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Marauders are weak?


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I have heard a lot about marauders being weak and squashy. It makes me less tempted to play this class as I don't really like Juggernaut.


Is it really very weak? Does the damage make up for it? Are these rumours only due to people being very bad at this class?

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The only thing that is really "weak" about the marauder is its hard CC. There is none. You have charge and are expected to keep people in melee range with your slows and other tree specific goodies. No stuns, except an AoE stun that breaks with damage.


So basically, no, they're not weak. Especially in PvE imo.

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It is not that they are weak, its that they are medium armor and can not take on multiple mobs at once and they have no crowd control. Many of the class quests exploit this weekness and dump several mobs on you at once and you die. It can get very frustrating and one will say they are weak. In reality the damage output is great but they just can't take a lot of mobs at one time. Its also like sand in your face everytime a dialog tells you how powerful you are... I had enough at lvl 24 with mine... Stopped being fun.
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Can't stop laughing. How are you guys fighting I would love to see a video of that... it has to be hilarious.


You know I played as assassin without any aoe and I literally never cc'ed the mobs unless soloing heroic 4+ and I had no trouble and guess what assassin wears light armor.


But keep crying for buffs will just profit me ;)

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Hello all,


We wanted to take a moment and point you towards this very extensive post from our lead combat designer GeorgZoeller.


You can find the post here.


We also want to take a moment to remind everyone about the developer tracker here in the forums. We recommend everyone check the developer tracker frequently for posts from the developers as well as the community team and is a great spot for keeping up to date on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™


You can find the tracker here.


Thank you! Hope that helps!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Can't stop laughing. How are you guys fighting I would love to see a video of that... it has to be hilarious.


You know I played as assassin without any aoe and I literally never cc'ed the mobs unless soloing heroic 4+ and I had no trouble and guess what assassin wears light armor.


But keep crying for buffs will just profit me ;)


* gazes in awe


You're so uber, you're my new hero! Can I have an autograph please? Oh plu-eeaaasse?


/sarcasm off


Maruaders are squishy, and we have little cc, and just a couple of escapes. in PvE they are fine, good even. In PvP we are outclassed.

Edited by Monartu
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There are marauder fanbois, and then there are those who have played other classes and can actually compare.


As someone with a level 50 Sorc and a level 40 Marauder, compared to my Sorc, marauders are **EXTREMELY** weak. They do good damage, but they are pathetically squishy, and their decenct DPS doesn't even come **CLOSE** to making up for it.


Again, I'm coming from the point of view of having played a sorcerer to level 50, and comparing the two. Maybe sorcerers are just "overpowered", and marauders are "the way it is supposed to be". Who knows.

Edited by ats_beowulfe
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I think there are two different kinds of people:


Those who have only played a Marauder and think they are great.


Those who have played Marauder AND other classes and know the real deal.


I have a 50 Marauder as my main. Play him constantly. I'm over level 50 in Valor. I have full Champ gear. I run WZes all the time with full guild groups.


It is simply EASIER to play other DPS classes. There is no strain, no stress. You will deal a lot of damage and not have to work hard for it.


Marauders can do a lot of damage...but it requires great gear, and knowledge of the insane amount of abilities they have, and a dedicated healer.


In the Void Star WZ, which is really the only decent method of measuring damage output currently available, I average about 200k total damage reasonably enough in my full champ gear. Ive gotten as high as 280k.


My first WZ on my then Level 11 Operative, I did 175k damage. With 3 combat abilities, I did what takes a great deal of effort to pull off with my marauder. Now compare to Sorcerors. I have to bust my hump to get that 200k...leaping all over, running all over...not dying...while a sorceror stands back channeling lightning AND healing with such ease, and blowing away the total damage we do, with a 100k of healing thrown in...so why play a Marauder in a WZ?


Now throw in Operations. Why would a team want a Marauder over a Sniper? If a Sniper can just sit back in cover and spam buttons, while a Marauder as to run all over the place and constantly reset himself to pour on the damage?


It comes down to this...marauders are already dissapearing from the world because people are catching on as they start playing alts.


I want the Marauder to be awesome. I picked a Marauder as my class simply because I wanted to kick some hindquarters with two light sabers.


But the class is not viable right now. It might be fun to play...but there are better options for DPS...MUCH better options.


Do what I did. Start up an Imperial Agent, get him to 10 for warzones and see what happens in there. The light will click on for you as well.

Edited by loganedge
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Hello all,


We wanted to take a moment and point you towards this very extensive post from our lead combat designer GeorgZoeller.


You can find the post here.


We also want to take a moment to remind everyone about the developer tracker here in the forums. We recommend everyone check the developer tracker frequently for posts from the developers as well as the community team and is a great spot for keeping up to date on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™


You can find the tracker here.


Thank you! Hope that helps!


