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Truth be told...I'd swich to scoundrel


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So for anyone hitting a wall with the class, its not just you. It just doesn't work as well as everything else out there right now.


That's a bold statement to make. Have you played everything else at 50 to compare? If you read the other class boards, you'll find a similar sentiment from all of them. Hell, on my scoundrel, I feel useless against a good slinger/sniper. Given the title of this thread, I'd say the OP is better of learning his character than lamenting the AC he didn't choose. That AC has just as many concerns as the slinger, and it also relies on gimmick mechanics to compete (stealth and opening burst, in the scoundrel's case).

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Go sharpshooter and 3 shot healers. If you stand in the back, look at your surroundings and know whats going on and who is where, then SS is the best pvp spec i find. In wz you may not realize but the more damage you do, the faster you kill your enemies, the higher chance of winning. Kill the imps then whos there to stop you from planting a bomb or capping a turret? Hutball is a different story but... %$#$ Huttball.
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All you have to do is wait 20 seconds and LoS me. Then you can toss out a ranged stun or knock back, or have a groupmate do it and you can pull me down. That's it. My only way to keep you at bay after those 20seconds is to break LoS, and if I am not in a full dot spec, I am not doing any dps.


And it is relevant the issues a player faces in PvP and the issues in PvE are different. Fighting players who are serious about PvP is a lot different from fighting players that are not. It all comes down to group play.


I have no idea how you can be claiming that cover works because it simply does not in any form of organized pvp.


I'm having to guess from a great number of replies I see in this thread and these forms that people are not actually pvp'ing all that much on their gunslingers, and that there must be a massive difference between the pvp and pve servers when it comes to premades and warzones.


Because I am serious when I say its not a skill / learn to play issue. It just does not work in organized PvP, and every single Sniper / Gunslinger I know on my server that runs in premades is in the process of re-rolling right now. Dedicated pvp'ers who run set premades are dropping a class that they've gotten to 50 and geared up with champion and in one case battlemaster gear to re-roll.


This is kind of mind boggling.


A Sharpshooter with a guard and heals would put out faaarrrrr more DPS than a Scrapper with the same. You should be able to destroy a Sorcerer in seconds. If you're having trouble while grouped with a pre-made, then it's not your class's problem. You are only one part of the equation.

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The cover is useless complaints are just silly. One of the most popular (arguably THE most popular) classes, in pvp right now, is the Sage / Sorcerer. They have to stand still to cast spells and spam Force Lightning / Telekentic Throw. It's no different than dropping into cover to use a cast-time shot.


Actually the most popular pvp spec is all about instants and occasionally channels.

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What are your expectations in PVP? I guarantee that a lot of people feel the same as you about their class. Do you think scoundrels have it easier? Sages? Sorcerers?


Woah woah woah, I don't know about the sage/sorc combo, but Scoundrels? Really? There's a reason a lot of threads on the PVP forum are about OPeratives. Also, keep in mind, Sages/Sorcs have a better knockback (because it roots with talents and doesn't require a special condition), an early bubble, powerful channel attacks (so LOS isn't as painful for htem as it is for us, since channels continue to do so after you run LOS), slows, two stuns, heals, and a run speed buff. I'm not saying Gunslingers are terrible or anything, but from my own personal experience Sorcs/Sages aren't in such a terrible spot right now.

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Woah woah woah, I don't know about the sage/sorc combo, but Scoundrels? Really? There's a reason a lot of threads on the PVP forum are about OPeratives.


Not to derail this thread, but the moaning about scoundrels/ops is due to gear/level differences and stacking stims/adrenals/relic buffs. Both issues affect every class. The reason scoundrels/ops get the brunt of the moaning is because we can pop out of stealth for a quick burst, surprising a target in 1v1.


When equally geared, leveled, and not buff stacking, scoundrels/ops aren't killing anyone in the 3 globals people claim. In fact, we're very easily kited by ranged classes, as we lack a gap closer and > 10m stun/snare. If you pop your trinket on our initial knockdown, you'll find we're easy to counter in 1v1 (assuming you're of equal level/gear). Our opener gives you 100% resolve, so there's no stun locking or vanish->reopening going on (at least not for 20s). The stories are complete exaggerations.


Since most WZ aren't fought in 1v1 anyway, any real or exaggerated power a scoundrel/op might have is moot. In group play, we're squishy and position dependent. Throw in the issues with leaving combat, which would enable us to restealth, and you've got a class that's a 10s hero. If the target isn't dead in 10s, that scoundrel/ops better get the hell outta Dodge because they're gonna explode otherwise.

