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Scared of swtor being a fad


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actually, they do want to play something else. The problem is every new mmo, tor included, just copies wow. So it ends up not being something new and they ask themselves "why play a new, unpolished game when i have wow?" that's why wow clones never succeed, if people wanna play wow, they'll play wow.



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-No LFD (Spanning /1 on fleet as PvEer while PvPers get their tool are you serious?!)


I agree, this is probably something they seriously need to consider adding, it just makes the whole multi-player aspect that much easier to access. I don't want to see crossserver LFD unless it's only as a checkable option.


In the meantime there is a LFG tool that works.


-Ability lag


I dunno, some people say it's a problem. I personally don't have a big issue with it. I see it occasionally, so in my opinion this particular problem has been blown entirely out of proportion.


Regardless Bioware has already acknowledged it and are working on a fix.



-Orange item system works only until 49 @ 50 it's fotm clone warriors (no pun intended)


This is already slated to be changed so that partially purple modded items will be fully moddable. didn't see a time table on when unfortunately.


-Poor performance (I don't really blame BW for this because my comp is 5yrs old)


Well at least you can admit that. Most don't.


Subscription canceled, waiting on new PC and patches maybe I'll check back in 6 Months.


Well here's to hoping that there is improvement by then. I think there will be. Bioware has actually been very quick to patch what they have and the first actual BIG patch is probably likely to be seen next week or so, so we'll see.


See you in 6 months.

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People need to stop being so concerned over the success or failures of games. It's not our problem to worry about. Just play games and have fun.


Unless you want the industry to progress and for development studios to really push themselves to outdo eachother and incidentally make some great games rather than sit on their bums and push out the same slop year after year!


That's one of the biggest disappointments that TOR has presented; it's not a game that can wrestle with WoW. It'll burn brightly for a little while, and then fall back like every other MMO. WoW will take the innovations which were good, and TOR will be left to die; a hundred-million dollar corpse to warn those who come after.


I dearly hope I'm wrong.

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My god this argument is getting SO PLAYED OUT.


Nobody cares about World of Warcrap


Apparently Bioware does. It seems they mirrored WoW, right down to classes/abilities, only the game quality is at 2009 levels, not 2012. LOL Consular/ShadowPriest.


Why clone a game and then leave out so many FLAGSHIP qualities of that game. Ability delay/Animation prioritization is blowing my freakin mind.

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actually, they do want to play something else. The problem is every new mmo, tor included, just copies wow. So it ends up not being something new and they ask themselves "why play a new, unpolished game when i have wow?" that's why wow clones never succeed, if people wanna play wow, they'll play wow.



Except when something new does launch, it fails too. So what's the explanation on that?


Darkfall for instance, at least "looked" amazing from all I saw of it. But it never even really had much hype behind it.


Rift while copying WoW also introduced some very interesting ideas and innovations but still proved to be lackluster in success.


My predictions of games like The Secret World, Tera Online, Blade and Soul, while being very innovative in the genre will also fail to live up to player expectations.


I don't think it's so much that people want something new and don't want a reskinned WoW,


I think it's more that most players don't know what they want.

I think most players also don't have clue 1 about MMOs but that's another discussion altogether.

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And that's what anyone who is actually interested in this game should be doing, they shouldn't be writing a game off just a month after it's launch. Give them 6 months or come back in 6 months, and if it isn't what you initially expected... Oh well see ya in the next launch.




Tor is faceroll, no question asked. They made it like this on purpose. They ARE NOT going to increase the difficulty any time soon or at all. So for those of us chasing a challlenge, we already know what tor is about. Sure the bugs will get sorted, but the lack of challenge will allways be here, regardless!


And finally in 6 months time diablo 3 will be out ( and lets face it, my 3 real life mates are going to buy and play it , which means ill be able to play with people that actually know how to play ) so thats all i really want, is to play with my mates.


Also, lets not forget GW2 , if arenanet somehow pulls this game of ( without the trinity gameplay ) and adds some challenge to it where loot ACTUALLY means something ( GASP, I KNOW RIGHT, WORK FOR LOOT, WHAT THE....) and fights are more then just tank and spank bs, then alot of the serious gamers like myself will be flocking there in droves.


What people like me are honestly waiting for is a AAA mmo developed for gamers, challenge, grind, working for gear, NO WELFARE EPICS, Gold doesnt rain from the sky, Dodging bosses abilities, running out , hiding behind terrain etc, NO TANK AND SPANK, And leveling that takes longer then 1 week to get to engame, 1 week, thats utter fail, just like that other game.

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So I have to lol at people who bought it thinking it was some grand thing, or bought it for the story or some other stupid reason.


This is quite insulting. I did buy the game and subscribed because there is a lot of story-based elements. Does this make me stupid?


I wasn't disappointed so far. And I enjoy the game, even after having played WoW for 4 years.


I really look forward to playing with the stupid people who are staying, they seem more reasonable than the smart people like you are.


Good day to you.

