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Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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There's a paradoxal design flaw to expand consted areas from private to common for all factions.




Questing is designed to be completing them as pairs. You and your companion. If Bioware combine Republic and Imperial questing areas that means there will be a huge possibility of engaging opposing faction' player very often.


So, when someone try to gank you or you do the same thing what's gonna be to your companion?


Will they join the fight or basicly such fights disable them?


Just wondering, brainstorming a possible solution but couldn't find any...


Because, if they join the world PvP everything is gonna be mess for all. Even crippling the challenge in a way of complexity. (Healer companios, DPS and et cetera... your call)


I strongly support open world pvp and want to share the same questing zones with the opposite faction. That would be a great thing and completes the lacking flavour of RvR element.


Still, i'm positively waiting an official response from Bioware on:


PvP gaming, mechanics, design and content as a whole.


Hope to see some positive reaction in return

Edited by Aetla
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There's a paradoxal design flaw to expand consted areas from private to common for all factions.




Questing is designed to be completing them as pairs. You and your companion. If Bioware combine Republic and Imperial questing areas that means there will be a huge possibility of engaging opposing faction' player very often.


So, when someone try to gank you or you do the same thing what's gonna be to your companion?


Will they join the fight or basicly such fights disable them?


Just wondering, brainstorming a possible solution but couldn't find any...


Because, if they join the world PvP everything is gonna be mess for all. Even crippling the challenge in a way of complexity. (Healer companios, DPS and et cetera... your call)


I strongly support open world pvp and want to share the same questing zones with the opposite faction. That would be a great thing and completes the lacking flavour of RvR element.


Still, i'm positively waiting an official response from Bioware on:


PvP gaming, mechanics, design and content as a whole.


Hope to see some positive reaction in return


Wait you've got to the Opposing teams players and YOU don't have a companion? Strange I thought everyone got one before they left the starting world... In fact I know they do because I've got every class to at least the fleet.


You can't complain about something that you have yourself.

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You missed my point.


I do not say


"hey i don't have a companion hence you shouldn't have"


I say again:


If we share the same questing zones, whats going to be "our" companions. While i mean and say "our". I mean us and them as a whole. Reps and Imps as opposing challengers...


Because companions cause complexity and mess in open world pvp fights.


Are we clear on my point?

Edited by Aetla
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Yes.. Only starting areas should be sanctuaries. EVERYWHERE else should be open PVP.


If you get attacked at the medical center, guards should come out. If they camp the medical center, guards should continue to come (from other planets, ships etc), but only around the medical area.

When you revive you'd be given 30s immunity until you cast any heal or damage or buff spells (so you could teleport out).


Force both factions to go to the same area a lot during questlines on PVP servers. PVP servers should have different questlines, different medical areas, etc. All NPCs should be attackable on PVP servers , with the risk of guards coming out if they are important NPCs.


You must force world pvp on PVP servers by constantly making the factions run into each other. Lots of contested areas, contested world bosses, even contested NPCs.


Say there's a NPC that gives a hourly quest to kill opposite faction, and it's in a contested area. That would cause a lot of camping that NPC, and generate PVP :)


Put objectives in contested areas where factions could take over quest hubs and other areas. Having some 'take the towers' in the middle of a zone is useless, it has to be for a purpose! They are attacking our actual camp, we must stop them!

Make it so they can destroy speeders, quest givers, anything.. It's a PVP server so you signed up for it and if you don't want it go to a PVE server where all the NPCs are unkillable.


Make a PVP quest where one faction attacks the other factions fleet like a flashpoint and you actually go into their space station and kill npcs and players and if you kill enough before you get wiped out or tons of backup comes (guards would have to be on a timer like they are flying in from other areas) then u win the quest.


That's how i'd like to see PVP.

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You missed my point.


I do not say


"hey i don't have a companion hence you shouldn't have"


I say again:


If we share the same questing zones, whats going to be "our" companions. While i mean and say "our". I mean us and them as a whole. Reps and Imps as opposing challengers...


Because companions cause complexity and mess in open world pvp fights.


Are we clear on my point?


I apologise I remember seeing someone a week or so ago complaining about companions in pvp etc might have been longer ago but still.


Well all our companions aren't seen by other people wandering the world unless they are with a player charactor, we get them by going in story instances I see no need to change this but they should add some quests that take us into enemy territory or be sent to kill some mobs that the other team would also be killing, its not much but it would encourage PvP. Where as at the moment for example Tatooine the only way to see an Empire Player is to uncover all the map or get lucky/unlucky, because the questing zones have such big distances.

Edited by CptBrit
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It's not that hard to combine questing zones into one.


  • Game protects the quest givers, med camps, personal story areas by couple of guards.
  • Immunity for the PvP victim at least 5-10mins. Breaks on damage...
  • No armor penalty for PvP deaths. No cost for repair, nothing! I say again NOTHING
  • Trade centers and hub areas such as spaceports are restricted.


Open world PvP is a MUST!