Edited by t_rall
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The only reason I would go scoundrel is for healing.


DPS, they are comparable with us if not better on burst.



PVP meh, it will all balance out, if not bring a friend, if they bring a friend bring 2.

Edited by Infanta
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Not to derail this thread, but the moaning about scoundrels/ops is due to gear/level differences and stacking stims/adrenals/relic buffs. Both issues affect every class. The reason scoundrels/ops get the brunt of the moaning is because we can pop out of stealth for a quick burst, surprising a target in 1v1.


It's partially the damage and the stun, and the fact that if you don't have a trinket up you just have to sit there and eat it to the face. By the time you get up you're poisoned and down a significant amount of HP. It's also good because you can pick your battles, and you have one of the best escape mechanisms in the game (along with the Assassin). I don't think you can really argue that they have it worse than Gunslingers do.


Since most WZ aren't fought in 1v1 anyway, any real or exaggerated power a scoundrel/op might have is moot. In group play, we're squishy and position dependent. Throw in the issues with leaving combat, which would enable us to restealth, and you've got a class that's a 10s hero. If the target isn't dead in 10s, that scoundrel/ops better get the hell outta Dodge because they're gonna explode otherwise.


To be fair, there are a lot of high value targets that prefer to stay out of melee range that are easy to gank. Like Snipers/Gunslingers.

Edited by IamScarap
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Your playing a different game. Its not my system either. Maybe there are no sorcs on your server. I see 5+ per WZ, premades with nothing but sorcs all over the shop.


Maybe, I'm playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, what game are you playing? There are plenty of Sorcs / Sages on my server, easily more than any other class, and I don't have the problems you're describing, at all, ever.

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If you pop your trinket on our initial knockdown, you'll find we're easy to counter in 1v1 (assuming you're of equal level/gear). Our opener gives you 100% resolve, so there's no stun locking or vanish->reopening going on (at least not for 20s). The stories are complete exaggerations.


What's a trinket? Are you referring to dodge?

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Go sharpshooter and 3 shot healers. If you stand in the back, look at your surroundings and know whats going on and who is where, then SS is the best pvp spec i find. In wz you may not realize but the more damage you do, the faster you kill your enemies, the higher chance of winning. Kill the imps then whos there to stop you from planting a bomb or capping a turret? Hutball is a different story but... %$#$ Huttball.


3 shot healers... omg are we playing same game? Using gunslinger's strongest shot (aim shot) to healer with compare gear - u wiull deal after using relic and stim - less than 1k dmg (they always have shields) even without and if u crit it can be about 3k.


To use aim shot u need to take cover (2-4sec) use skill - 2,5sec cast time and target see that he is targetting (so if he can he will hide or use shield fast - u can just pray that shield is on cd)


Ok so u got luck u hit him 3k, but w8 u dont have skills now to do such dmg - u can make 1-2k max with next 2hit (if they all crits and u still have relic and stim on u) and suprice - healer (even without shield - rare to happen)

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Whenever I read these threads I always wonder how I'm spamming my skills differently to get 40 kills in warzones without trying, being less than 50, and forgetting to use half my abilities.


From the perspective of those who complain, this shouldn't be possible...

Edited by StealthNerf
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Currently a level 23 gunslinger and so far its getting really fun, whats the deal man?


I see gunslingers wreck havok in the battle grounds. Hunker down and immunnity to interrupts is pretty sick.


Then a Marauder just straight up runs to you, breaks you from your silly cover screen and goes to town. You will NOT get away from him. One of you is dead, and it's going ot be you unless your team piles him.

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Then a Marauder just straight up runs to you, breaks you from your silly cover screen and goes to town. You will NOT get away from him. One of you is dead, and it's going ot be you unless your team piles him.


Hunker down -> 20 sec immunity, and I don't need 20 sec to kill a marauder when in cover :)

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I play a 38 gunslinger and i don't really have problems at the moment in pvp which i started doing a lot. Not gonna say i'm uberpro but as a slinger you have to use a lot of buttons when the opponents dont leave you alone at your range, because then you have to abandon your pve rota :D. Instead of those 3-5 button youtube vids from other classes its a lot tougher to be good with a slinger imo. Edited by arsenate
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Yes, I agree. I'm Gunslinger 20lv over now, and I enjoy PVP. It's lot of fun when you setting up your cover somewhere and just picking targets and hit hit hit hit. But the real challenge beggins when an enemy focus on you, and you have to root, stun, etc. them tryiing to escape, while others team members are just killing them without problems :) I'm almost always in top 4 dmg done at the end of the match. My spec is SS focused and I really enjoy this :)
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3 shot healers... omg are we playing same game? Using gunslinger's strongest shot (aim shot) to healer with compare gear - u wiull deal after using relic and stim - less than 1k dmg (they always have shields) even without and if u crit it can be about 3k.


