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French on an east coast server


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Our server, Veela, is an east coast server. As far as I can tell, English is the official language. However, a large community of Quebecan players on the Sith side has grown on the server. It seems like in most every area, general chat is filled with people typing in French.


I personally find this annoying. A large portion of general chat is in a language that I don't understand. Often English sentences are lost in the mingle. Then, whenever someone brings up the issue, a huge United States/Canada flamewar erupts. Quebecans dig their heals stating that it's not an English server, but merely an east coast server. US citizens dig their heals and typically flame everything there is about Quebec.



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As an ENGLISH speaking Canadian this seems kinda biased from your side. I am really tired of these flame wars against Canada and the States - nevermind even adding language to the mix.


But it seems biased since people from Quebec make a legit claim, it doesn't say language on the North America Server selection like it does on EU, all it says is East or West Coast. While you say the Americans just complain about everything from Quebec.


And honestly, no one can completely hate Quebec ... They did give us poutine!

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This is worse than when a girl in my class complained about the waiters at the chinese restaurant speaking in chinese,



wait no, I think this maybe worse than when that same girl then said "how can jewish people stand being wrong"


its their language of choice, its not like the're gossiping about you.


Do you love to butt into conversations, because this post makes me think you are like that, and you dont have a clue when it comes to respecting other cultures

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Our server, Veela, is an east coast server. As far as I can tell, English is the official language. However, a large community of Quebecan players on the Sith side has grown on the server. It seems like in most every area, general chat is filled with people typing in French.


I personally find this annoying. A large portion of general chat is in a language that I don't understand. Often English sentences are lost in the mingle. Then, whenever someone brings up the issue, a huge United States/Canada flamewar erupts. Quebecans dig their heals stating that it's not an English server, but merely an east coast server. US citizens dig their heals and typically flame everything there is about Quebec.




And the game as been release in french, german, and english so if I whish to speak in german on teh east coast server I will do so, same if I want to speak french sorry to hear you just know one language and that you are closed in your mind bonne journée mon ami :D QUe la force soit avec vous :D

Edited by Frenzyguy
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I never quite understood that argument "I can't understand what you're saying, so you have to speak the same language as me." Do you also ask people talking on their phones to put it on speaker so you don't miss half the conversation too?

I'm a full blooded American veteran and I think Americans need to stop being such crybabies when something isn't the way they want it to be.

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If you go over and glance at the French language forums, French Canadians would love nothing more than to have a dedicated French server in North America just for them. There are a large number of French Canadian/Quebecois players, so one server for them wouldnt be a bad idea. So, if you dont like seeing French in your chatbox all the time, then you should join their petitioning efforts to get an official North American French language server. Until then, they have as much choice to read English in their chatbox as you have to read French
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Well, as someone from Quebec, I happen to speak both English and French, however English is my mother tongue, and that's what I always communicate in in-game So personally, I would have no issues with your general chat. However, I do also see Spanish and Portuguese (Br players) - and I don't understand either language- so what would you suggest when that happens on your server?


Personally, I would encourage the use of English, and if someone has a question or needs to alert people (I'm on a PVP server) , then fine send out an alert in w/e language. Reply in that language by pm instead of general chat. Otherwise, long sessions of chat in other languages in general do tend to bothet some people.


In other MMos, if people are unilingual , for example some francophone Quebecois, they form their own guilds and communicate in guild chat, in the absence of a dedicated east coast francophone server.

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They are playing on a server that is for the time zone in which they live. You are intolerant of other cultures... who is wrong here?


If the OP is an US citizen it is unfortunately understandable. Not right, not polite, but understandable. This sort of thing happens in real life Empires. Intolerance is quite common in the US now.


(and before anyone asks ... yes I am a US citizen. I live in Michigan and frequently see BOTH sides of the fence.)


Quebec needs it's own EST French Language Server, because they are customers just like the English speaking US citizens are.

Edited by Kyrmius
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OMG I hate the chat on Veela all it is is French/American bashing. I am American and I could care less- talk in French whatever- but when the bashing comes in I hate it and it's back and forth all day long on Dromund Kaas. Game has been out a month and that is still all the chat is there!
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I'm a francophone on Veela and I try to speak english as often as I can in general chat even though it's my second language. I think that speaking french in general chat not only divides the server's community, but it also becomes common knowledge and it scares people away from rolling on that server, which isn't good for population. The brazilian servers on other games are a good example of what people want to avoid.


I've played games with servers shared by europeans and north americans and I've never seen any swedish players, for example, spam the main chat in swedish. Everyone speaks english. I don't understand why it's different with my fellow quebecers. It's not a matter of national pride, or standing out against american imperialism or whatever, it's simply to be understood by everyone and not exclude yourself from the rest of the server community.


I hope that francophone players will understand that, and that everyone else will show more tolerance.

Edited by Joeymtl
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I'm a francophone on Veela and I try to speak english as often as I can in general chat even though it's my second language. I think that speaking french in general chat not only divides the server's community, but it also becomes common knowledge and it scares people away from rolling on that server, which isn't good for population. The brazilian servers on other games are a good example of what people want to avoid.


I've played games with servers shared by europeans and north americans and I've never seen any swedish players, for example, spam the main chat in swedish. Everyone speaks english. I don't understand why it's different with my fellow quebecers. It's not a matter of national pride, or standing out against american imperialism or whatever, it's simply to be understood by everyone and not exclude yourself from the rest of the server community.


I hope that francophone players will understand that, and that everyone else will show more tolerance.


...The sad thing is, as a second language you type english better than most americans..

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I like having the Quebecois on our server. I live in Montreal, the general chat on Veela feels just like home :) Perhaps a little exposure to other cultures might prove beneficial OP. I am sure there is a guild full of Quebecers out there who would love to have you.
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it doesn't say language on the North America Server selection like it does on EU,

And actually, even those language identifiers on the EU servers do NOT mean that the language shown is the mandatory language for players to use on that server. It ONLY means that the data on that server is provided in that language (Item names, location names, etc.) and that customer support on that server is provided in that specific language.


So if the Russians decide to invade an English server, and speak only russian, etc, then they CAN and are ALLOWED TO. Actually, I bet there are one or two servers by now where exactly this is happening, just like in any other MMO.


Now, I'm definitely not a native English speaker, and I personally find it rude to speak a language in public knowing fully well that other people nearby cannot understand that language. Or to not even try to learn a few polite words while in some other country, even on a vacation (Just a simple "thank you", "please", "good day/evening/night" or "a big beer please?" spoken in the local language works wonders already). You wouldn't believe the amount of "I'm a US citizen" tourists we see all over Europe making silly demands but not showing the least bit of respect to others by learning just a few words, just a few customs. It's sad, but about every single European says the same thing about American tourists. Not about all American tourists, but it is sadly the impression about them in general.


But overall that's just it: it's rude to talk unintelligeble among others. But it's NOT illegal in any way, except maybe in North Korea. It would be nicer if there were more designated servers, some French, Spanish and Portugese servers in America, a bunch of Russian, Greek, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Polish, Italian and whatever servers in Europe. It's just not economically feasible. So we have to live with one another. Maybe try a different approach, and learn about each others, funny habits, a few foreign words, a recipe for a local dish. Have fun, explore and experience.


Oh, and in case you wonder: everything they said about the Netherlands and French Fries in Pulp Fiction was TRUE!

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