That post mentions that JK and SW are weak.


Then it goes on to list fixes for Jedi GUARDIAN and sith JUGGERNAUT.


The Marauder, which this thread is about, on the Marauder forums, is completely ignored.


So, your post is not very helpful. :( Unless you mean to say that by ignoring Marauder Greg is saying Marauder is totally balanced unlike the Guardian and Juggernaut.


If thats what you're saying, well, than these forums disagree. The 10 "Marauder underpowered" threads per day alone say something.


Would be nice if we could get some kind of word of acknowledgement about he Marauder, not just the Juggernaut. BOTH SW need help with these very problems they list for the Juggernaut, Mobility/Anti-Kiting and DPS spec survivability.


ALL Marauder specs are DPS, and we sure have survivability and mobility problems.



Please, somebody official PLEASE respond to the 10 threads about how marauder gear is disappointing and the Sith Warrior progression video is disingenuous, all the gear shown is HEAVY ONLY and we marauders are forced into a look we didn't sign up for.

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I think there are two different kinds of people:


Those who have only played a Marauder and think they are great.


Those who have played Marauder AND other classes and know the real deal.


I have a 50 Marauder as my main. Play him constantly. I'm over level 50 in Valor. I have full Champ gear. I run WZes all the time with full guild groups.


It is simply EASIER to play other DPS classes. There is no strain, no stress. You will deal a lot of damage and not have to work hard for it.


Marauders can do a lot of damage...but it requires great gear, and knowledge of the insane amount of abilities they have, and a dedicated healer.


In the Void Star WZ, which is really the only decent method of measuring damage output currently available, I average about 200k total damage reasonably enough in my full champ gear. Ive gotten as high as 280k.


My first WZ on my then Level 11 Operative, I did 175k damage. With 3 combat abilities, I did what takes a great deal of effort to pull off with my marauder. Now compare to Sorcerors. I have to bust my hump to get that 200k...leaping all over, running all over...not dying...while a sorceror stands back channeling lightning AND healing with such ease, and blowing away the total damage we do, with a 100k of healing thrown in...so why play a Marauder in a WZ?


Now throw in Operations. Why would a team want a Marauder over a Sniper? If a Sniper can just sit back in cover and spam buttons, while a Marauder as to run all over the place and constantly reset himself to pour on the damage?


It comes down to this...marauders are already dissapearing from the world because people are catching on as they start playing alts.


I want the Marauder to be awesome. I picked a Marauder as my class simply because I wanted to kick some hindquarters with two light sabers.


But the class is not viable right now. It might be fun to play...but there are better options for DPS...MUCH better options.


Do what I did. Start up an Imperial Agent, get him to 10 for warzones and see what happens in there. The light will click on for you as well.


I agree and echo everything you said. I'm 45 Marauder, I'm loving the class, I've learned all the abilities and how to play and struggled and I've got all 4 action bars mapped to keybinds. I'm slowly getting better in pvp, and I enjoy the feel of this class.


But holy moly, I rolled a Bounty Hunter and its just a joke. Even as tank spec, I can get more damage in a warzone than my dps spec'd marauder. Why? RANGE.


Ranged damage has a gigantic inherent advantage to melee damage right now.


On top of that, BH gets heavy armor, even DPS spec'd, while Mara, the MELEE DPS, gets medium armor. Hah, awesome.


BH is just insanely stronger than Marauder.


I'm okay with being harder to play. I'm okay with getting knocked back, not getting as much CC. But then I should simply do hands down the best DPS possible.


That, or give me a CC and heavy armor so I can solo quests decently past level 40. Absolutely FORCED to use Quinn for heals to do solo content, and even then a strong pat agroing the fight at the wrong time = wipe.

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Hello all,


We wanted to take a moment and point you towards this very extensive post from our lead combat designer GeorgZoeller.


You can find the post here.


We also want to take a moment to remind everyone about the developer tracker here in the forums. We recommend everyone check the developer tracker frequently for posts from the developers as well as the community team and is a great spot for keeping up to date on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™


You can find the tracker here.


Thank you! Hope that helps!


what is this to do with the marauder class.. u talk about to others AC class sigh

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what is this to do with the marauder class.. u talk about to others AC class sigh


Isn't it mentioned here???


Our attention to the class obviously won't stop here. Balancing MMOs is a never ending endeavor and we're in for the long haul. For example, we are certainly aware that the Marauder and Sentinel are very gameplay intensive classes with some of the most complex rotations in the game. While we are currently looking at quality of life and usability improvements to increase the class' playability without compromising the unique aspects of the class, we don't have anything specific to announce just yet. We do however anticipate that some of the combat responsiveness improvements (AKA 'ability delay' - more on that here) being worked on by our engineering team will specifically aid both Marauder and Sentinel.


-- Georg

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