To use aim shot u need to take cover (2-4sec) use skill - 2,5sec cast time and target see that he is targetting (so if he can he will hide or use shield fast - u can just pray that shield is on cd)


Ok so u got luck u hit him 3k, but w8 u dont have skills now to do such dmg - u can make 1-2k max with next 2hit (if they all crits and u still have relic and stim on u) and suprice - healer (even without shield - rare to happen)



I'm almost a battlemaster only 10 to go if I wasn't distracted with alts. However the only healer I have a problem with taking down is a merc/commander but they are still pretty simple. If you know how to lock down a healer then they can't do anything. Chances are if you throw a flash grenade on them they are going to trinket out of it. Not a gamebreaker if they don't tho. Interupt, run up to them spamming 1 or quickshot, kick them, they either can trinket out or not, if they dont you nuke untill hes out, while hes healing push back, by then your interupt is back up or he's dead by then. IT's really not hard to take down a sorc/sage/scoundrel/ops but the merc/commander is more difficult. and btw if you hit healers for 1k chances are they have guard on.

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I'm still uncertain whether this class is good or bad. It's great in the battleground type of pvp where you can just stand behind and deal immense amounts of damage but the problems begin when someone targets us. Honestly, I think we are one of the worse 1v1 classes, at least when everyone will have full champion gear. We have great damage, yes, but how often can we outdamage the damage we take? Seriously, I take crazy amount of beating from many classes. Our damage is our defense. Dodge is near useless, like 75% of the damage goes through it and defense screen doesn't absorb much. SS also gets diversion which sounds great, but when actually using it I haven't found it as effective as I expected.


It doesn't all come to the class though, but the game mechanics aswell. It's so effing annoying to get knockbacked or stunned after you have finished casting aimed shot for example and then see it never hitting the target. Ability and animation delay is making the pvp harder than it should be. I also have responsive problems especially with hunker down and dodge, many times not being able to apply them when I want to. Then again sometimes when I use hunker down and instantly get knockbacked/stunned whatever, the skill applied but the enemy's spell still went through. It's seriously annoying. Or being unable to go cover near the wall or cliffs etc.

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I have to disagree completely with the OP, Gunsligners are not worse off than every other class, they are simply a bit more complex to play. If you figure out and get used to everything you can do with all of your different abilities to utilize them to the max then the Gunslinger actually often outpreforms other classes.


When it comes to PVE cover is amazing when used properly. I've had a hard mode FP pug wipe on a boss because the other DPS was a fresh 50 so the boss enraged but it was a pure ranged boss so what happened? I simply hid in hard cover with the enraged boss unable to hit me while the other survivors finished him off. Second boss in Eternity Vault does a huge aoe knockback that throws everyone off the platform into the lava but guess what? Gunslinger in cover? No knockback! Hunker Down CC Immunity? Amazing on NUMEROUS fights in FPs and OPs alike.


When it comes to PVP things can be a bit more complex but I love a saboteur / dirty fighting hybrid spec more than anything after finally trying it out and tweaking it to my own liking. Sure your not as bursty as some classes but I easilly surpass 300k+ damage and 50+ kills in every match. Regardless of such numbers SWToR PVP isnt about strictly padding the dmg/kill meters, its about objectives and actually winning. With all of the AoE from the hybrid spec we can seriouslly wreak havoc on teams trying to take objectives, not only keeping them off of the point but keeping pressure on their entire team with all the aoe damage going around. This spec is also extremely mobile and the only time I ever drop into cover is to throw a talented Saboteur Charge + talented Speed Shot combo (amazing burst) or need to use a Pulse Detonator for the knockback.


In Summation there is nothing wrong with Gunslinger it is merely a unique and slightly more complex playstyle that is not suitable for everyone.

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Hunker down -> 20 sec immunity, and I don't need 20 sec to kill a marauder when in cover :)


Ran into this exact situation in Voss. Just outside the lil voss outpost where you do the cleansing ritual. Got pinged as i was trying to speederbike to my quest area. Promptly hunkered down and killed him in a rotation and a bit. Realised that he rez'd at the med centre, so promptly healed up and ran the short distance back to the outpost in case he tried to jump me again from behind. But I got there just in time to see him hop on a shuttle away.

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