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well my soultuion is this IF they are really canceling their account and never coming back to this game they should just post their acocunt info and be done with it. cause if you are not doing that your just trolling looking for attention
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Well I look for it to last me longer than a month or two.. HOPEFULLY.



But yeah, people really need to stop looking at MMOs as "the next big thing". Because none of them are. None of them will be, and the ones that DO try to break the mold fail faster than the ones who stick to traditional MMO framework.


It's pretty plain MMOs do not evolve in large steps. Sure WoW was an evolution of the EQ model, but in retrospec not by much initially. All they did at first was just streamline questing and actually give you a reason to do quests. Later came Battlegrounds, more organized raiding and endgame focus, ect...


SWTOR is an evolution in it's own right by focusing intensely on the story element. Unfortunately that's all they seemed to have focused on and it's something I hope they remedy soon or it will be a couple months and then bye-bye.


Personally I'm enjoying the game and I think it has a lot of good potential to be great. But if there isn't significant improvement by the 6 month mark (which I am optimistic there will be) I'll have to keep looking for a MMO home too.


And that's what anyone who is actually interested in this game should be doing, they shouldn't be writing a game off just a month after it's launch. Give them 6 months or come back in 6 months, and if it isn't what you initially expected... Oh well see ya in the next launch.


Why? Because that's how MMOs operate, and eventually people are going to have to start seeing this or we're just going to have a truck load of failures and people will keep going back to WoW.


I was saying something along the same lines as this a moment ago.


So many mmo's washed out over last few years that we now have a decent amount of people who just jump from one launch to another, expecting them all to fail, if this carries on then it'll be the norm and no future mmo will succeed, it's nearly already the norm tbh.


I've done it myself afew times in the past year or so.


This started (for me) after 4 years of EQ2 and 3-4 of WoW, coulden't seem to settle into anything, I'm actually content here for a change, and it's been awhile since i felt "content" in a mmo to stick around, so I'll be here for quite some time.


Although, i understand not everyone will be content here, but honestly, you'll get that in any mmo, works for some, doesen't for others.

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Also, lets not forget GW2 , if arenanet somehow pulls this game of ( without the trinity gameplay ) and adds some challenge to it where loot ACTUALLY means something ( GASP, I KNOW RIGHT, WORK FOR LOOT, WHAT THE....) and fights are more then just tank and spank bs, then alot of the serious gamers like myself will be flocking there in droves.


Except the trinity is STILL there, they just made it more flexible.


Trust me, I know there's a lot of people who think GW2 is the next coming of Christ to the MMO genre but, I like a few others have seen it in action myself, and I think you're all going to be sorely disappointed, Just like the people who were disappointed here.


I tell you what though, you want a game that is more tactical, more of a challenge. Go check out Tera Online, which looks promising, but again it'll only serve to disappoint.





Because gamers, even "serious" ones set their expectations unreasonably high for a new MMO.



As for the other points. WoW has proven that an MMO can only get easier as it gets older. there's no rule saying one can't get harder. Though I don't believe it will get harder either. But honestly, my life doesn't allow me to be a "serious" gamer anymore so I think it all works out.

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I dont think you understand how business and things like profitability work. These things affect the quality of the game we paid for DIRECTLY.


I have a decent grasp on how it works.


But you can't force them to play, obviously without any criticism nothing will ever be fixed.


I was refering to the players who can't stand playing this, for them to be happy here would require a complete overhaul of the game, i doubt thats a good buisiness model, nor will it be profitable.


You'll please one crowd, only to inflame the ones who liked it as it was.


Best they can do is add some requested features, even this would annoy others who did not want these feature, like the LFG tool, some want this, others do not. Some have even threatened to leave if it gets added, or does not get added.

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I think a lot of players try every MMO because they are searching for that game that they wish an MMO should be like. With better graphics and maybe new interesting features. When that doesn't happen they will leave again. These "wow-clones" will never succeed for those kinds of people.


Myself, I would like an MMO that was much like vanilla WoW, but with alot of features from later versions of WoW + clones. The best experience I had was in MC, BWL, Naxx (old). That was when content was challenging and you actually felt like you wanted to do them over and over again for gear. Gear that helped kill the next boss. Nowadays you just roll over everything.


Attunements and "fireresist"-items should be back imo. Those were the days. Seriously doubt I will ever see a MMO like that again though.

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Mists of Pandaria will be a big failure... people are tired of the same old same old and cuddly pandas won't bring them back.


No it won't. Blizzard always has big failures on paper. Their ideas always seem stupid or dooming to the game.


But in the end, their ideas always come out at amazing levels of polish and their content quality is nearly unmatched.


The game already has talking cows, little gnomes, goblins, space goats, and emo style elves. The addition of a panada race isn't going to detract from what makes that particular game the top in its genre. (the gameplay)

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2 million subs at 15 dollers a month per sub is GREAT profit.



Lets say they did have 2 Million subs. And all 2 million payed $15 a month. That would be 30 Million a month total revenue. But that isn't "profit". The game was bankrolled by investment banking financiers. According to game sites it cost over 100 Million to make. Lets say they owe 100 Million to banks.


