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23/0/18 ability priorities


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Deception damage is fine.


On another note. I have one match I played today that shows decently the basics of how to kill and survive in warzones as deception. I just upgraded my processor recently to fraps some vids, maybe I'll upload it. Wish I was frapsing since the game came out... lots of good missed clips /sigh

Edited by Nocorras
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If you're not in Dark Charge you're probably the easiest person to kill in the game, and since Assassins are about average (i.e. not overpowered but not weak), it's usually a good idea to focus on killing the easiest person to kill first in PvP because having a manpower advantage is huge.


Additionally Assassins are very dangerous as the fight drags on because they can kill people under 50% almost continously without depending on any lengthy cooldowns (Shock + Assassin + Maul usually does the trick). There are times where I was basically killing a guy each time Assassinate popped, and perhaps most people just think double bladed lightsabers are dangerous. Whatever the reason, Assassins tend to get focused on so if you don't go Dark Charge (not necessarily have to wear tanking gear) you can definitely die very fast. An Assassin dying with Dark Charge is a good thing, since you're probably the hardest to kill target that people will actually focus on (nobody's going to focus fire on a 20K pure tank). An Assassin dying with Surging/Lightning Charge puts your team behind since that's the easiest person to kill for your enemy, and for the most part you don't get to convince your enemy to leave you alone just because you're in a DPS charge, so going Dark Charge is the safe way to go in most circumstances.


If you're absolutely sure no one will focus on you as a priority then Deception specs do fine, but half of the classes are borderline invinicible if you can somehow convince the enemy to leave them alone.

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I don't understand why people think they have to go some hybrid tank or madness spec to do well in pvp. You don't.


Because they want to be able to take hits, deal respectable damage, pull and CC enemies, and damage mitigate for their group.


If your goal is to top dps meters don't spec hybrid-tank, but if you want to run utility, protection, while losing a bit of dps, hybrid-tank works.


As far as what skills are used in 23-0-18:


I typically open with shock to get the 9% crit buff for melee.

Usually the rotation is Thrash, Thrash, Shock, Crushing Darkness (never "cast" unless instant)


If the target is under 30% Assassinate. Sprinkle in saber strike if you're waiting for force regen, though this is rare.

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