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Marauder stun/cc knocback effect.


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After seeing alot of whine here i can agree that marauders need some kind of cc/knockback effect.. jugs have push and our CHOKE! Now i dont want a push (wouldnt say not to any) Why not give marauders a force crush of some sort not like in the rage tree but one that send them into the wall or hard into the ground and 1-2 seconds of immobility to whomever u use it...saw some mobs on nar shadaa use it think it was some corrupted jedi.
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Marauders are intended as a class to do straight dps. No more, no less. A CC/knockback would completely imbalance pvp. You have a low second aoe stun already.


And not to mention force scream is enough for PvE,

Edited by Superdude-
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So u say in current pvp state where stuns and knockbacks on a low cooldown isnt all?


If it actually were like u said then there would be resists and diminishing returns involved!


Low cooldown stun classes have significantly lower dps output than marauders.


When will people learn maximum DPS output has it disadvantages?

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your response say u are a pve person....u dont know anything about this class or other peoples dps and mechanics so do yourself a favour and dont post anything more relevant to this.


This guy doesnt know anything so id ignore his comments as he clearly either a troll or something worse tbh.


On topic though currently from the top of my head we have following.


Force charge

Force choke


Then escapes x1


So far, and please correct me if im wrong, force charge doesnt stun enermys unless you in PvE it only interupts, and it buggy at best of times with i noticed it not disrupting casts for most enermys attacks.


Force choke i have said before also buggy with it seeming to be a different ability in PvE compare to PvP where certain rules are in place which make it very hard at times to cast effectively, ie must face enermy head on, must not move AT ALL for a long period before cast takes affect, as well as cast animation/stunning taking too long due to animation issues.


it just seems we need the bugs ironed out .

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Low cooldown stun classes have significantly lower dps output than marauders.


When will people learn maximum DPS output has it disadvantages?


Are you joking? Its been stated multiple times that ALL AC's that dps will be comparable - there is no penalty.


The highest damage dealers in PVP are Casters + Ranged dps - they also have more stuns/cc's than us.

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Are you joking? Its been stated multiple times that ALL AC's that dps will be comparable - there is no penalty.


The highest damage dealers in PVP are Casters + Ranged dps - they also have more stuns/cc's than us.


Not to mention they have no trouble staying in range to use their abilities.

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Marauders are intended as a class to do straight dps. No more, no less. A CC/knockback would completely imbalance pvp. You have a low second aoe stun already.


And not to mention force scream is enough for PvE,


Like it isn't imbalanced now. You obviously know nothing, please do not post.

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Marauders are intended as a class to do straight dps. No more, no less. A CC/knockback would completely imbalance pvp.


Seems like you haven't gone up against skilled Concealment spec Operatives :rolleyes:


Heck, they don't even have to be skilled...

Edited by BarcodeX
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Seems like you haven't gone up against skilled Concealment spec Operatives :rolleyes:


Heck, they don't even have to be skilled...


I'm a little confused as to how to deal with them. I got three-shot by one multiple times today. Granted, I use moddable equipment with level 43 blue mods and am Level 47, but I just...don't know what to do. The only effective thing was to use Unleash, turn on Force Camouflage and run the hell away, followed by Undying Rage. And even that didn't always work when he used two stuns in secession.


Ultimately, I might have to play every class for a better understanding.

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Ultimately, I might have to play every class for a better understanding.



That's what Bioware wants you to do. This will buy them time to take some profits in before the bugs are fixed. The game is unstable atm you can't really say what is best or what will stay this way, better get a lv 50 in each class waiting fir the incomming buffs/nerves.

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