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***HOTFIX the 50's bracket in immediately!


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Bump for an immediate hotfix to address this monsterous problem.


Star Wars: The Old Republic - Game Update 1.1




Level 50 players now participate in their own Warzone bracket and will not be matched with lower-level players.



It's not getting hotfixed. It's on the test server right now.


Cry less people.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic - Game Update 1.1




Level 50 players now participate in their own Warzone bracket and will not be matched with lower-level players.



It's not getting hotfixed. It's on the test server right now.


Cry less people.


Oh yeah... and the date for that patch is... That's right.

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Please! 4 Warzones in a row, nothing but level 50 premades. So frustrating virtually everyone left our side immediately.


We've had enough of this, people are canceling their accounts over this. It makes warzone pvp very nearly - umplayable.


This needs to go live immediately in a hotfix, like tonight!:mad:


Who cancelled? Name 2 at least

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So... Where's the bracket???


9 Warzones today, and 7 of them were nearly ALL 50's on the Empire Side. Weren't even close, and most people simply left them after the first wipefest. Espcially since the game balance is hideous, and operatives 2 shot everyone.


Better fix this, I know over a dozen guildies canceled because of this nonsense.


Hotfix it.. Tonight.

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Hi, I'm a whiney level 10 who wants to PvP rather than level as MMOs are meant to be played in this matter is inconsequential to me, for I am also the most important person in the world. I don't care that I can offer nothing to my team or am beaten by people who spent far more time earning their levels and gear. I most likely am a subpar player to begin with but I blame the entire problem on other people. Given these facts, I demand that the developers implement a patch immediately (even if they are not even at work right now) and bring down the servers for unscheduled maintenance and further inconvenience everyone else. Again, I am the most important person in the world.



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Having a 50's bracket won't really change anything or the balance of win/lose ration, you will still have to deal with premades with better gear, and the broken and imbalanced mirror classes and their abilities, faction imbalances, and lastly the numerous hacks and exploits and bots that are currently in use by players, with no ban hammer coming down hard on these cheaters makes pvp even more invalid and currently not worth the time.


Once some real fixes and anti-cheat system in place we might see pvp improve, also limiting premades to ranked matches only in the future would be a great start leaving reg warzones to pugs only.

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I'm actually hoping they wait on this until I reach level 50 purely from PvPing. Then, later in the future after all of the patches, I can pull one of those:


"Well, back in my day, us level 10's had to get curbstomped by fully geared level 50's ALL the way 'til we got to level 50 ourselves, and WE LIKED IT DAMNIT!"


Then I'll rock back and forth in my rocking chair while I mutter to myself and knit and complain about the enitlement of the younger generation.

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I find people who cancel their subscription over a small thing like this is a very radical person.

A person who has either all of something or none of something and cannot be happy with what they get. And not realizing how much effort BW is putting into this game, a cornucopia of people cry over the most microscopic of things.

Kinda like a 15 year old boy in a relationship to be honest. "Oh woman you won't "insert act here" with me? F dat noise we're breaking up so I can hook up with a random chick."


I for one would like to show you guys to the door out of the forums and game, Grow up before coming back because we don't like people like you ruining our playing experience ;)


Sincerely, Zetti from Iron Council.

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Funny. How can you make a pre made when you can't queue up with more than 4 people?


Ive had several games multiple times in row against premades of 7-8 people and they are full battlemaster geared by all the love they have earned by low levels feeding valor,

but i guess its all down to getting "lucky" or "intentionally" placed against us.

This happens sadly with 5-6 other guilds as well :/

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Anyone else notice that Sub-50's have completely stopped queing up for PVP?


It's funny, 90% of all warzones are solid 50's now, farming lowbies for valor. I think globally, sub-50s just essentially gave up on PVP in SWTOR, and probably cancelled because of it!


Now my only concern is how bad 50 bracket will be for NEW 50's coming into the scene? They should remove expertise completely to balance that out OR provide full expertise gear purchasable by folks that turn 50 so they don't go in at a severe disadvantage.


Come on BW think this crap through! Whoever is doing your pvp needs a pinkslip.

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Please! 4 Warzones in a row, nothing but level 50 premades. So frustrating virtually everyone left our side immediately.


We've had enough of this, people are canceling their accounts over this. It makes warzone pvp very nearly - umplayable.


This needs to go live immediately in a hotfix, like tonight!:mad:




I'm no longer queuing for warzones, because I'm sick of coming up against 50 after 50 after 50. I suggest everyone else sickened by this STOP QUEUING. That will get the dev's attention and hopefully make them prioritize this.

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Warzone queues went from within 1 minute of me clicking the button, to well over 5-10 minutes after clicking it. Then when I enter them, it's SOLID FIFTIES!


What this shows is, all of the sub-50's have simply stopped PVPing until this mess of a pvp game is fixed.


Can you blame them? Now I inspect the other team after entering a WZ, and if its more than a couple 50's I simply leave it immediately. Why wait to be farmed? Why feed them expertise gear?


Really bad design decisions.

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Anyone else notice that Sub-50's have completely stopped queing up for PVP?


It's funny, 90% of all warzones are solid 50's now, farming lowbies for valor. I think globally, sub-50s just essentially gave up on PVP in SWTOR, and probably cancelled because of it!


Now my only concern is how bad 50 bracket will be for NEW 50's coming into the scene? They should remove expertise completely to balance that out OR provide full expertise gear purchasable by folks that turn 50 so they don't go in at a severe disadvantage.


Come on BW think this crap through! Whoever is doing your pvp needs a pinkslip.


Exactly, either make expertise more easily obtainable or get rid of it. Theres no reason to have it if its going to be that hard to get. That just means that the more experienced (and already better) people will get MORE of an advantage. How does that make sense?


You can't even call this competition, it's ridiculous.


It's almost like they designed the pvp in this game to prevent new people from enjoying it at all. Good luck retaining customers that way....

Edited by LastSurvivor
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