We're in a Galactic scale war for gods sake Bioware :D but you expect us to quest in peace and harmony. If i see a Republican in Space Port before our questing begins should i hug em give my best? Wishes for success?


Just come' on! :)


In questing zones i just want to see:


Fire at will!



P.S: CptBrit Apoligiez? Np mate That's the forum fever. It happens ;)

Edited by Aetla
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I'm new to MMOs.


I don't really remember all the mobs i killed up to lvl 30. However, I vividly remember my small group getting ambushed by a couple of 37s on Alderaan and getting wiped. I remember us getting ready and taking them down. And them getting their revenge on us after.


I remember calling in Imperials from across the world to clear the space again!


I remember other encounters too, all good even if they went badly for me.


I LOVED IT! And I had to be convinced to roll PVP!


If this could be expanded on I would be grateful. I LOVE the intensity of having to watch your back and keep on guard. If there were some sort of in game benefits on top of the experiences, this could be great!


Please expand open world PVP

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On tatooine (spelling) at least i fight Empire players all the time also in quest dungons, even do other republic players ask me how i allways manage to end up in fights and call for help :p


Onlything i miss is a report/score system that show how many evil Sith you killed and how you killed, how killed you and how many times.


Other fun thing would be if you cod flag a enemy that sneak attacked you when you were on the way to kill a boss and killed you instead, so he was flaged for 2-5min so every Republic player saw him on the map. (if he logs out the flag come when he login and fast travle is disable as long as your flaged).

Edited by skidrows
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I agree also, open world pvp is the best form of pvp. The warzones should always be a sideline for when you dont have long online, or just to top up some points.

I have only just got to Tattoine (slow leveler) and didn't realise open world would was as resticted as it is. It has all the potential to be as great as the best (DAoC) was.... Come on Bioware, a few tweeks needed

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+1 for this thread, this is THE MMO with the ultimate potential in both PvP, PvE and story and seeing the PvP pillar get hammered down by neglecting it would be a fatal mistake against a big portion of the playerbase, especially in PvP servers.


I've had SO much fun doing random world PvP last week in Hoth and Voss

-- especially Voss-Ka not being a sanctuary is in surprisingly good accordance with the story that Voss ppl remain neutral and cba about imp-rebel fights --

and even though I was getting ganked by multiple imps over and over about the same area I had great pleasure trying to sneak away and hitting them by surprise and you know, the general concept pleased/excited me like WoW used to do before Battlegrounds were the thing for PvP.


If Warzones are left the only rewarding PvP activity, world PvP will most certainly die after level 50 and the WHOLE PvP system will go down with it, this will no doubt turn PvP into another boring grind with many limitations many posters above me explained.


So BioWare, this thread should be seen as a friendly warning that outdoor PvP must be subsidised and rewarded with either Valor, commendations or some sort of other thing, you call it.

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Agree completely.


On PvP servers there are no rewards or incentives for engaging in World PvP.


I personally don't need incentives to engage in World PvP. Though evidently many others do, which is why most are in the WZ's.


On PvP servers only, please make it so that World PvP is rewarded with something. It could be gear, titles, valor, anything that encourages people to engage in World PvP.


Oh yeah and please up the population counts so that when people are in the world they can find each other on the same shard.


This is not about PvP but game-play which includes PvE and PvP.


It needs attention.

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I support and encourage the substance of this thread.


I also understand the ENORMOUS server size and speed required to attain such a task while keeping client and server side lag manageable. Some of the other MMO's failed in this client request and subsequently resulted in failure of the game.


I would recommend the following as a trial:


Change one server OR start a server solely for FULL WORLD PVP!




Useful data for server loads.

Useful data for return on investment.

Useful data for Marketing and Development for future PVP oriented content





Tons of required csr personel and dev in game time to identify and eliminate cracks, sploits, and outright hacking.

In some cases attorney support will be needed for spoiled people that don't like being told to "get bent, you cheated and we have evidence. Your IP is perma-banned."




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I approve this message. You get a warning each time you log on to a PvP server so let it be a PvP server.


I love and support this idea and have already post so in this thread.


However in order for PvP and Open World PvP to be positive you have to have risk vs reward; thus you have to have a way to hinder the progression of other players. If you aren't allowed to hinder the progression of Republic players as an Imperial player, what incentive is there? I want to halt their leveling gains so it gives the Empire a leg up.


Now that comes off as seeming like a jerk, wanting to hinder someones play, so then you have to add a reason to hinder a persons play. Thus BioWare should give us planets that we can build assets on. What we need are guild vs guild mini cities that we can fight over. Without some type of asset destruction PvP is rather pointless because nothing is gained or lost (risk vs reward).

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Sorry for asking, as it might of been answered somewhere. What is going to happen with open pvp rewards? I come from warhammer Where killing someone else was rewarding. Here however, If I (hypothetically) solo 10 lvl 50s on tattoine and wouldn't get anything.... is there an update to any changes here?
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