would be diferent


again i can se the problem in pvp cos 3 warzones and How many Fp and op are there .. its a real shame and all in the updates its pve pve pve pve ....

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Well, ganking means to me to attack a single player, what I dont do, because I find that theres no skill involved hunting a single player down but nevertheless I appreciate the importance which the op has mentioned to make pvp servers more pvpish than the pve ones...


As a pvp player I like realism in general, I want to attack even towns which are with the other faction and I want a reward for it!

I think it is also important for pvp players to have some meaning for playing pvp at all...

I really really would like some count- mechanics for simply everything you do while pvp to become informed by constantly updated stats about how the war is going for my faction! So when my faction reaches a certain amount of points or completes certain missions I want also to get rewarded... Missions like "Take over anchorhead on tatoonie and hold it for 1 hour" as sith player for example...


If you give me some meaning to fight for I gonna play for years! Otherwise for months until it gets boring... ;)



A game which does what I've mentioned is pirates of the burning sea for example

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Open world PVP without objectives, in this type of context, tends to end up as an excuse to gank questers (often lower levels, as we're already seeing) with large hunting packs, who then run when the quester's faction organises a response.


Bad idea.

Edited by Broom
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Open world PVP without objectives, in this type of context, tends to end up as an excuse to gank questers (often lower levels, as we're already seeing) with large hunting packs, who then run when the quester's faction organises a response.


Bad idea.


Then WTH is the point of a PvP server?? People who cry when the rules of a PvP server, that THEY chose mind you, isn't convenient for them are the dimmest, most idiotic people playing video games ever.


Roll a PvE server and let a PvP server be what it is described as.



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I'm aghast at the fact that open world PVP isn't already in the game, moreso than just on Ilum. If this doesn't change, I personally will not continue to sub. I play PVP servers because I like real PVP - and this battleground ******** "warzones" deal just isn't fun for me.
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I'm aghast at the fact that open world PVP isn't already in the game, moreso than just on Ilum. If this doesn't change, I personally will not continue to sub. I play PVP servers because I like real PVP - and this battleground ******** "warzones" deal just isn't fun for me.


I feel you.


I've been in one open world type situation since release. Was on Belsavis by the world boss way to the north. A Rep guild was also going for the same boss. Needless to say a long battle took place over it, and more and more guildies for both sides were coming. That was alot of fun.


But just 1 time? on a PvP server? In a PvP guild? Sucks.

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