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Social Skills


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I've just noticed the social skill is very hard to build on. At low levels, for example, Esseles can get you around 100 social, but Hammer Station gives you 10. Without having to run Esseles 10000 times, can someone give some tips on leveling my social?


Or even direct me to another thread on the topic. I'm sure there is one, but the search function appears to be missing...



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Leveled with a friend 1-50, turned in every single quest together. Just scraped by at social rank 5. Pretty sure that's the most painless way to do it. If i leveled with a full group i would have gotten on average 2x the amount of points, which probably would have gotten me to rank 6 or 7.
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the problem with the "just level with a friend" is most people in my guild have toons at different levels than mine, and sometimes that's just not possible all the time, but it's sadly true.. levelling with a friend is probably the only way to reasonably level your social skill.
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the problem with the "just level with a friend" is most people in my guild have toons at different levels than mine, and sometimes that's just not possible all the time, but it's sadly true.. levelling with a friend is probably the only way to reasonably level your social skill.


Dont know if this is any help but I have one toon for playing together with my wife, since I play more than her I solo with my other toons.

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I'm level 41 and dont even have social rank 1, I have like 700 points, I have done several flaspoints, do heroics often, but I like to do my story solo. I'm pretty sure it useless anyways, beside completing the tutorial and buying some fluff items off the social vendors. Edited by Lyonel
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The problem with social points is that they're only for participating in group dialogue. They don't actually reward other forms of socialization in an MMO.


My guild has a habit of just running Black Talon over and over again once someone decides they want something at a higher social rank. We have characters all over the level range and players from disparate time zones, so it's hard to "level with a friend" enough for the sparse group dialogues you get post Black Talon to amount to anything.

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Cool thanks for the positive feedback.


And I know social is a lot of fluff, but from what I've seen, there are some cool things too like speeders. And whats wrong with having your companion in a slave bikini? Oh and the tuskan raider outfit is sweet.

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