Probably 60% of the 30 Million in sub revenue goes to pay for their overhead. Probably 25% of it goes to loan payments. How long will it take to pay back that loan? I bet only 15% is deemed profit margin. But truly, until you pay the loan off, nothing is "profit".

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just hit lvl 33 on my SI and 28 on my JG, must say i kinda hit a wall and i hit it very hard when i beat act 1.....the story was very very cool as the SI but right after act 1 it just drop for me.. idk why or how but it just did now im just trying to keep going and hoping something will just wow me into it again maybe im playing to much but im still gonna try and do it, i was a WoW player but WoW crashed me when WOTLK came out as i am a pre wotlk lover, and everytime i log back into WoW it just aint fun because there is nothing new and i miss when epics where welll.... epics
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I think a lot of players try every MMO because they are searching for that game that they wish an MMO should be like. With better graphics and maybe new interesting features. When that doesn't happen they will leave again. These "wow-clones" will never succeed for those kinds of people.


Myself, I would like an MMO that was much like vanilla WoW, but with alot of features from later versions of WoW + clones. The best experience I had was in MC, BWL, Naxx (old). That was when content was challenging and you actually felt like you wanted to do them over and over again for gear. Gear that helped kill the next boss. Nowadays you just roll over everything.


Attunements and "fireresist"-items should be back imo. Those were the days. Seriously doubt I will ever see a MMO like that again though.


I doubt it too.


I remember games and early mmo's being much more challenging, now it's all mainstreamed, mostly.


I don't mind it too much tbh, but sometimes get nostalgic about the retro stuff heh.

But mainstream will pull more subs in, so thats the model most will go with, anything else is probably a niche market now, those days are gone I'm afraid.


Might one day come back though, we'll see.


Then again, memories play on you, go back to these old mmo's and games, they don't feel quite how you remember them :rolleyes:

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I doubt it too.


I remember games and early mmo's being much more challenging, now it's all mainstreamed, mostly.


I don't mind it too much tbh, but sometimes get nostalgic about the retro stuff heh.

But mainstream will pull more subs in, so thats the model most will go with, anything else is probably a niche market now, those days are gone I'm afraid.


Might one day come back though, we'll see.


Then again, memories play on you, go back to these old mmo's and games, they don't feel quite how you remember them :rolleyes:


Yeah, much is probably nostalgia and false memories. We would probably steamroll over the old "challenging" content nowadays too. Though "resist-gear" sure made it harder.


But I still want an MMO to have that progression of old. Where you needed to kill a boss a few times to gear up tanks etc so you could manage to kill the boss after. It is too easy nowadays.


Another thing that is too easy in TOR is the crafting. It should take time to reach max level, not just send out your companions every 15 minutes. No sense of achievement in this game, which is part of why I unsub'd. The main reason was no LFD and no server forums.

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Last time i checked rift was doing ok, not great but earning profit, AoC made a slight comback aswell.


However, i will agree on Warhammer, having personally seen it fall.

Yeah, Rift is doing fine, especially considering it never had the amount of hype and fanboys, as TOR had and has. Trion did a good job, they made a great clone of WoW, for people that want to play WoW without playing WoW. ^^

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Yeah, much is probably nostalgia and false memories. We would probably steamroll over the old "challenging" content nowadays too. Though "resist-gear" sure made it harder.


But I still want an MMO to have that progression of old. Where you needed to kill a boss a few times to gear up tanks etc so you could manage to kill the boss after. It is too easy nowadays.


Another thing that is too easy in TOR is the crafting. It should take time to reach max level, not just send out your companions every 15 minutes. No sense of achievement in this game, which is part of why I unsub'd. The main reason was no LFD and no server forums.


I enjoy the game, but i also try to be understanding to others that do not enjoy it, although in certain cases, this can be more...irritating than it's worth heh.


I do agree with you about crafting, some end game craft quests that you do piecemeal every day for say, 2 or 3 days , and some added depth would be great imo.


I also think the leveling should be alittle slower, i think it's one (but not the main reason) of the causes ppl leave these new mmo's so fast after launch, but thats just me.


Some just want to do endgame raids, others like the leveling, question is, where to draw the line? seems like most new age mmo's have wen't with the "ultra leveling speed" route, though I'd say Tor is medium speed leveling, although if i spacebarred it would be much faster.


Personally, I'd have left out companions gathering mats for you, and let only the player do that, it's abit too easy, again in my opinion.

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Yeah, Rift is doing fine, especially considering it never had the amount of hype and fanboys, as TOR had and has. Trion did a good job, they made a great clone of WoW, for people that want to play WoW without playing WoW. ^^


I played it throughout open beta, early access, and around 5-6 months beyond, it was great at start, it just got alittle crazy with the nerfing and slight lack (in my opinion) of endgame content, so i left.


But i know it hasen't crashed completely and ended up in limbo, not yet at least.


I'll give them their due's, for what they had to work with, they did ok imo.

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